The demo world must be profitable to continue its existence... discuss
category: general [glöplog]
The demo world has never turned a profit despite having a following of the best musicians, artists and programmers in the world. Some might argue that it is a failure for there not to be money tied into this world...
Why do BITS still release demos?
![BB Image](
1. Code demos.
2. ???
3. Profit!
2. ???
3. Profit!
??? = sell demos on ebay
Go sell your demos about it
discussions suck.
quite a discussion you incited there, slimer.
Silver Slimer:
There is hardly any money interest in art, and music will be there when money is gone.
Get the fuck out.
Silver Slimer, if you are able to make money with your coding skills or whatsoever, good for you. But AFAIK, the scene's goal is NOT to be a profitable business. I rather see it as a community of free minds, and is to me the only interesting culture that has emerged during the last 25 years. Demos are a new form of art. Are a painting or a sculpture useful ? No ! People still like them because they are beautiful. That's what demos are... digital dreams.
TL;DR : I don't agree with you... AT ALL !
TL;DR : I don't agree with you... AT ALL !
best musicians, artists and programmers in the world
Yeah, sure... name 4 of them, better than [insert random world best artist/musician].
Chiptunes and Boris Valejo ripoffs are part of the BEST in art in the world!
But I do agree that the demoscene has the best C64 and Amiga programmers in the world. Perhaps even the only C64 and Amiga programmers in the world.
Paintings and sculptures are not useful, however there is no denying that the most renowned historical works of art were initially created in exchange for money. Why would Michaelangelo paint a chapel or sculpt David to impress a few geeks in his day when he can actually get reimbursed for his effort.
Silver Slimer: I love how you really are no different than your cousin…
Michaelangelo and David were artists. Mind it !
Demoscene is a sandbox, not a marketplace.
And did you know there now is an incredible tweeter client on C64?
I'm actually wondering how I am similar to the Humanoid Decipher, pray explain.