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Stop bitching around...

category: general [glöplog]
4mat ?
added on the 2010-03-08 19:17:49 by 24 24
work harder 4mat. Moby is BACK .
added on the 2010-03-08 19:18:09 by 24 24
I know I've seen the massive monitor he's got now, 100 tracks onscreen at once, eep!
added on the 2010-03-08 19:19:54 by 4mat 4mat
goooooood boy :) coz me too i'm back
added on the 2010-03-08 19:21:23 by 24 24
nooon is back for breakpoint 2010. with a demo.
added on the 2010-03-08 19:21:50 by 24 24
or a picture.....
added on the 2010-03-08 19:22:33 by 24 24
added on the 2010-03-08 19:30:53 by 24 24
i'll probably be flamed for saying this, and kusma will think i'm a wuss, but i think rpfr has a point. i somehow feel that the pouet commenters changed from a bunch of trolls/assholes and the one side and good constructive critics on the other, into a lot of whiny spoiled brats.

can't we all just say what we like and don't about a prod? respect for the author doesn't mean thumbing nothing down. it means helping people to get better, and valueing their work for what it is (be it good or bad).

then again, i liked ps's version of this thread better.
added on the 2010-03-08 19:35:17 by skrebbel skrebbel
4mat: if nobody turned up, it wouldn't be much of a party :-) I'm on the fence over the issue. Then again, if i'm going to work my ass off for 6 months on a demo, then I want to see it on the big screen myself!
added on the 2010-03-08 19:35:46 by MeteoriK MeteoriK
btw ra,
or a picture.....

hah! :-) haven't found that crew yet? or hows it going
added on the 2010-03-08 19:37:54 by skrebbel skrebbel
most of the criticism of our last release was my shitty music :-) I would argue that I wrote that whilst sweating my ass off in my underpants with swine flu, and it was a rush job to fit around the demo (you should always write the music first.. doing it the other way round was dumb). Excuses aside, my crap music was a bit of a turd stain on an otherwise pretty good 64k. Criticism taken. I'm rewriting the synth, and next time I'm involved in a 64k, I'll have the music done well in advance, rather than throwing it together at the last minute, and waiting until it's released to think "actually, this is shit" :-)
added on the 2010-03-08 19:47:48 by MeteoriK MeteoriK
added on the 2010-03-08 19:48:09 by skrebbel skrebbel
i asked FB , they refused.
added on the 2010-03-08 19:48:26 by 24 24
that's the awesomest thing ever. I'm going to use that next time I thumb something down :-D
added on the 2010-03-08 19:51:42 by MeteoriK MeteoriK
*I've never thumbed anything down before.. now I have an excuse
added on the 2010-03-08 19:53:58 by MeteoriK MeteoriK
Party rule that says you can't use previously released music in a demo. Again wtf? Scenario: Musician releases a song while group isn't doing stuff, coder likes it and starts testing with it on some new demo, can't fscking use the thing. In the old days when we all wore suits and people didn't trample on my lawn loads of demos came out with the same music, is this really something to be bothered about? Imagine if that was in place with the old ST scene, except for the TEX ones they'd all be silent.

thankyou I'm here all week, try the fish.
added on the 2010-03-08 19:58:36 by 4mat 4mat
I remember "I feel like a computer" being disqualified at assembly 2003 cause they ripped some music.

So what? It was still a great demo with great humour. If you don't like the fact that some of the music is ripped, don't vote for it. Admittedly, they could've put some credits in the demo for the real author, but that demo deserved the 2nd place it got (IIRC, legomania beat it).

You're right though - the ST scene would be nothing without mad max..
added on the 2010-03-08 20:02:36 by MeteoriK MeteoriK
go make a "chiptune" about it.
added on the 2010-03-08 20:08:06 by havoc havoc
i hate fishes.... per day we loose 26000 species in this world . the world is diing . its the best world for demoscene.
added on the 2010-03-08 20:10:03 by 24 24
agree 4-mat?
added on the 2010-03-08 20:10:40 by 24 24
dude.. bringing up environmentalism on a flamey website... are you mad?

hell, lets discuss God :-D
added on the 2010-03-08 20:24:34 by MeteoriK MeteoriK
god is pink!!!
added on the 2010-03-08 20:56:28 by blala blala
viznut: awesome
added on the 2010-03-08 21:06:03 by kusma kusma
i agree with ronny's statement.
added on the 2010-03-08 21:47:04 by dipswitch dipswitch


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