new ascii collections
category: offtopic [glöplog]
thank you for the suggestions on Linux/OSX/Other! Makes this Mac-using scener happy ( :
Not a collection, but worth a visit anyway
Not a collection, but worth a visit anyway
New cro pack (23) at
your new home for amiga ascii art ->>>> <<<<-
my scene enthusiasm is up to 100% again
doesn't work on either browser i use (chrome and safari) goddammit :)
(at least provide the option of "view a shitty broken version" or whatever instead of just "LOL USE ANOTHER BROWSER")
(at least provide the option of "view a shitty broken version" or whatever instead of just "LOL USE ANOTHER BROWSER")
oh the joy of browser specific web pages, doesn't work. thumb down!
it also works with IE 7 and 8, and Opera 10.
He is probably using some
plugin/script that messes up the user agent stuff.
It happened to dMG as
We have tested this in FF on Linux/MacOS and Windows without
Why it needs recent browsers? The lovely Topaz you are looking at
right now
wouldn't work otherwize and the site is designed around it.
it is only possible to embed fonts with the latest versions of the
Cutting edge has a price ;)
He is probably using some
plugin/script that messes up the user agent stuff.
It happened to dMG as
We have tested this in FF on Linux/MacOS and Windows without
Why it needs recent browsers? The lovely Topaz you are looking at
right now
wouldn't work otherwize and the site is designed around it.
it is only possible to embed fonts with the latest versions of the
Cutting edge has a price ;)
i was lazy and pasted my reply from asciiarena. hence it sounds a bit funny.
only recent browsers supports embedded fonts. that's why.
safari has buggy support, when it gets fixed, i will remove the block.
only recent browsers supports embedded fonts. that's why.
safari has buggy support, when it gets fixed, i will remove the block.

just released a new amiga ascii collection called "land and freedom" - view and download at
bigups! it looks very well as usual.
As said on ascii arena, nice one dip.
Titan Artpack 3 soon! :)
Titan Artpack 3 soon! :)
sweet, keep 'em coming lads! zeus seems to be over-active after his extra long break :)
Iam really wondering that still things get released today :)
Even when it was a very funny period between 1991 and approx 1994 there exist today not really a reason to do ascii art anymore.
Maybe a LIVE FAST compo on a party would be still interesting ...
Even when it was a very funny period between 1991 and approx 1994 there exist today not really a reason to do ascii art anymore.
Maybe a LIVE FAST compo on a party would be still interesting ...
Some people still like pimping their boards etc and besides drawing is fun.
Has there ever been a reason to make demos... ;)
Has there ever been a reason to make demos... ;)
There are still boards ;) ?
Well if i remember in the 90´s there have been ASCII Groups and conferences on BBS´es all over the world, Ascii artists have been respected in the BBS scene, and honestly for some asciis i recieved a "handicapped" bbs account in return :)
Nowadays its really an art-thingie ... very sub culture ... but still fun iam sure
Well if i remember in the 90´s there have been ASCII Groups and conferences on BBS´es all over the world, Ascii artists have been respected in the BBS scene, and honestly for some asciis i recieved a "handicapped" bbs account in return :)
Nowadays its really an art-thingie ... very sub culture ... but still fun iam sure
Look at Evoke ASCII compo H2O, it's getting bigger and bigger. Text Art is just awesome, and artscene still alive quite a lot.
H20, didnt you do a Darklite Ascii at Datastorm, or did I just imagine that in my head? If you did, please send it to me at tft ALFAMALE darklite COCK org