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A letter!

category: residue [glöplog]
. Wee, as we call him, has also told me
added on the 2009-11-06 19:20:08 by harism harism
about the leftovers in the fridge
which were rotten for a week already
added on the 2009-11-06 20:21:41 by jeenio jeenio
and then eaten by the dog also he told me about
added on the 2009-11-06 20:23:04 by Defiance Defiance
the leftovers in my second fridge
added on the 2009-11-06 20:39:02 by jua jua
and he farted.
added on the 2009-11-06 20:40:01 by havoc havoc
added on the 2009-11-06 20:59:16 by jeenio jeenio
somewhere in Amsterdam, Netherlands,
added on the 2009-11-06 21:03:34 by jua jua
a pupil went to
the bus stop to catch the bus to Lutjebroek.
added on the 2009-11-06 22:29:52 by Alpha C Alpha C
And farted.
added on the 2009-11-06 22:33:19 by havoc havoc
I don't know why, but he just did.
And no one could've suspected how big the consequences were.
added on the 2009-11-06 22:37:08 by Alpha C Alpha C
Or how small.
added on the 2009-11-06 22:50:39 by havoc havoc
Still bigger than your penis, though.
Which was barely able to penetrate
added on the 2009-11-06 23:08:41 by Alpha C Alpha C
a handkerchief
used by Her Majesty
added on the 2009-11-07 02:12:12 by jeenio jeenio
Queen Maali the Hairy.
added on the 2009-11-07 02:34:34 by havoc havoc
The item in question was used while performing the lewd act of
added on the 2009-11-07 02:49:33 by Alpha C Alpha C
added on the 2009-11-07 11:40:22 by jua jua
which is very popular among RIT posters
added on the 2009-11-07 13:33:46 by harism harism
and OSDM users
. Especially latter ones are known to
added on the 2009-11-07 13:42:54 by harism harism


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