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MAiN#4 DEMOPARTY - 2nd to 4th OCTOBER 2009

category: parties [glöplog]
if anyone of you has pantaloon mobile number please give him a call and ask him to finish and release the demo !
added on the 2009-10-02 19:06:03 by nytrik nytrik
ok, we're here. and where are you?
added on the 2009-10-02 19:35:15 by unlock unlock
Can't find the timetable on the site... :(
added on the 2009-10-02 19:47:00 by xernobyl xernobyl
xernobl: Here you go:

15:00 - go outside and get groped by evil old lady

I should point out that gargantuan screen is gargantuan.

And rules.
nytrik: I sended him an email hope it helps.. greetz!
added on the 2009-10-02 20:07:38 by magic magic
i tied your message onto a pigeon and told it to fly to pantaloon and then threw it in the air. sadly, it then fell from my 4th floor apartment down to the ground and i realized i shouldve tied the message around his legs and not its entire body. so, i surely hope magic's email will arrive in time!!!
added on the 2009-10-02 20:10:36 by el mal el mal
How do we vote for bitjam competition #2?
added on the 2009-10-03 00:20:49 by ulrick ulrick
You make your choice and submit it, the votekey is only used at the very last moment because then you will not be able to change your votes, it will be a wristband for a votekey, for more infos ask pasy at the beamteam.
added on the 2009-10-03 01:05:14 by SilkCut SilkCut
xernobyl> if you're at the partyplace you can check it on partymeister (address shown on bigscreen), if you are not..then watch the stream and catch it :p
added on the 2009-10-03 01:08:52 by SilkCut SilkCut
actually, there is a timetable on the party page
though i have to admit that it is very well hid :)
added on the 2009-10-03 01:50:08 by blala blala
ah good =)
added on the 2009-10-03 01:52:01 by SilkCut SilkCut
It's time for Breakfast club @ MAIN party
added on the 2009-10-03 08:32:20 by oiD oiD
this party is super!
added on the 2009-10-03 11:25:15 by nosfe nosfe
BB Image
added on the 2009-10-03 11:54:54 by Deltafire Deltafire
i'm tired of power outage :(
added on the 2009-10-03 12:21:51 by SilkCut SilkCut
Is there any FTP ulpoad server when one can upload the entry??
added on the 2009-10-03 12:33:03 by sim sim
nosfe needs a beer judging by the stream!
added on the 2009-10-03 12:37:50 by pantaloon pantaloon
Slim> partynet ? or is it remote
added on the 2009-10-03 12:41:38 by SilkCut SilkCut
Insane location, great organizing... now if only some more sceners would move their asses over here :)
added on the 2009-10-03 12:43:30 by scamp scamp
Silk: remote, for the photo compo (could not arrive 2 da party,f***)...
added on the 2009-10-03 12:46:32 by sim sim
awesome awesome awesome...ppl who couldnt be here this year for sure should count this party into their next years partytourism schedule. i will.
added on the 2009-10-03 13:03:20 by _docd _docd
DocD, If you still continue to tell such a thing I am gonna take a TGV and go there...

But what about my question?
added on the 2009-10-03 13:08:16 by sim sim
Sim (sorry for the typo) >>> As specified on the website contact pasy by email but...you know the deadline aight ?
added on the 2009-10-03 13:16:39 by SilkCut SilkCut
OFFICIAL ADDENDUM: It's not over for photo yet so do it now !!
added on the 2009-10-03 13:17:57 by SilkCut SilkCut


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