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Demoscene: The Art of Real-Time eBook released

category: general [glöplog]
Mmm, I thought I could download it. Oh well. Chances aren't that big that I'll buy it at a party but who knows. So demos are free (gratis) but an e-book about them costs money?
added on the 2009-09-14 10:39:41 by numtek numtek

In my opinion ripping and spreading our scene work is similar to us starting to sell someone's demos for money. Lame, but naturally doable.

however, you do accept money in return for an electronic downloadable pdf of a book that covers images from demos etc.

i wouldn't mind paying for a printed book - but paying for an ebook on demoscene is not going to happen ...
I think the main target (paying) audience for the eBook are the outsiders wanting to learn more about the scene. I will not be disappointed if the scene won't buy it. That was already the case with the print version, even though many sceners bought it in the end.

Haven't got the time yet, but I was thinking about implementing a rdiscount code campaign for sceners, should they answer right to a secret question: The opposite of Lamer is... (starts with an "e"). :)

added on the 2009-09-14 10:47:12 by Rawer Rawer
So demos are free (gratis) but an e-book about them costs money?

What's illogical about that?
added on the 2009-09-14 11:06:18 by gloom gloom
So demos are free (gratis) but an e-book about them costs money?

Qt is free and open-source but support costs money. Your point being? And what Gloom said.
added on the 2009-09-14 11:22:10 by decipher decipher
paying for scenestuff? never
added on the 2009-09-14 11:30:17 by pohar pohar
yes, i agree that now, 5 years later, i probably would have written the review differently. yet, i still think it gives a deent overview about the pros and cons.

anyway, all in all the book is good (especially the first chaopter), and people should support it.
added on the 2009-09-14 11:34:38 by dipswitch dipswitch
well you could give us somepages from it to see how it looks like ?
maybe index and the introduction :o?
even tho i wont buy it.
added on the 2009-09-14 12:37:21 by panic panic
even tho i wont buy it.

Then STFU... *sigh*
added on the 2009-09-14 12:42:17 by decipher decipher
Decipher: i suggest you to stop. now.
added on the 2009-09-14 12:47:16 by panic panic
Hidden stuff are minor tweaks in the content itself, not bothering the reading experience in anyway.

Well, for me it's not about visible or invisible. Buying a digital file with watermarks kind of feels like I'd buy a real printed book and then at the checkout the cashier would force me to put my hand into ink and have all my fingerprints marked on the book's first page. I just don't like the idea of that.
added on the 2009-09-14 12:49:38 by jua jua
/me already has the book.
added on the 2009-09-14 12:50:44 by Gargaj Gargaj
Decipher: i suggest you to stop. now.
added on the 2009-09-14 12:47:16 by Xiaomega

it doesnt have the same ring when you say it. wanna find out why? :)
added on the 2009-09-14 13:04:39 by Gargaj Gargaj
why :s?
added on the 2009-09-14 14:49:56 by panic panic
some kind of secret discount campaing for sceners sounds like a nice idea, though i don't need it as i already have the book. :)
added on the 2009-09-14 15:01:34 by nosfe nosfe
why :s?

Here's a good guess: HE OWNS THE BANHAMMER.
added on the 2009-09-14 15:33:28 by decipher decipher
lol i didn't think of this xD..
added on the 2009-09-14 16:03:08 by panic panic
If you want to show outsiders about the scene, why sell them an ebook? I'd just make a website and tell folks about it...heck, I arranged two program items at the World Science Fiction Convention in Montréal with Barzoule as presenter to get sf fans to know about the scene, and the room was jammed for both of them. No extra charge, was included in the registration for the event.

Really not hard to get folks interest if you don't charge them money. Different than MindCandy too, since that's a way to get to see demos in good quality if you don't have an Amiga or a PC with the right specs, since Demoscene.tv doesn't have everything and YouTube often looks like canned spam. *sigh*

showing stuff to outsiders isn't the hardest point, it's allowing them to go further, to giving them some meat to chew on.
As a starting point an eBook makes no sense. a book alone, even if free, makes no sense. a youtube link makes sense, a link to a zipped demo makes sense. but then the outsider gets hooked or at least wonders what it's all about, and reads wikipedia.
but wikipedia is not enough, that outsider needs the book :)
added on the 2009-09-15 21:19:39 by BarZoule BarZoule
Barzoule: Pkoi a book and not a webpage?
Because he hates trees.
added on the 2009-09-15 22:37:34 by _-_-__ _-_-__
i would like to buy the book in paper-format. i still havent gotten around buying it. me lazy :/ i just think it would be nice to have a book about the demoscene on the bookshelf. i just wonder if there still is places where i can buy it?
added on the 2009-09-16 00:19:17 by rudi rudi
I've this book in printed version (and also Freax #1 and Seen #1 & #2).

I think the main target (paying) audience for the eBook are the outsiders wanting to learn more about the scene. I will not be disappointed if the scene won't buy it. That was already the case with the print version, even though many sceners bought it in the end.

Outsiders would do better (in terms of an introduction to the demoscene) if they use their computers to watch demos (and intros) instead of reading demoscene related ebooks (or articles) that can be readed later, in the bus or in the bed.

On the contrary of what Rawer believes, I don't think that there are many "outsiders" interested in this stuff. Perhaps a few outsiders are really interested (because they already know a little about the scene) but I truly think that these books are for demosceners and demowatchers only. And this is good because we like to read books about our scene, even if they are biased towards a region or a platform (the author is free to choose, right?).

However, I wouldn't pay for a demoscene related ebook. There is a great difference between ebooks and real, printed books... and I will always prefer the solid matter books. You know... eBooks do not fit well in my library.

It may be better if this ebook would be free. I'm pretty sure that I will pay for a printed version of any good demoscene related book even if I read a pdf version before.

Also, I will pay for a printed scene-related magazine if I found one in a kiosk (in fact, I did it because I bought Seen at Breakpoint) but I would never pay for a diskmag. Diskmags like ebooks should be always free.

Wait! It's too late and I'm writing almost like Adok... I should turn again to nightcoding or go to my bed right now.
added on the 2009-09-16 02:57:26 by ham ham
demo scene is most of the time of no concern to outsiders. there have been few exceptions over the years, mainly provided by farbrausch and boosted by game review sites. i don't see how this book facilitate this. however, i have freax at home and really like the historic aspects and my guess is it's the same with this book.
Why would anyone pay for demoscene stuff? Most demosceners has spent months and years developing scene releases and then somebody writes about them and thinks they are twats for not paying up?

Quite frankly this thread is just like the valve spam a couple of years ago.

Stupid art fag lamer director producer editors.
added on the 2009-09-16 09:23:30 by Hatikvah Hatikvah


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