if ( true == x )
category: general [glöplog]
Now, I appreciate that if ( x == true) can unintentionally be written as if ( x = true ), but only if you avoid if ( x ) in the first place. And if ( x ) causes a warning, how about if ( !!x ).
Also, I'd much rather work with a 10,000 line source file than 100, 100 line source files.
Also, I'd much rather work with a 10,000 line source file than 100, 100 line source files.
disable the warning and live happy ever after?
even better: get a life.
A life? You mean learn photoshop or milkytracker?
then again, if you fuck up x==true as x=true in the first place, well...
hobout if(bool(x)) ?
what is the question?
Also, I'd much rather work with a 10,000 line source file than 100, 100 line source files.
Also, I'd much rather work with a language whose most prominent feature is not assisting you to shoot yourself in the foot...
(look, I can make a sentence which is even harder to parse than the original!)
if (true == x) /* holy jeepers creepers! */
if (true == !false && x != !true)
That was: 100 files each containing 100 lines of code.
For those people who find little nuggets of logic elegant in some way.
For those people who find little nuggets of logic elegant in some way.
while ( true == SqrtIsBusy() );
if (strpos($x,$y)===false)
echo "not found";
echo "found";
echo "not found";
echo "found";
Also, I'd much rather work with a 10,000 line source file than 100, 100 line source files
i'd prefer about 5 2000-line-files. :)

if (x==(rand()==7))