Favourite moments from Solskogen 2009
category: general [glöplog]
if you go down from being kicked in the nuts, you havent been training them properly :P
Being kicked in the nuts aint exactly my scene....oh wait
balls certainly touched there.
I mean, I shouldn't probably say this but those pictures of Deus having just been hit in the nuts could very well be the funniest nut-hitting-pictures I've ever seen ;D.
deus took it like a man though! he didnt even puke :)
"baby hit me one more time ..."
I'm proud to say though that before i went down i did my job and got the ball away from the goal before i tended to my own.
I am ashamed to learn that our behaviour on Saturday night was annoying people around me and Jekyll. I already apologized to the organizing crew for being a drunken ape, and now I offer the same apology to anyone else who thinks they deserves it. What Gloom wrote above this whole thing is true. And so, as much as it pains me to be sincere on pouet: I am sorry!
Hyde: at least you're having the balls to say so. Respect! :)
Now, maybe the danish pants-off will eventually get some attention at next Solskogen ;)
Now, maybe the danish pants-off will eventually get some attention at next Solskogen ;)
I guess Annoying is not the best word to describe it. Trust me, I KNOW ANNOYING :)(
Abit over the top, (or to put it in norwegian " Litt voldsomt") is probably more fitting. When you're not sure if people are kidding around, or just wants to pick a fight is when it gets sketchy. (Jekyll had that crazy look you see some guys on the town have when they want to pick a fight)
But you guys beating eachother(and Kusma :D) with belts was probably not a problem to people. But The whole strangleling that poor guy with the glasses in the hallway was not good. Thats where it got out of hand imo.
Please dont stop acting crazy, I like crazy. But lets not be violent ;)
Abit over the top, (or to put it in norwegian " Litt voldsomt") is probably more fitting. When you're not sure if people are kidding around, or just wants to pick a fight is when it gets sketchy. (Jekyll had that crazy look you see some guys on the town have when they want to pick a fight)
But you guys beating eachother(and Kusma :D) with belts was probably not a problem to people. But The whole strangleling that poor guy with the glasses in the hallway was not good. Thats where it got out of hand imo.
Please dont stop acting crazy, I like crazy. But lets not be violent ;)
ehmm orgas .. did you eventually find captain denmarks cape? .. we are not sure when i may have left it when changing back to his secret day to day apperance?!
No flags among the lost&found, sorry. :-)
Dwarf: it's in the back of Rasmus' car - unless someone took it out after I ..er.. I mean, after Captain Denmark folded it neatly and put it there.
alrighty .. then i got puryx's .. ;)
Here is a nice Solskogen moment :)
hahahaha =) what are the odds :)
Many more of thoose great solskogen moments can be found HERE
Courtesy of oyvindr/Tufs.
(man its time for more LOLscener pics)
Courtesy of oyvindr/Tufs.
(man its time for more LOLscener pics)
uh uh .. anyone recorded the live performance?
The one by Next Life? No, all I know of is a few photos.
I did not make a recording of the Next Life performance from the mix.
tft: holy shit that pic is more than hilarious :D
I think Laika got some video of it
Damn! What are the odds of capturing a moment where everyone on the field is unintentionally striking a retard pose ;D? Delightful :D! I especially like the pose by Kusma + guy on the left, it's like making some move from some retard dance of the 90:ies or something ;D. Amazing!
lord error doesn't seem that masculine in this particular moment ;)