I want an edit button
category: general [glöplog]
Who's with me?
your mom
trolling aside, an edit button would be really convenient yes.
go away
another useless topic (c) 2009 louigi verona
trolling aside, an edit button would be really convenient for trolling.
I do not approve of this thread.
havoc is a pedophile
damn! wrong window!
if I had an edit button this wouldn't have happened!
if I had an edit button this wouldn't have happened!
nah, it isn't needed...
edit: on the other hand, it might prevent double posting
edit: on the other hand, it might prevent double posting
i want and edit button too!
whos producin
i want a produce button
I want a reproduce button.
Edit is only really good if you can't edit after somebody replied. Otherwise it's just open to abuse.
I want an undo button
Abuse button?
I want something meaningful to write
I want a "auto-troll" button that takes care of the trolling for me so I don't waste any time.
i want a jenson button!
he sucks. RÄIKKÖNEN <3
I really need a "STFU AND GTFO POUET" button... badly.