Breakpoint 2009 - Everything is under control
category: parties [glöplog]
kinda silly indeed to have just one opener, i actually took a picture of it:

there you go maali.. starting to get with the program i see. excellent!
what dipswitch said.
the 'bring a tiny tiny tiny piece of paper back with the bottle if you want your money back' system sucked ass. effectively it just made the beer more expensive.
the 'bring a tiny tiny tiny piece of paper back with the bottle if you want your money back' system sucked ass. effectively it just made the beer more expensive.
Yep, I brought a ton of those with me back home.
Yeah, the paper system sucked ass. I understand it for beer glasses, but not for bottles.
How about that you just put up a big pile of boxes under supervision of the drinks tent and let us take care of the worst our selves next year?
How about that you just put up a big pile of boxes under supervision of the drinks tent and let us take care of the worst our selves next year?
Yeah, the deposit system sucked. Not going to return in this form. Next year more strict rules for this outsourced task will be defined in beforehand so things work better.
I still have a few left over too, at least i get a souvineer of a stall almost called 'Goatse'...
if your party-deposit is higher then the official deposit, you need a token, otherwise fraud is just too easy. unfortunately the official deposit fee is harder to handle in coins.
i fear the people handling this will make a very reasonable case for keeping the paper system. note that the TUM party has a system like this, it's common and successful.
i fear the people handling this will make a very reasonable case for keeping the paper system. note that the TUM party has a system like this, it's common and successful.
How about glueing the tokens to the bottles themselves? Then you can still return other party visitors' bottles and have a new one for the effort. The bottles will be unique so you can't bring in a truckload of fake ones and cash in.
beer-wrist bands!!! come on!! it would be so awesome with egyptians
chaos, yeah, but TUM has enough bureaucracy and rules to handle 4000 sceners at once, so that's a bad comparison, consider it's visitor count. i see why a party like bp needs it though.
in fact, the worst part, to me, of the ticket system was the fact that the friendly beer selling team would actually roam the partytent and take in empty bottles, effectively rendering many of my 50 cent notes worthless. either a or b guys, but not both.
for smaller parties, i believe just scattering some empty beer boxes around the hall and replacing them regularly should work just fine. nobody wants to cash in, or rip off the orgas (except maybe at a party like bp, where there just might be one, and that's enough). people are just too lazy to return the bottles. so, if your problem is lazyness and not fraud, cater to that by making it super-easy for people to hand in empty bottles.
in fact, the worst part, to me, of the ticket system was the fact that the friendly beer selling team would actually roam the partytent and take in empty bottles, effectively rendering many of my 50 cent notes worthless. either a or b guys, but not both.
for smaller parties, i believe just scattering some empty beer boxes around the hall and replacing them regularly should work just fine. nobody wants to cash in, or rip off the orgas (except maybe at a party like bp, where there just might be one, and that's enough). people are just too lazy to return the bottles. so, if your problem is lazyness and not fraud, cater to that by making it super-easy for people to hand in empty bottles.
all you needed to know was the magic keyphrase:
"aber ich habe ihnen doch gerade pfand zurückgegeben"
("but i just gave you back some deposit")
then order two more beer (needs to be different from the number of bottles you just returned) and watch their head explode. then go away with more beer than you ordered, more deposit tokens than you have bottles and more money you have had for me, i'd say.
"aber ich habe ihnen doch gerade pfand zurückgegeben"
("but i just gave you back some deposit")
then order two more beer (needs to be different from the number of bottles you just returned) and watch their head explode. then go away with more beer than you ordered, more deposit tokens than you have bottles and more money you have had for me, i'd say.
That guy with two teeth was just awesome!
it was fun to hear them talking about how to get rid of their crime records, as it is important to become a security guy... whatever.
securities btw were looking strange but acted always very friendly. even if there was this obvious "don't bite. never ever." rule...
securities btw were looking strange but acted always very friendly. even if there was this obvious "don't bite. never ever." rule...
some ppl (from the Netherlands? or some other country) where looking for a tools-programmer at bp09, i was having a hangover and where sleeping while they anounched it on the stage. any ideas who that was?
nixxes software
thanks ryg
Ignore the terrible 1999 webdesign, that seriously needs to be changed. Only the position for Tools programmer is still open.
Ignore the terrible 1999 webdesign, that seriously needs to be changed. Only the position for Tools programmer is still open.
The bottle deposit system at german parties has always seemed really weird from a finnish perspective (we've had return-fees on bottles for as long as i can remember, and a recycling rate of 90% or so)... I'm all for skrebbels point of just having empty crates around and replacing those from time to time, but if your problem is random people breaking bottles, then i guess you just need the deposit system..
According to a careful search in my pockets and wallet after the party, I apparently didn't return at least 7.50€ worth of bottles. Not that big a deal, really, but still the system was pretty cumbersome. The worst part is that some of the staff obviously didn't really speak English all that much, and I had to try to explain things with my less-than-stellar German.
okkie: you know how long that position will be open? im thinkin of just sending in an application just for fun, in a couple of days...
im thinkin of just sending in an application just for fun, in a couple of days...
Not to be impolite, but that wasn't really the best way to gain respect from that company, was it? ;)
Rydi: yeah, it's open until we find somebody. Send in an application, but don't do it for 'fun' please.
Puryx: huh? what are you blabbering about?
okkie: of course not, it was just a figure of speach.