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Breakpoint 2004 Website launched

category: general [glöplog]
"After tons of delays due to local (more or less political) problems regarding Breakpoint 2004 we are more than happy to finally being able to officially announce BREAKPOINT 2004 - THE CODE INSIDE. We will return to the Military Depot in Bingen/Germany and all the things you loved about BP03 will be there again - and much more. During the next 2 weeks more detailed information regarding new features will be published at our official website."

added on the 2004-02-07 21:42:44 by Fzool Fzool
Ok, Party on and the url is:


Cya all in Bingen :)
added on the 2004-02-07 21:43:36 by Fzool Fzool
I fully agree to this. :)
added on the 2004-02-07 21:47:23 by scamp scamp
Great news
added on the 2004-02-07 23:07:46 by dairos dairos
40 euros ffs?!?!?!?!?
added on the 2004-02-07 23:46:52 by el mal el mal
Yes, entrance fee will be 40 euros. The same as Breakpoint 2003. And the same as Mekka&Symposium 2002.

Gathering is 65 Euro, Assembly is 75 (ok, there is an oldschool rebate so basicly the gamers (that bp does not want) pay for the sceners), the last crappy The Party was 55 Euro.

If 40 euros is too much for a 4 day party for you, visit Disney World instead.

Why is it the same every fucking year? This is a non-profit party, so it does not really matter how high the entry fee is. All money will be given back to the visitors anyway. Complaining about this is disrespecting the organizing team.
added on the 2004-02-08 00:06:14 by scamp scamp
40 euros a "platta of beer" cost in sweden, so if u cant afford it i doubt you should attend to bp! i will and can afford and look forward to it =) (40 euros is damn cheap compared to other parties)
added on the 2004-02-08 00:38:58 by pantaloon pantaloon
40 euro is about the right price. not too high, and not so low that the party gets a skanky feeling ;)
added on the 2004-02-08 01:41:52 by kusma kusma
Assembly is 75 (ok, there is an oldschool rebate so basicly the gamers (that bp does not want) pay for the sceners)

well, no one's seriously bringing a computer to a demo party, right? a normal ticket for assembly is 35e, and since practically all sceners get an oldskool ticket, the real ticket price is 17.50e.

i'm not whining about the bp ticket price, i just noticed scamp picked the most expensive ticket price for assembly he could find ;)
added on the 2004-02-08 02:08:25 by reed reed
reed: sorry, but you did not get the point.
i'd rater pay 100eur for a party where no gamerlamers hang around that paing nothing for a party with gaymecompos. assembly is heavily cross financed by people who seceners as cheap future employees and gamers. bp not.
i mean why do you go to a party?
because of the low entry fee or for days of FUN?
added on the 2004-02-08 04:31:12 by abductee abductee
i wouldnt mind beeing able to _afford_ entering the party place though. 40e seems expensive mostly if you come from non scandinavian countries... i dont have that much money problems but other ppl easily might.
added on the 2004-02-08 04:42:29 by psenough psenough
specialy if they come from eastern or southern europe..
added on the 2004-02-08 04:44:09 by psenough psenough
And for Americans: 40 Euros is equal to GET YOUR BUTT ON A FARGING PLANE AND SHUT THE HELL UP AND GO Euros.

For unemployed Americans, it would be PLANE. NOW. WHY ARE YOU NOT ON A PLANE?
thank you for english to american translation sgt ;)
added on the 2004-02-08 08:37:39 by psenough psenough
some data:

Average gross annual earnings in industry and services of full-time employees in enterprises with 10 or more employees (ECU/EUR)

Gross earnings are remuneration (wages and salaries) in cash paid directly to the employee, before any deductions for income tax and social security contributions paid by the employee. Data is presented for full-time employees in "industry and services".

year 2002:

EU average: 39329
Hungary: 5870
Bulgaria: 1587

(source: http://europa.eu.int/comm/eurostat/)

so dear Pantaloon and other people who are from rich countries and think 40 euros is fucking cheap, please shut up.
added on the 2004-02-08 12:26:25 by blala blala
40 euros is alot to many people (including me ;) but if 40 euro is what the organizers need to make bp what it is, then that's what they need. i doubt they're ripping you off :P
added on the 2004-02-08 12:44:25 by lithis lithis
blala, whats important is how the economy is in germany, as thats where BP is arranged, just because everything is dirty cheap in bulgaria/hungary due to the fact that they dont make as much money as germans do, means that bp will be expensiver to arranged in germany than in hungary/bulgaria.

Thereof, they will need to take a higher entrance money, wich isnt so strange , is it?
If hungarians/bulgarians cant afford visiting bp, then its their problem, they can arrange own parties to which they can visit, simple as that.

The only sollution to make BP go around with a lower entrance(exept cutting down on facitilities, wich btw isnt that priorited at BP) is to move the party from germany, something i dont think the BP organizing team isnt so hip on..

So blala... Go rant on your local politicians to make up a plan so you can get more money, instead of nagging on us rich cool guys who has new computers and can travel the world and spend money without giving a fuck.
added on the 2004-02-08 12:52:13 by Hatikvah Hatikvah
I really don't know what's wrong with you all moaners. You probably live in Mainz or Frankfurt or somewhere else nearby and want the party to be for free! I have to plan on around 150 EUR for my way to get there and back home, most visitors even more. So i really *don't* *care* about entrance fee being 20, 40, or 60 EUR! Besides, i trust scamp to manage my money well and have to agree with him. The orgas are making a great present to us by arraging such a monster party as BP.

Now comes my big wish: a bigger bigsreen, so that everyone can see well. Perhaps that requieres a bigger hall or something?

Blala: i might think special entrance price can be arranged for visitors from eastern european countries and ex soviet union, probably decided on a one-by-one basis? Go ahead and ask the orgas.
added on the 2004-02-08 13:22:37 by eye eye
About the lame democomporules.. Now with correct phpBB code.
added on the 2004-02-08 14:13:35 by Hatikvah Hatikvah
Haha, wrong again.. stupid fucking phpBB.

About the lame democomporules
added on the 2004-02-08 14:14:18 by Hatikvah Hatikvah
40 EUR is about the per-visitor cost we have. note the "per-visitor" - this is what we pay for setting up the location and equipment, for tables, chairs, power, etc. it does not matter in the slightest who that visitor is or where he comes from.

as it is, bp2003 finances were a very close thing. offering a discount to some people would mean that other people (either "normal" visitors or the organizers) have to pay the rest.

if we could make it notably cheaper, we would, but we just can't. so 40 eur is what it is right now.
added on the 2004-02-08 15:04:37 by ryg ryg
i will go anyway, i am forced :)

will there be heating this year or do people have to bring their own coals/wood with them? :)
added on the 2004-02-08 15:13:50 by el mal el mal

that aside, we'll do our very best to have WORKING heating this time. :)
added on the 2004-02-08 15:20:49 by ryg ryg
i'm so looking forward to the bp.

dlz + bp = <3
added on the 2004-02-08 16:36:43 by dalezr dalezr


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