Pictures of Amiga computers you must see before you die
category: general [glöplog]
an a600 with built in lcd, courtesy of the red button agency, used for VJ biz i heard.

Spot: Daaaaaamn!
x-copy on national tv.

If you attended M&S2001 or 2002 I believe that your late machine inspired me to give my tower machine a similar (black yellow - attention) look :)
If you attended M&S2001 or 2002 I believe that your late machine inspired me to give my tower machine a similar (black yellow - attention) look :)
Spot: wow, i'd love to see that RBA miggy in action!
...which can be seen on this snapshot at an MdS meeting in 2003

d0DgE: Looks cool. :)
dODgE: I've attended all MS's and Breakpoints since 2001 so that's probable :) Not a great idea, looking back at it though. My hands got sticky.
skan: wow, that's the coolest computer case lighting I've ever seen.
Aaah, vintage computing!

skan :D
That bit about the power supply frying your computer brings up a good point: How the hell can one protect from that kind of stuff re: retro hardware? Is there any way to put a UPS-style "buffer" between the supply and the motherboard to prevent frying? I've seen these nice PicoPSU mods for A1200s, which I was planning to try... But that still doesn't seem to answer the question. Anyone here an expert on retro computing power-health?
Hmm or i understand you wrong, but i think you can make something nice with a fuse.

more images here....

more images here....
another.. slightly modified a600 =)

neat! bite my shiny a1200 ass !

Mine. The bottom half of the case is black. I had more photos, but I lost them and I don't have anything decent to make new ones. Needs only custom sticker and will be 100% finished.
A600 & C64 in progress...
pimp my commodore!
show us yours Keito!
Spsce tits
The picture hotlinking rot in this thread is alarming.
it's alive again

now this is a thread worth necroposting to. come on folks.