category: general [glöplog]
Note to self: Do not step into the snake-pit that is the pouet BBS without proper protection.
@Humanoid: Making demos (and intros) is a necessary step towards practical betterment of life and the universe.
So, it should be added to the Nadreamia project! :)
So, it should be added to the Nadreamia project! :)
@Humanoid: Making demos (and intros) is a necessary step towards practical betterment of life and the universe.
So, it should be added to the Nadreamia project! :)
Hmm.... maybe it should.
Quote:how much past experience do you have of working on real-world, large-scale software projects?
"large scale"? Hmm... not much really. There is some "large scale" stuff, my own stuff, that I've been working part-time on, for the past few years. That's all.
see, he doesn't even know what "large scale" means. hint: it's not 100k lines of code.
I used to know someone like Humanoid. Someone who spends their whole time investigating, researching and absorbing scientific material and presenting all these snippets as a body of evidence, citing it in their essays to support their claims.
Unfortunately they've never considered the proper scientific approach of trying to falsify their own claims, they look only for supporting evidence and their selection process is quite malleable. Evidence that is tenuous is considered, even dreams and science fiction elements are included.
The result of this is that the ideas become "too large" for them to prove. They will not produce evidence of any product from their ideas because they see it as self evident, too difficult for others to understand, or claim incapacity to prove it citing lack of equipment or time or some other resource.
The ideas also become a thing of comfort to retire to in times of strife, as you or I would turn to some hobby like painting or programming. Thus they develop into a totem and any attempts to argue with or disprove the idea by a third party cause emotional pain which manifests as depression, retreat or anger.
My advice to Humanoid is to find a way to drop these ideas and turn to philosophy.
Unfortunately they've never considered the proper scientific approach of trying to falsify their own claims, they look only for supporting evidence and their selection process is quite malleable. Evidence that is tenuous is considered, even dreams and science fiction elements are included.
The result of this is that the ideas become "too large" for them to prove. They will not produce evidence of any product from their ideas because they see it as self evident, too difficult for others to understand, or claim incapacity to prove it citing lack of equipment or time or some other resource.
The ideas also become a thing of comfort to retire to in times of strife, as you or I would turn to some hobby like painting or programming. Thus they develop into a totem and any attempts to argue with or disprove the idea by a third party cause emotional pain which manifests as depression, retreat or anger.
My advice to Humanoid is to find a way to drop these ideas and turn to philosophy.
Edit: also they see the scientific establishment as stuffy, overburdened with bureaucracy and process, and feel certain that their ideas will be trampled on if aired. This attitude is abhorrent.
@Optimus: Thanks to take this guy inside pouet. We need even more [place the word you want here].

@texel: BASS?
My advice to Humanoid is...
It's nice of you, trying to offer me advice, however your description of what you think I'm like is completely wrong.
....they see the scientific establishment as stuffy,...
Unlike the people you talk about. I love the scientific establishment.
My advice to you is that you shouldn't make too many assumptions about people you know nothing about.
quoteslaggers ahoy!
This project will have a huge impact on the world of science. Scientists all over the planet will benefit from it.
What exactly is this? I am wondering. Can you reveal some hints about it?
Also, Humanoid: Imagine I open a website. I write somewhere that I am working on star-trek like technologies and above star-trek technologies. I claim to have been working on quantum teleportation and have the key to the theory of everything and so on. But I know nothing about physics except from the jargon which I use as if I was writting science fiction. I don't say that you have or have not been working with any of these. But people are rightfully skeptic (don't look at me, I am light-minded :). You are rightfully too when you wonder why people bother? Why when someone opens a site which claims something, someone has to disproove it? If he wouldn't say an opinion would that mean that he approves it? For me no. For some yes. Some people feel like they have to question the authors of the claims. As for me, I just didn't found any reason to do so as long as it doesn't harm anyone. I only question myself whether I believe there is something true in it or not and dreamed a bit about it :)
Now can you say something about Epistome or do we have to wait for 2 years or something? :)
Now can you say something about Epistome or do we have to wait for 2 years or something? :)
To everybody else: this Humanoid guy is a wee bit naive, but (at least I hope) is harmless and has good intentions. Which happens quite often. We shouldn't bash him, just correct the misconceptions.
To Humanoid: You should do some basic research (like googe <your favourite subject>) before trying to save the world. For example, you want to create a better programming language. That's ok, many people think similarly (I'm no exception). What is _not_ ok, is that you ignore (because you don't even know the existence of) all the (serious) research which was done before, or is being done at the moment. There are more programming languages in existence than spoken languages, and you dare to think that your naive ideas are unique. They are not, and they are not necessarily good ideas. Familiarize yourself with the full spectrum of the existing languages (from Self to Haskell, from Ada to Clojure, etc), learn about current research ( is a good _starting_ point), and come back after you absorbed all these. And the same for the other subjects.
To Humanoid: You should do some basic research (like googe <your favourite subject>) before trying to save the world. For example, you want to create a better programming language. That's ok, many people think similarly (I'm no exception). What is _not_ ok, is that you ignore (because you don't even know the existence of) all the (serious) research which was done before, or is being done at the moment. There are more programming languages in existence than spoken languages, and you dare to think that your naive ideas are unique. They are not, and they are not necessarily good ideas. Familiarize yourself with the full spectrum of the existing languages (from Self to Haskell, from Ada to Clojure, etc), learn about current research ( is a good _starting_ point), and come back after you absorbed all these. And the same for the other subjects.
blala: summarized:
But people are rightfully skeptic
Of course. That's why I told them they have no reason to believe anything I said. My website is not meant to convince people that they should believe me. I just provide a little bit of information without proof.
You are rightfully too when you wonder why people bother?
I know why they bother. It's very common for people who cannot do X, to point and laugh at anybody who says he's working on X or wants to do X. They enjoy a nice fun insult fest. They don't realize that there exist people who are capable of doing things that they cannot do. And even if they do believe that I can do X, they don't care, it's still more fun to point and laugh. I have seen this kind of behaviour lots of times.
You're a computer programmer right? If you meet a lot of people like the ones in this thread, but in a non-demoscene related environment, you might even run into somebody who won't even believe you're a computer programmer. I don't know what kind of things you do for work, but if you tell people you're working on X, where X is some kind of software project that those other people would never be capable of doing their entire lives, one will point and laugh at you, and if there are others around, they'll join in on the fun, and point and laugh at you too. It's typical human behaviour.
Now can you say something about Epistome or do we have to wait for 2 years or something?
You can always email me if have questions. Don't be shy.
This thread is full of demoscene people, coders, artists, trackers. Not very many mathematicians and physicists in here. It's not a good place to discuss these things, as you can see from the reaction of some of the people here.
If you want to discuss demo coding with somebody, you wouldn't go into a bar, and speak into a microphone where lots of non-coders are listening, and repeatedly making silly comments into the microphone about what you say. It would get pretty annoying don't you think?
I know why they bother. It's very common for people who cannot do X, to point and laugh at anybody who says he's working on X or wants to do X.
ho. wait a minute - you're telling us that you can:
- make AI that surpasses human intelligence
- fix up that theory of everything
- do cold fusion
- design a good programming language
- fix world hunger
- cure world disease
and you conclude that we point and laugh because we're jealous?
blala, i believe you're wrong. this frog deserves all the bashing he can get. he's not just naieve, he's also plain arrogant.
humanoid: in the demoscene, you *deserve* respect, and you don't get it by making a website stating that you will do something. so show us what you got, or get lost. this site is for people who actually create, not for stuck up daydreamers like you.
Quote: ignore (because you don't even know the existence of) all the (serious) research which was done before, or is being done at the moment.
That's a false assumption. Do you really think that somebody who is building an airplane, would not have spent any time studying other airplanes? A person who seriously wants to build an airplane would not ignore the tons of good information out there, and go back in time, and act like the Wright brothers were never born.
...and you dare to think that your naive ideas are unique.
Did I ever say my ideas are unique? NOPE.
Please try not to put words in my mouth. There are people on this thread who are naive, and think that an uncrashable api is some kind of amazing invention that has never been done before... but that doesn't mean that I do.
If you think naprola sounds "unique" and is unlike any other programming language out there, that doesn't mean that I do. So don't put those words into my mouth.
...and you conclude that we point and laugh because we're jealous?
Did I ever say that it's because you're jealous? NOPE.
How many times do I have to ask people not to put words in my mouth?
I know why they bother. It's very common for people who cannot do X, to point and laugh at anybody who says he's working on X or wants to do X. They enjoy a nice fun insult fest. They don't realize that there exist people who are capable of doing things that they cannot do. And even if they do believe that I can do X, they don't care, it's still more fun to point and laugh. I have seen this kind of behaviour lots of times.
I know that feeling. But I don't think it's the case here.
You're a computer programmer right? If you meet a lot of people like the ones in this thread, but in a non-demoscene related environment, you might even run into somebody who won't even believe you're a computer programmer. I don't know what kind of things you do for work, but if you tell people you're working on X, where X is some kind of software project that those other people would never be capable of doing their entire lives, one will point and laugh at you, and if there are others around, they'll join in on the fun, and point and laugh at you too. It's typical human behaviour.
This is indeed funny. My brother says to a friend that his brother (me :) has coded a 3d engine. And the friend didn't even question, he just repied "HE CAN'T!" because he thinks I have to be some great scientist with 20 years of experience to have coded something like that. Although he might have been thinking of a fully blown quake engine or something, while I had just done my first raycaster in quickbasic during that time :)
humanoid, i know this language and communication thing is new for you, but yes, you did.
Please Optimus, tell the truth: is Humanoid your fake account?
I don't get it.
texel: No, lol!