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category: residue [glöplog]
And you offcourse never enjoyed ANY infrastrucutre at all, wheter its roads, sewage, firefighting or army.

What you are going to say now, "oh, i have no problem with paying for army or police, minarchism WOOO"

So basicly you object to a 25% tax but not a 15% tax.

Still, HOW does that stand against your polemic:

"do you think that people have the right to force others out of their hard earnings at gunpoint?"
added on the 2009-01-28 16:48:19 by Deus Deus
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added on the 2009-01-28 16:50:01 by ho ho
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added on the 2009-01-28 16:57:13 by kb_ kb_
wtf is a shitstick?
added on the 2009-01-28 17:31:50 by raer raer
un baton de merde ? :/
added on the 2009-01-28 17:32:46 by esion esion
is that not a cigarette he is holding?

And you offcourse never enjoyed ANY infrastrucutre at all, wheter its roads, sewage, firefighting or army.

yes I have, but these are but shallow rationalisations. the logic is still; "forcing people to pay for services they did not order". That is a problem, especially when it goes totally out of hand like it has in e.g Denmark.

What you are going to say now, "oh, i have no problem with paying for army or police, minarchism WOOO"

I am fully able to take care of myself and defend my person, the few times I actually needed the cops, I was told they were unavaible, something a lot of people hear when they call in. Then there is the arrogant -i am larger than life- attitude any asshole who gets into any uniform adopts in a matter of weeks it is "us and them", it is "the bad types, and little mrs, Jensen". No...Im not willing to pay for that lousy service, not 5 pots of piss and I wont either.

So basicly you object to a 25% tax but not a 15% tax.

I object to forcing people under threat of violence and limitation of their freedom, to pay for services they did not specifically order. I object entirely to anything but voluntary agreements, and thus I always honour contracts myself.

"do you think that people have the right to force others out of their hard earnings at gunpoint?"

it is utterly digusting us what it is. If smaller bands of hooluums do the same thing we call them criminals. When a polish gang suddenly puts down a new garden without you knowing and force you to pay up for this garden you never ordered, they are criminals. When your neighbours gang up to do the same thing, they ar called the state, and democracy. I call bullshit! I have no contract with this country and refuse to pay anything for other than what I use untill such a time where such a contract can be produced.

..og så er der lagkage!
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added on the 2009-01-28 17:44:04 by NoahR NoahR
tain ça à l'air bon ça !
added on the 2009-01-28 17:44:36 by esion esion
Goofy DJ: That witch is one of Terry Pratchetts, yes?
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added on the 2009-01-28 18:25:04 by sauli sauli
holy shit, Sauli is all over the place.
added on the 2009-01-28 18:52:07 by NoahR NoahR
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added on the 2009-01-28 19:11:35 by havoc havoc
rare: This is a Shitstick

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added on the 2009-01-28 19:14:18 by samurai samurai
you mean apart from rampant pollusion,

Consumers have the choice to prefer the greenest companies over the rest. The trans-national corporations give humanity exactly what it's asking for, because it's asking for cheap crap and not for environmental awareness.


Greed is not in itself harmful to humanity. Greed drives progress. Progress is good. And greed is not a product of trans-national corporations.

financial crisis cycles,

In a free market, businesses would fall if they fuck up royally, not be rewarded for incompetence. And in a free market, you wouldn't be forced to use make-believe currency. The problem is bad government, not lack of government.


Free market means free market. Consumerism is the result of people freely choosing to consume and be shallow, materialistic and indifferent, it's not a direct consequence of the choice being there. Give people a little credit - we may all make bad choices all the time but to suggest it would be better for us not to have choices at all is, well, you know the word for that.

the fact that a corporation is a legal person and thus punishable instead of the flesh and blood person who made the decision to steer the corporation, and so and so forth ?

Which is another failure of governments to produce free markets. Giving certain people or certain abstract entities a special status in the eyes of the law is not capitalism.

what evidence? are you for real? The birden of evidence is in your camp, where is the evidence that large trans-nationals are anything BUT destrictive entities

Look around you. You live in a world built by Big Business. Would you rather not? What are you comparing it to that would be so much nicer? The USSR?

*cough*childworkers china*cough*

Yes, who'd be so much better off without jobs. *cough* It's sad there aren't any better options for them, but the way to solve that isn't to take away the lesser evil.

wanton destruction of forrest and fertile lands with no compensasion paid to locals *cough*...

Governments selling out their people to the highest bidder is called corruption, not capitalism.
added on the 2009-01-28 19:56:12 by doomdoom doomdoom
Holy shit. It's the random quote thread!
Consumers have the choice to prefer the greenest companies over the rest. The trans-national corporations give humanity exactly what it's asking for, because it's asking for cheap crap and not for environmental awareness.

and this justifies it...how exactly?

Greed is not in itself harmful to humanity. Greed drives progress. Progress is good. And greed is not a product of trans-national corporations.

my mother cant fly, stones cant fly... Greed in trans-nation corporations is why we have a financial crisis, so you are entirely wrong on this point.
Not only that, through psychopaths like Edward Bernays theories, they perfected the propaganda that tells people what they want to ask for. brilliant how you just shifted responsability for the development of this level of greed there, I salute you.

In a free market, businesses would fall if they fuck up royally, not be rewarded for incompetence. And in a free market, you wouldn't be forced to use make-believe currency. The problem is bad government, not lack of government.

agreed,. and im looking forward to the advent of a free marked. give me a call when it arrives.

[]quote]Free market means free market. Consumerism is the result of people freely choosing to consume and be shallow, materialistic and indifferent, it's not a direct consequence of the choice being there. Give people a little credit - we may all make bad choices all the time but to suggest it would be better for us not to have choices at all is, well, you know the word for that.[/quote]

death? i have no idea what this is about because it reflects on no oppinion i have.

Which is another failure of governments

indeed it is, in a long list of them, and another good reason why government should be absolutely minimized in every aspect of our lifes.

Look around you. You live in a world built by Big Business. Would you rather not? What are you comparing it to that would be so much nicer? The USSR?

The USSR had never been if it hadnt been for big business, you do understand this right? they dont care who makes laws for the people, or what kind, they just play on the horses avaible, as seen in the massive support of dictators around the world, that governments officially oppose. Would I rather live in a world not halfway destroyed for petty gain, and have to live a much simpler (but sovereign) life? you bet I would! I am not for sale for such a cheap price as gadetry.

Yes, who'd be so much better off without jobs. *cough

the same can be said about the people who grow cocaine, herione poppies, hashish and all kinds of other illegal materials. It is better that they grow drugs (well actually...IT IS) than go starving, but it is hardly related to the attitude our societies has adopted on the outside. RIGHTS; WORKERS RIGHTS; CHILDRENS RIGHTS (if they live here mind you)....bolshtoi!

Governments selling out their people to the highest bidder is called corruption, not capitalism.

so what prevented the trans-national corporation from not doing those kinds of hurtful trading, and on such a large scale? nothing but greed obviously.

Og så er der citron måne!!!

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added on the 2009-01-28 20:15:40 by NoahR NoahR
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added on the 2009-01-28 21:37:17 by snoutmate snoutmate
hey, you debates.. this is a random IMAGE thread, so shove all that text up your ass, kthxbye.. here's one for the ladies:
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Only real random:
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i see a patern
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added on the 2009-01-28 23:14:01 by NoahR NoahR
My eyes seem to detect some diagonal recurrent artifacts in your so called random at some scale... formulae should be recoded.
added on the 2009-01-28 23:14:35 by krabob krabob
erm... its a magic eye
added on the 2009-01-28 23:24:08 by texel texel


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