Demo bases avatars
category: general [glöplog]
Are there any animated avatars based on a demo out there with the size of 128x128 pixels max?
why don't you do it yourself? :) there are many gif animation programs out there, e.g. GIF Animator by Ulead. It can import video files, resize them, etc.
You could make one :)
- grab a kkapture or wurstcapture from the web
- try something like Ulead GIF animator
Then there also was that "2nd reailty" avatar extracted from the 3D scene of the demo.
- grab a kkapture or wurstcapture from the web
- try something like Ulead GIF animator
Then there also was that "2nd reailty" avatar extracted from the 3D scene of the demo.

good night... zzz...
Played around with VirtualDub and one of my captures:

Taken from "A significant deformation near the cranium" by kewlers.

Taken from "A significant deformation near the cranium" by kewlers.
the cross is nice
and of course the treepixels avatar :)
threepixel, man i'm not sober anymore..
or was it rgba? whatever... spaniards!
I made some more.
From Anadune's "Field Of Gold":

From ASD's "Animal Attraction":

and "Dreamchild":

From Anadune's "Field Of Gold":

From ASD's "Animal Attraction":

and "Dreamchild":

yeah, nice ones !
dont wanna download em, so how big are these in filesize ? average !
question is:
what do you need em for ?
just to spray them here and there and anywhere ?
( how will ppl know where these come from then ? )
dont wanna download em, so how big are these in filesize ? average !
question is:
what do you need em for ?
just to spray them here and there and anywhere ?
( how will ppl know where these come from then ? )
wow, this thread was THIS old already? O_o
Avatars should not exceed 200 kilobytes.
Just imagine message board when everyone has a huge animated avatar.
Just imagine message board when everyone has a huge animated avatar.
hooray to caches.
Avatars should not exceed 200 kilobytes.
Imho, avatars should not be animated at all. It hinders reading.
Avatars should not exceed 200 kilobytes.
The best I've seen so far was around 50 megs.. =)
Well, you could use these avatarts to promote demoscene in teh internets by using them in not demoscene related sites. If ppl ask where the effect comes from/who made the avatar you could refer to the demo.
hooray to IE's <esc> key :)
I still think we bigger avatars on pouet, preferably flash based instead of anim-gif so we can have sound too.
fuck yeah :D
gargaj: half-way there :D Just need per-avatar sound, and a bunch of people with meowing lolcat avatars ;)
and fart noises. :D
and fart noises. :D