about the Wii ?
category: general [glöplog]
And thus began the race with the updates and hacks :( Just proves that the big companies won't let you develop homebrew for their consoles (unless it's a crippled sandbox such as XNA or PS3 Linux). It's been said that it is about preventing piracy or quality of the software, but to me it seems it's also about control and selling overpriced devkits.
bleh i updated my wii to play mario kart, am i fucked ?
Oh.. nintendo released a fix. But they made some wii-a-boo's, stay tuned people! :-)
And done! TP hack runs again *here* on this updated wii. :-)
Woo, disaster diverted in less than a day! Good job. ;p
nintendo released a fix
Let me guess it wasn't just hacked savegames you couldn't copy...
It's cool to know how stuff works.
I supose ZD means Zelda...Update 2: Okay, now this is just silly. Three functions have been added to the system menu. Guess what they do:
ipl::utility::ESMisc::DeleteSavedata((unsigned long long, EGG::Heap*))
ipl::utility::ESMisc::VerifySavedataZD((unsigned long long, EGG::Heap*))
Update 4: It’s interesting to look at the timestamps here. The System Menu has a build marker of “systemmenu.rvl.0803060727″ – yes, that’s March 6, 2008, 07:27. This update to the menu only accomplished one thing, as far as I can tell — the blocking of the TP hack. (I guess we can count the IOS30 patch together with it.) They spent 3 months testing it — this isn’t actually that surprising, when you consider the potential financial damage if they roll an update out that bricks Wiis.
It's cool to know how stuff works.
BTW, if anyone ports UAE to the Wii, please, please call it Amwiiga.
and if they port an ST emulator, call it Atawii.
There already is a crappy ST emu (castaway port) called AtaWii
Wii MotionPlus
Aparently Nintendo will anounce that thingamabob tomorrow. They say it will allow the wii to have 1-1 movement response. Giros?
That will be cool to use the Wiimote to record movement of cameras or objects in 3D space, for demos of course.
Aparently Nintendo will anounce that thingamabob tomorrow. They say it will allow the wii to have 1-1 movement response. Giros?
That will be cool to use the Wiimote to record movement of cameras or objects in 3D space, for demos of course.
Ruuleage!! I would suppose 1:1 is still impossible, but significant improvement: yes :D
hurray another addon. on an addon on an addon on an addon.
in a year u will be holding the wiimote with 2 hands :)
but a great way from Pretendo saying: what your holding now in your hands is crap. buy our other addon.
in a year u will be holding the wiimote with 2 hands :)
but a great way from Pretendo saying: what your holding now in your hands is crap. buy our other addon.
on a year u will be holding the wiimote with 2 hands :)
Yes, I agree they're making too much hardware for a crappy 10 year old computer.
say what you like about the Wii, it has the best games of the current gen. \o/
xeron:true strike >.>;!
you mean last-gen.
its being sold now, it is nintendo's current console, it is the current top-selling console, it has games and hardware in the high street.
If it was Z80 based it would still be current gen by my (and quite a few other peoples) definitions :)
If it was Z80 based it would still be current gen by my (and quite a few other peoples) definitions :)
xeron: don't hide yourself behind your thumb, the wii is no more gamer-oriented, it is top-selling because of its line of casual, healthy, party games, and the only 'hardcore' games are over-recycling the same aging nintendo stars ; besides not many big 3rd-party publishers are developing ONLY for the wii.
Don't hide myself behind my thumb? I don't know that saying.
Anyway, as it happens I own a PS3 and a Wii. When i go to buy games, there is way more that takes my interest on the Wii section than in the PS3 section.
Don't get me wrong; the PS3, Wii and XBox all have great games, its just that i play more games on the Wii than i do on the PS3.
Anyway, as it happens I own a PS3 and a Wii. When i go to buy games, there is way more that takes my interest on the Wii section than in the PS3 section.
Don't get me wrong; the PS3, Wii and XBox all have great games, its just that i play more games on the Wii than i do on the PS3.
over-recycling the same aging nintendo stars
BTW, recycling Mario Kart worked. Mario Kart Wii plays beautifully, and is head and shoulders above Double Dash on the gamecube.
Mario Kart has been one of my absolute favourite games for years, and i think the Wii version might be the first to actually be better than the SNES original in every aspect.
Oh yeah, and Super Mario Galaxy is also pretty special.
Aparently there's an hacked IOS version that allows to run backups without a modchip. I must check that... I'm gonna borrow someone's backup backup just in case, so I don't ruin someone's backup backup.