nosfe rules
category: general [glöplog]
behold, for I am The Master of Fine Arts
\o/ congrats :D
just be careful when you're drinking, it's too easy to call yourself 'master of fine arse'
argh, i made that joke too :(
congrats man
congrats :')
Congrats man :)
Congratulations for being total useless for the society.
fuck off zplex. congrats nosfe.
![BB Image](
Wow. First hit on Google Images for "fine art"
But congrats. Perhaps now you can tell the world what exactly "fine art" is supposed to mean anyway. ;)
But congrats. Perhaps now you can tell the world what exactly "fine art" is supposed to mean anyway. ;)
Cause I take it it's more than just a lame excuse for pr0n. ;)
damn, i've seen same kind of lizard tattoo on someone...
But that article does not cite any references or sources.
What does it mean "The master of fine arts"? You finished your studies and now have a master degree in arts or what?
selectanovel: that's right. and congratz nosfe!
congratulations! \o/
congratulations from the citizen of planet NOrway!
greetings to the planet NOrway
yo nosfe congratulations!
Thou art now The Master of Fine Arts!
Congrats :)
Congrats :)
nosfe rulz! congratulations to you from me and natasha!