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Did you get Intel software license sheets as prizes at BP08? Read this!

category: general [glöplog]
Sadly due to a printing error with some confusion added, we've give out 40 license sheets sponsored by Intel that were thought to be full versions of VTune and other products, while in reality they've been trial licenses to be given out at the Intel seminars. During the prizegiving of Breakpoint, some of these licenses have been given out as part of compo prizes. A few more were given out at the end of the prizegiving to any interested coder who had participated in demo/intro compo.

Intel and Breakpoint are very sorry about how this worked out. Intel is going to replace all licenses that have been given out as competition prizes. They sadly are unable to replace the licenses that were given out to non-competition-winners though.

So: If you've received one or multiple Intel license sheets as part of a competition prize at Breakpoint, please check if your serial number on it starts with the letter "V". If it does, you've received a trial license in error, and it needs to be replaced. In this case, please contact scamp of BP organizing by mail at <a href="mailto:scamp@untergrund.net">scamp@untergrund.net</a>, including a scan of your license sheet, your handle and which compo entry you've won the license for. In case your serial number starts with the letter "C" then everything is all right and you've got a full version license (and you don't need to do anything else than enjoying the software).
added on the 2008-05-25 18:23:49 by scamp scamp
scamp@untergrund.net would be better =)
added on the 2008-05-25 18:50:57 by iks iks
Yup, 0 bbcode-points for me...
added on the 2008-05-25 18:54:25 by scamp scamp
geh :(
added on the 2008-05-25 19:00:58 by kusma kusma
and honnestly, who cares about intel software?
their compiler makes slow code and their profiler doesnt even run on dotnet programs.. uuuuhhh.. honnestly, someone uses intel stuff here? :)
added on the 2008-05-25 19:51:26 by nystep nystep
and honnestly, who cares about dotnet programs?
added on the 2008-05-25 21:46:39 by hfr hfr
wait... a dotnet profiler is MORE than opening a message box with the text "everything's too slow, you're screwed" in it?
added on the 2008-05-25 22:01:17 by kb_ kb_
hellfire, probably those than make the demo engine in C(++) and the anoying user interface in C#
added on the 2008-05-25 22:07:44 by iq iq
And Vtune rocks (and when it comes to Linux, the competition to it is next to zero).
added on the 2008-05-25 22:08:50 by scamp scamp
(and profiling code that effectively runs inside a VM and that you can't optimize in regards of cache usage etc is bullshit anyway)
added on the 2008-05-25 22:10:12 by scamp scamp
what's wrong with DotTrace?
added on the 2008-05-25 22:17:14 by Gargaj Gargaj
"Yeah, let's bash Intel because they gave lincenses away for free"... jeez.. grow up or shut up...
added on the 2008-05-25 22:20:32 by Puryx Puryx
puryx: cant you remember?!?!?
BB Image
added on the 2008-05-25 22:24:20 by el mal el mal
maali: indeed!!! :D - but apparantly I grew up? ;)
added on the 2008-05-25 22:25:50 by Puryx Puryx
hellfire: I was doing a pure C# 3D engine a few years ago and they ran pretty fast from a CPU standpoint, we're talking single core Pentium 4's and GeForce 4/5 series here :-)
added on the 2008-05-26 07:55:43 by Jcl Jcl
puryx seconded.

scamp, ups for taking care of this no matter what. sucks for us compo-participants who ran up for goodies later but admittedly, i prefer to leave the optimising to others anyway :)
added on the 2008-05-26 09:51:47 by skrebbel skrebbel
just curious what

They sadly are unable to replace the licenses that were given out to non-competition-winners though.

should mean.

basically it just sounds like they dont give a fuck rather than they have no possibility to do so. or where exactly is the difference between a compo winning wrong license and a wrong licence that was handed out afterwards?

or did i miss something there?
added on the 2008-05-26 14:51:28 by gopher gopher
It was a prize, not 'just a freebie'.
added on the 2008-05-26 14:54:25 by okkie okkie
not all of them though, a lot of them were just given out as freebies after the compo prizes were given out.
added on the 2008-05-26 14:56:12 by Gargaj Gargaj
of course there's a difference between a price and a freebie :)
but as the freebie was announced and handed out as a full featured licence (equal to the ones given as compo prices) i dont see a difference there basically. that's what i meant
added on the 2008-05-26 15:01:01 by gopher gopher
thanks for clearing that up. gotta try it out by tonight. =)
added on the 2008-05-26 15:10:47 by dalezr dalezr
gopher: The department of Intel who issued the full licenses only had the OK to issue 10 of those licenses, upper management is restrictive on this (after all, those licenses usually cost several thousand Euros). If they now ask for another 40 licenses afterwards due to them screwing up with the trial licenses, the bosses probably wouldn't be happy, I guess. They've managed to create a number of replacement licenses, though.

Keep in mind: It was never planned to have so many full licenses, it was a printing error with the 40 trial licenses having "Full license" written on them, and with the intel contact at Breakpoint being confused about that, which resulted in both the intel contact and us believing those are really far too many Full licenses, so we could give them out as freebies.

So, the issue really is the *number* of licenses. For damage control, we've agreed with Intel that obviously it's more important to replace compo-winners licenses using the replacement licenses we can get.

Obviously we (Breakpoint) would have preferred for them to replace all the licenses given out. But for our contacts at Intel, that appears not to be possible. Keep in mind that this isn't bad will, our supporters at Intel have to work within given limitations. They've made a mistake for sure, and now a bunch of people ended up with worthless gifts, but that's human. You should give these guys the benefit of doubt - even with this small screwup, they've contributed massively to Breakpoint and the scene, and have donated lots of money and prizes.
added on the 2008-05-26 16:53:29 by scamp scamp
It all makes perfect sense to me, it's just a bummer to hear that the license I got wasn't what I thought it was. But whatever, it's not like I was planning my life on having a full license. I guess it's simply back to using AMD's free profiler instead.
added on the 2008-05-26 16:58:15 by kusma kusma
scamp: if those freebies werent intended to be full licences from start but somehow got confused to be some its fine with me. just without knowing that it somehow felt strange :)
added on the 2008-05-26 17:28:37 by gopher gopher

I send an email to scamp but no reply. Did it reach ? :-)
added on the 2008-06-10 10:25:42 by Navis Navis


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