Random "FXP Tristar" plz Die :D
category: general [glöplog]
Random Tristar flame Thread reloaded:
AMI: Eine Kugel in dein Kopf ist wohl das beste... Und nimm deine "FXP Community gleich mit", sowie dein 4kum4 (v4nl4me) superduperlamer und auch dein Ossikopp Alien & StinkRay :D
Auch Special Grüsse an die Loaderschweine "Jack Sparrow & Kath" und den Angeber Rimmler (lol)....
Und zu guterletzt: Nimm auch noch den kleinen Baguettefresser aus Straßburg (Irokos AKA TRS CO Leader, LOOOOOOLLLLL) und werdet glücklich :D
Du hast damals rumgeheult wie ein Kind, das du ja sooooOOoooo schwer krank bist xD, hoffe du krepierst an deinen "Krankheiten" :D
PS: Ich komm auch extra dann nach Wuppertal um auf dein Grab zu pissen, du fette Sau ;)
AMI: Eine Kugel in dein Kopf ist wohl das beste... Und nimm deine "FXP Community gleich mit", sowie dein 4kum4 (v4nl4me) superduperlamer und auch dein Ossikopp Alien & StinkRay :D
Auch Special Grüsse an die Loaderschweine "Jack Sparrow & Kath" und den Angeber Rimmler (lol)....
Und zu guterletzt: Nimm auch noch den kleinen Baguettefresser aus Straßburg (Irokos AKA TRS CO Leader, LOOOOOOLLLLL) und werdet glücklich :D
Du hast damals rumgeheult wie ein Kind, das du ja sooooOOoooo schwer krank bist xD, hoffe du krepierst an deinen "Krankheiten" :D
PS: Ich komm auch extra dann nach Wuppertal um auf dein Grab zu pissen, du fette Sau ;)
let me take a wild guess, am-fm starting shit between other peoples groups again. congrats, you got yourself banned again.
I still wonder how guys like that can get girlfriends or even a fuck.
Or a life. Oh wait, they have no life.
well lives are for pretentious artfags anyway
in museum bars!!
at least this time it didn't last long :)
noooo! Banhammer is denying us scenedrama!
No, wait. That's a good thing =)
No, wait. That's a good thing =)
preacher, that's because we got lucky. ps surely was hitting refresh at the very first second after the post got made :')
This word has a mysterious ring to it that i like.. i don't know if it's the overdose of e's or rhe following tt and ss.. it just works..
i'm gonna call irokos baguettefresser becoz it sounds so cool!-D
jan hammer?
Sounds like Am-Fm, Daxx or maybe Tmb. That specific account has been reported for abuse days ago already afaik.
ghandy, it's am-fm.
I know I'm going to regret this, but could someone explain in a few sentences what this whole thing is actually about? Did someone steal someone else's girlfriend when they were 14, or did someone pee on someone's breakfast cereal or what?
@irokos:And that's the reason why it's not in english. ;-)
Preacher : I ain't sure about it, but i guess it all started because daxx and am-fm left Tristar to join Suprise Productions. They used to get back in #tristar channel just to bother the shit out of anyone in, by joining and private messaging anyone in with random nicknames and so on. Later, they got kicked out of Surprise Productions and got their asses in "RaveBusters", a so called Amiga group, founded by Daxx back in the nineties afaik. And they kept bothering with their daily shit on pouet, iirc it was like one year ago, maybe more, and got banned off pouet by ps. And they get back from time to time to demonstrate how faggot'ish they are.
I ain't really sure about the validity of all of that, but that might enlight you a bit more.
I ain't really sure about the validity of all of that, but that might enlight you a bit more.
Ghandy, definitely, and even his english would have looked like german ;)
at least am-fm clearly demonstrated EP aint the only total fuckhead in the demoscene.. congrats *clap clap*
let me take an unwild-guess.: they´ve all seen the Opening Ceremony of BP 08 .!
"A Flamewar.! - i Looove FlameWars.!"
"A Flamewar.! - i Looove FlameWars.!"
A Fullstop before a Punctuation Symbol.! I Looooove Fullstops before Punctuation Symbols.! (and superfluous Capitals too.!)
i still don´t know what you all are about...it´s just MY WAY to write.!
WHY does every1 have to do everYthinG the same way as every1 else.??
all left to say.: PUNKROKK.!!! (Live free and do whatever you want to.!)
WHY does every1 have to do everYthinG the same way as every1 else.??
all left to say.: PUNKROKK.!!! (Live free and do whatever you want to.!)
Well. Your explanation doesnt make your way of writing suck less. At all.!