category: general [glöplog]
Is there any sceener out there that collects pokemon? Because if you do I'd love to trade with you! ive got tons of them, I cant get enough! Please tell me what pokipokies you have and Ill tell if I want them. Ive so far got all in goldseries V and all from planetassault series. Other series are open and I miss some of those fluffy pookies.
I'd like to see a demo having anything to do with Pokemons :)
Me and another friend thought that the little character in ABCDEmo was Pikachu but it was just a rabbit resembling that as other friends say..
optimus: try http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=3589.
That is NOT good! Making fun of Pokemon that way! They dont know what they miss!
In the place where i live from we have big findage of Pokemon cards in dumpster throw away leaks, but all of them have bugs ;___; That adding to me beeing a mad boy for a whole 3 weeks and some months now...
Forget pokemon, yu-gi-oh is da bomb, I tell ya. ;))
yeah, and what was that other crappy bullshit with the war-gyro-twisting children again...? ;)
the pokemon-freakiness hasn't much to do with that bad anime series though.
the pokemon-freakiness hasn't much to do with that bad anime series though.
I still have lots of teenage mutant ninja tutrtles stickers that i collected when i was 9...
anyone wanna trade? missing splinter #54 and bebop #1...
anyone wanna trade? missing splinter #54 and bebop #1...
This is about Pokemon, not some lame Turtles shit! please make a own trade-thread on pouet for that crap!
I think Diamondie is your man. Or woman. Someone, please check.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles could kick Pokemon's ass any day!
go fuck yourself with your pokemons!! the turtles could beat their asses anytime!! and they would team up with he-man and have a BALL!
yeaah, he-man and Turtles fight for good causes and battle evil because that's what they love doing not like pokemon who only fights for competitions (like a lot of sceners!). Pikachu is pretty cool though.
But Orko could kick Pikachu's butt!

Dexter is da man (you know Dexter's Laboratory, don't you ^-^')!
I get sooo angry! Neither Turtles or He-man can beat pokemon! Why? Beacause Pokemons are so many!!! Theyll just gang up on your phonies and kick the SHIT out of them! I mean.. damn Mewtoo is f*cking awsome! Sooo PLEASE stop bsing about turtles and he-man!

Ultimate Gas: Amen! Even without legs.
Haha PegasuS for a minute there i thought you werent joking.....wait....you werent? where you? /*fucking disturbed*
something wanna make me second kb...
how about tom & jerry
Dinna poke me, mon!
i´ve a pikachu...
a "schnuffel-pikachu",
and i love to play pokemon on GB...
a "schnuffel-pikachu",
and i love to play pokemon on GB...