THE solution for our Optimus problem
category: general [glöplog]
yeah... every good story needs anti-heros :D
Okay, so who's coding this demo? Maybe Shanethewolfthemanthedogtheparakeetthepidgeonthewombatthecowtheemutheaardvarktheplatypusthecat can code it with Demopaja... (-:
No way, shanetheallthatstuff lack general booze consuming, white-haired, partying, meat eating ninjaness. Therefore, the demo would suck, even if it was made in the mighty demopaja.
Hi Optimus, please, e-mail me! We should talk about non-demoscene things. I've read you are thinking about leaving the scene... we should talk about that. Write me, plz!
I disagree with the Iraqui war.
Optimus: think about this. If Pouet is the most famous scene site of today and you are the most famous user of Pouet, then you must be the most famous scener of today!! :)
And this is why everyone wants to be the most notorious Pouet user!
HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHH!!!!!!!!! I want a check box!
there is no "optimus problem". i can't understand why people are pissed by his often long and missing-the-point, but nice and amusing, comments, and are NOT pissed more by blatant flaming and disturbing behavious of many others.
optimus has my full solidarity. he's a productive, even when overly talkative, member of the scene community, and his few, but nice, products show that he can do more than talking.
optimus has my full solidarity. he's a productive, even when overly talkative, member of the scene community, and his few, but nice, products show that he can do more than talking.
i would like to have such a checkbox for or rather against lator though.
I'd like to see a crapfilter like slashdot has, but allowing a ranking by user instead. You could give joeblow a 2, captaindemo a 4, spamhead a 1 etc. (the default would be the highest, naturally), then set your crapfilter to 1-5 to eliminate everything posted by users below that level. Will add a lot (size and loading time) to the database, no doubt. And the censorship/free speech argument is pointless, because you don't have to use it.
Wow. If I only had a dollar for every time I asked for that myself...
I'd have like... Fourteen dollars.
shane is, as always, right.
Optimus, you are not Napoleon. You are not the most popular scener. The most popular scener is KB. You should know that from the german paries you were to. Remember KB plasteline sculpting competition on tUM?
Back on the floor of realm, nice to see you alive and kicking. :Z btw, i prepared a small surprise for you, i might send it to you per snailmail or pass by occasion.
Back on the floor of realm, nice to see you alive and kicking. :Z btw, i prepared a small surprise for you, i might send it to you per snailmail or pass by occasion.
Oh eye, I have to disagree with you. The most popular scener is .... the person with the most drinking-beer-pictures on slengpung. ;)
An Optimus blog would probably be quite cool. =)
I have a blog myself, BTW...
I have a blog myself, BTW...
That's nice, Adok.
everyone knows Patrick Groove is THE most popular scener... dont you remember how he managed to put Canada back on the map demoscene-wise? It's a gift to the world!
or to america.
MadMan/Tap: yes, you are prolly right. That means Optimus is not even among the top 2.