Java tutorial for elementary school students
category: general [glöplog]
main = putStrLn "hello world"
Seriously though, Adok, you shouldn't go anywhere near children. The same for Java. Logo, Processing, and the like ftw.
Preacher: well yes, actually I forgot the target was elementary school when thinking of JS.
Afer a nice discussion with my wife (she is sound with pedagogics) actually the important thing is to really spur the interest so the kid knows this does exist and eventually will go to something more 'serious' in future.
Scratch does this well, but still fails in being a "real" language: something you can see adults using and that gives the "empowering" feel.
BASIC was fullfilling the purpose nicely when I was a kid, I don't clearly see what would fit now...
Afer a nice discussion with my wife (she is sound with pedagogics) actually the important thing is to really spur the interest so the kid knows this does exist and eventually will go to something more 'serious' in future.
Scratch does this well, but still fails in being a "real" language: something you can see adults using and that gives the "empowering" feel.
BASIC was fullfilling the purpose nicely when I was a kid, I don't clearly see what would fit now...
at the age of 11 they should be taught the art of homoerotic jokes, so they can join #coders and mingle
JavaScript is the way to go today imo.
makc, it was you who also mentioned JS...
this doesn't really get simpler. then you can go on with more complicated things like alert(5+6)... installing Firebug to Firefox takes like two clicks, and then you have a debugger too.
makc, it was you who also mentioned JS...
this doesn't really get simpler. then you can go on with more complicated things like alert(5+6)... installing Firebug to Firefox takes like two clicks, and then you have a debugger too.
Ger: indeed. Then i was asked how I would explain the DOM to our funny 6yo when they ask - it's just uneeded complexity. I'd keep JS for a teen still.
bdk: daddy, what's "void"?
well, don't :) DOM is not only complex but most importantly it's boring. It's not nearly as fun to create hypertext documents than, like, games... but DOM!=JS and imo JS is still the most accessible language these days. So you can go on with any other library but DOM, such as SVG, or your homebrewn FunLibForKids...
imo JS is still the most accessible language these days.
huhh? and what about logo, scheme, smalltalk, python, or even a dumbed-down haskell? or countless other languages?
i'm seriously interested in how you'd dumb down haskell. not meant ironically.
Well, I think you can simply pretend to not heard of the advanced features. Say, you use only the built-in types and simple algebraic data types, the IO monad without hearing the word 'monad', no type classes apart from the default ones, etc. There is a project called 'Helium' along these lines, specially for teaching.
I mean, at the heart Haskell is just a pure functional language, and that's not scary at all. The syntax is also quite friendly: how could it be easier than "mystuff = dothis withthis andthis" ?
And you can always write an embedded DSL for your kid, say turtle graphics a la logo, and introduce features later, one at a time, as they are needed.
Well, I think you can simply pretend to not heard of the advanced features. Say, you use only the built-in types and simple algebraic data types, the IO monad without hearing the word 'monad', no type classes apart from the default ones, etc. There is a project called 'Helium' along these lines, specially for teaching.
I mean, at the heart Haskell is just a pure functional language, and that's not scary at all. The syntax is also quite friendly: how could it be easier than "mystuff = dothis withthis andthis" ?
And you can always write an embedded DSL for your kid, say turtle graphics a la logo, and introduce features later, one at a time, as they are needed.

I heard 'Superbrain' is what Adok asks people to call him when he introduces himself, and few comply!
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And just one thing more... Gifted children are able to read O'Reilly books.
bdk: daddy, what's "void"?
haha! philosophy trough computer programming! ftw :D !
texel: as for that, ungifted engineers can't code a for loop
for loop
most languages shares the primitives of loops / valuegiving/ if then. the rest is cosmetics. =)
(if (= "pouet" "scene") (display "dead") (display "rulz") )
and Caml, yes CaML! have you thought of this wonderful yet quite unknown (outside the french kingdom) language that can teach you all the programming styles (functional, imperative, objective), isn't this marvellous ?! :-)

Too many programming languages already. When will computers be able to understand human language, so you can just tell it what to do in your own words, without any strict syntax rules? If in doubt it should just ask questions until it understood what to do completely. That would truly be user friendly.
zest: ocaml is not at all unknown, and has the slight advantage that there is a dotnet version (f#) by microsoft; regardless, i prefer haskell :)
How about APL?
Either they turn out first-grade mathematicians on then they go insane..
Either they turn out first-grade mathematicians on then they go insane..