pouet styles?
category: general [glöplog]
Can someone make a style wrapper-page for pouet? I am sick and tired of the trumpet. (Maybe I was dreaming, but wasn't someone working on "pouet 2.0" or something?)
hm... a "random girl with hardware"-style would be cool :D
Hyde: ever heard of custom CSS / user stylesheet ?
Dunno what the plan exactly is for Pouet 2.0 but I doubt it includes a style overhaul. Just a major rewrite to make the fucker more maintenable in every aspect ( DB, markup, style, features ).
Dunno what the plan exactly is for Pouet 2.0 but I doubt it includes a style overhaul. Just a major rewrite to make the fucker more maintenable in every aspect ( DB, markup, style, features ).
if you get sick and tired of the layout i suggest you visit less often
I think that the way it looks is the least of Pouet's problems. :)
i think v2.0 will allow css replacement but gargaj will answer this sometime soon
isn't third party style sheets possible with greasemonkey magic? i'm clueless about that stuff...
The AdBlock plugin for Firefox lets you remove the background with two or three clicks. Or you could use a proxy like Proxymotron for more flexibility.
If you're using firefox Stylish might be of use to you (and others who want to use user CSS)
oh yeah pouet definitively need a eye-cancer color-cycling background!
... not :>
... not :>
p01: No, do you have some links? It sounds interesting. I am desperately looking for something to do in my sparetime, so this might be it! Hurry!
Hyde: If you have trouble filling your spare time, we need to talk.
People, most browser allows custom stylesheets out of the box. You don't need any frakkin extension or whatever bloatware.
As a reminder for custom stylesheets:
PS: if by CSS replacement you mean several skins, it makes sense otherwise there's nothing to do since as I said most browsers allow that already.
As a reminder for custom stylesheets:
- in FireFox and other Gecko based browsers[/i]: http://www.mozilla.org/support/firefox/edit#content
- Opera: Tools > Preferences > Advanced > Content > Style options > My style sheets
- Internet Explorer: Tools > Internet options > General > Accessibility > User style sheets
- Safari: Edit > Preferences > Advanced > Style sheet > Other...
PS: if by CSS replacement you mean several skins, it makes sense otherwise there's nothing to do since as I said most browsers allow that already.
seriously now, I was looking to see if any of you already had some pouet-stylesheet lying around. Thanks anyway.
hyde, i do! it's at http://www.pouet.net/include/style.css for anyone to download!
Great! ... oh wait
background : url("../gfx/trumpet.gif");
ps is right.
p01: well, an easier way to change between them then hacking your browser ;) either skins or css, i dont know, thats entirely up to gargaj.
skin/theme == css+images == skin/theme
The question is more whether P2 will feature several skins to choose from. That's a "nice to have" not a "must have".
The question is more whether P2 will feature several skins to choose from. That's a "nice to have" not a "must have".
p01: In my opinion an extension like Stylish is a lot easier and more convenient than hand-editing userContent.css. But of course the latter is another way of doing it.
i would prefer that pouet shows a different default skin according to demoscene events or holidays :)
and/or time so you get a dark skin at night, and light one during day. But that must be opt-out-able, or in opt-in.
p01: could you please check your email or come to msn some time... :)
Gargaj: saw your mail, but I moved flat this WE.