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Demoscene is dead

category: residue [glöplog]
I think scene is dead because of non-existant felling similar at 10 years old...
Many groups (including my group:P) base the demoscene fellings from two or three groups on the actual scene.
Really, ato this moment, th only i see on the scene is a boring copy of any popular demosm softsynth's and "mega-ultra-fashion" 3d engines with DX...

Okey, true... but is not all... Arogance in the scene is boring... all it's the same... many people say "Ieah, my engine run fine, im the mastah! youe engine is not too k00l... mine is bether..." This really sux.

And other things that we can explain, but no...

What do you thing about all of this?
I think the scene die at 2005-2006...

in this generation, no one have the felling of investigation, pacience and the fines toast of learning from others. Jus't only some party's to win some money... not for the scene... only for the money.

True, im in this world of demos since 4-5 years old and well, im a baby...

Fuck all of this, feel freee to make demos/intros at our house, but jus't for fun and because we like it. Forget the parties, forget the money.
We have created scene, scene must be alive for us.

P.S. Im really sorry for my poor english.
added on the 2003-07-19 05:38:48 by pK pK
pk, i'm feeling with you. the scene of today especially lack s the will to rock, to be the best. where is the real competition. the trend for fake/"funny"/meant-lame products make me sick.

but i dont hink the scene will die in a matter of years. it has its ups and downs, but... well..

added on the 2003-07-19 05:48:52 by dipswitch dipswitch
The above topic is just business as usual. I'd personally only start worrying if someone stated, "The scene is alive!"
Lameness regularly dies every couple of years, scene suprisely always survives. Natural selection ?

"Scene is dead" statements are just announcing a drastic change into scene's world (remember, use of AGA for Amigas, PC scene takeover, Windows platform over DOS, 3D hardware democratized, etc).

Next step ? =)
added on the 2003-07-19 07:32:27 by willbe willbe
Come to CPC
added on the 2003-07-19 09:42:16 by Optimus Optimus
pk is dead
added on the 2003-07-19 09:46:00 by bruce bruce
i'm not really into the scene (just watching some demos/intros and code a bit on a low level, never been to a party so far), but i think there are people with talent around. they're just hidden behind a curtain of less talented people...
If the scene is dead now, it has been dead forever.

A part from the completly stupid money issue (who makes demo for money?) .. what you are saying was equally true in the past. (investigation my ass)

What I interpret with your "scene is dead", is that you've grown out of the definitely teenagery "dick contest" part of the scene.

The scene is what you make of it. It's a spectacle and you are it's creator. If you don't like what you see, whip yourself out or make what you want of it.

added on the 2003-07-19 10:29:37 by _-_-__ _-_-__
demoscene is not dieing. it's just in metamorphosis, which is very understandable because computers have changed etc...

i think after 5 years demoscene is something like creating music videos and animations, but i hope not
added on the 2003-07-19 11:22:50 by shadez shadez
scene can't be dead. after all, fr-019 has been accepted for the siggraph animation theater.

*sits back and waits for the tides of flames, "fr are arrogant jerks" and similar postings and just silently smiles*
added on the 2003-07-19 11:30:34 by ryg ryg
If you think the scene is dead, and you liked the scene, why don't you do something about it?
Find some talented, enthousiastic people, and write a great demo? A demo that will inspire a new generation?

I'm sure it will be more effective, or at least fulfilling, than the rants here.
added on the 2003-07-19 11:40:30 by Scali Scali
"the demo scene is dying"
the first time i read this was in some old issue of imphobia somewhat in 1994.
and we are still here.
added on the 2003-07-19 12:15:28 by hfr hfr
we are undead.
added on the 2003-07-19 12:59:19 by jb jb
Hmm... Friday night, getting drunk, reading pouet, writing bullshit? :)
added on the 2003-07-19 13:31:24 by ithaqua ithaqua
i've heard that quote for x^n times during the last 10 years i've been able to get ahold of textfiles .. people were always releasing boring texts trying to bring up a dull explanation why their scene should be dead. just see the scene as something that you created, or furthermore as your child. would you claim it's dead just because it's getting on your nerves or if you expected it to turn out different within the years? or would you rather like to see it dead, just because you don't care too much about it anymore?
added on the 2003-07-19 13:33:42 by dalezr dalezr
pk: making demos is proabebly the worst possible way of earning money if you consider the time spent. Now, THATS lousy payment. I'd earn more flipping burgers at McD's. Get a grip.
added on the 2003-07-19 16:11:17 by kusma kusma
Don't complain if we render polygons in hardware; Hardware is the future. At least it's the present. Things change. New stuff comes along. Optimize! Invent new tricks! I'm already amazed at what's recently been squeezed out of my box, and I haven't even got pixelshaders in my card. We're just in a phase where hardware is developing too fast, sit back a little and the sceners will catch up. It will be SPECTACULAR!!
added on the 2003-08-04 01:43:03 by emon emon
obviously a troll

added on the 2003-08-04 01:49:52 by Shifter Shifter
the scene is not dead
oldschool spirit is for sure!

good demos are still released
but most should be called benchmarks!

real sceners still exist
they just prefer working for money!

hardware is the future they say
lets all stop making software then!

10 PRINT "the scene is dead"
20 GOTO 20

"le roy est mort. vive le roy!"
P.S. Im really sorry for my poor french.
added on the 2003-08-04 02:15:21 by hybrid-2k hybrid-2k
demoscener simulator:

10 PRINT h3y cool dudes how do i do th1s sh1t
30 IF (twat and lucky) GOTO 160
40 PRINT hmm, maybe i should put some more effort at learning

50 IF (lucky) PRINT ohyeah, i won at some party

70 IF (lucky) GOTO 110
80 IF (insight) GOTO 130
90 IF (twat) GOTO 150
100 GOTO 60

120 GOTO 80

130 PRINT ok, i've seen it all. fucko it's just fun with the scene. let's do some demos and meet friends
140 GOTO 130

160 END
added on the 2003-08-04 04:00:06 by whizzter whizzter
oops. i'm tired. at 30 it should goto 150
added on the 2003-08-04 04:00:48 by whizzter whizzter
if we do demos just for the money, why would we spend so much time for the final versions?

and the true oldschool demoscene spirit is about writing benchmarks. 144 3d bobs anyone? technical competition has driven the demoscene, not hurt.

arrogance can be fun, but you should never take beeing arrogant serious, and you should never take arrogant people serious. if you don't like them, they get sad just like anybody else.

do you think making demos at home and NOT releasing them will help the scene? cool, build your own scene of 10 people, and get your fame there! i stay in the real scene and try to compete.
added on the 2003-08-04 04:36:00 by chaos chaos
Peke, put the facts where you put your mouth, who makes demos for money? Name somebody.

Competing pushes you further, although it is not necessary. At least you make something and are STILL active, unlike most of the 'scene is dead' trolls.

Anyways, I've been hearing this for about n years now, usually people that think that the times they lived were the best ever, and when they stopped paying attention, scene died. The thing is that you remember only the good things about the past, and tend to exagerate, i would say the ratio good prods/prods in the past was about the same as today.
added on the 2003-08-04 05:16:58 by mac mac
At some level, all software demos are hardware demos. You can't (ok, prove me wrong) play a CD-quality 128kbit MP3 on an unmodified C64. You need the hardware.

Similarly, at some level all hardware demos are software. A computer is not a box of chips. Well, ok, a FUNCTIONING computer is a bunch of chips, *with some programming to get them to run*.

And is the scene dead? Well, this is a scene site, and you're here, and there are lots of new productions added every day. The scene doesn't SEEM to be all that dead...
added on the 2003-08-04 05:18:43 by crusader crusader
if we do demos just for the money, why would we spend so much time for the final versions?

To make more money, of course!!


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