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fix me beautifull

category: general [glöplog]
Keops: Okay :)
added on the 2007-11-21 15:26:13 by gentleman gentleman
please delete this as its already been added
added on the 2007-11-21 16:23:47 by gentleman gentleman
please always use bbcode in this thread when refering to broken things.

download link http://aminet.net/demo/intro/MV-LaChP.lha for a single archive containing 3 productions:
added on the 2007-11-22 12:54:10 by darkcoder darkcoder
ps: thanks for your support
fixed all except 26573. cannot find it anymore.

| prod | new link
+-------+--------------------------------------------------------------------- --+
| 24377 | lamert.zip
| 24378 | msx_dsk1.zip
| 24379 | msx_dsk2.rar
| 24380 | msx_dsk3.rar
| 24388 | happytrippo.rar
| 24392 | YM2XM.zip
| 24438 | DISCO.ZIP
| 25846 | demooo
| 26567 | _ragdee_.zip
| 26570 | Boot_kit.2_0.zip
| 29428 | BIG_SCR1.zip
| 29429 | DEMO_TS1.zip
| 29430 | DMR3.zip
| 29682 | BITTNER.zip
| 29683 | BMT.zip
| 29684 | DELTA_FO.zip
| 29685 | BLACK_BY.zip
| 29686 | DYNAMIC.zip
| 29687 | MINTER.zip
| 29688 | OVERLAND.zip
| 29692 | Wien1.zip
| 29693 | XXX1.zip
| 29694 | XXX2.zip
| 29701 | MONOSCREEN.zip
| 31028 | xmas3.zip
+-------+--------------------------------------------------------------------- --+
added on the 2007-11-22 18:19:48 by seρρjο seρρjο
this music link is also broken rise by mindforce & Park Studios new link xm.zip
added on the 2007-11-22 18:27:38 by seρρjο seρρjο
A few weeks ago my company changed it's firewall configuration. And now I cannot troll pouet at work - life is becoming meaningless.

It's InterScan Web Security and it says 'Corrupted_Zip_File'

Any admins have access to the php files? It shouldn't be that hard a fix ...
added on the 2007-11-22 22:44:22 by Steel Steel
steel: i dont know how to fix it. if you do please share and i'll consider it.
added on the 2007-11-22 23:33:52 by psenough psenough
madenmann: please only call "youtube" to youtube videos, new standard naming..

all other gloperators: fixed seppjo music link but not the wall of prod download updates. have fun :S
added on the 2007-11-22 23:37:45 by psenough psenough
Krusty the coder of this http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=33784 says that the name of the demo is BND#2007. Don't trust CPC scene which probably made a mistake there, trust Krusty :)
added on the 2007-11-23 17:56:41 by Optimus Optimus
optimus: ok, fixed.
added on the 2007-11-23 21:04:53 by psenough psenough
http://pouet.net/prod.php?which=33833 misses group (deus ex machina)
added on the 2007-11-23 21:37:13 by toxie toxie
type is also wrong (demo) and platform is DOS
added on the 2007-11-23 21:39:33 by toxie toxie
ps: OH NOEZ, you're killing my creativity (5 exclamation marks)
please add this info on submitdownloadlinks.php, I actually checked the info before submitting the link.

The changes from risky.de to seppjo.de should be done now, a SQL check woulnd't hurt though.
btw, is there something broken with the database or scene ID? The nickname field in account.php somehow changes to login and "René" isn't properly displayed due to an wtf-8 error.
someone changed user.php today. i dont know who and i dont know why, probably gargaj i guess, but i sure would like to know why and what got changed and more importantly why do they leave more things seemingly newly broken isntead of newly fixed. :S
added on the 2007-11-23 23:51:02 by psenough psenough
features (5 exclamation marks)(tm)
added on the 2007-11-24 00:02:55 by EviL EviL
the wtf8 error was always there - pouet isnt inherently utf8 so it's gonna stay a while.

the nickname changing was a bug, i just fixed it.

in other news, the overhaul process will start.
added on the 2007-11-24 00:03:17 by Gargaj Gargaj
added on the 2007-11-24 01:44:41 by iks iks
added on the 2007-11-24 01:45:48 by button button
Gargaj, a bug? fixed? I still see the sceneid nicknames not being honored
added on the 2007-11-24 09:35:29 by _-_-__ _-_-__
it's under fixing (there was a problem somehow with ~120 users not having a nickname set at all), but alas pouet does not cache any sceneID data so i have to manually go through it :(
added on the 2007-11-24 12:30:07 by Gargaj Gargaj


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