Super Mario Galaxy
category: general [glöplog]
Haven't tried it yet but so far it has excellent reviews:
Looking forward to playing it :)
Looking forward to playing it :)
can't wait to get it.. preordered months ago :)
dito. can't wait for the postman anymore!!
btw. i'm typing this on a wii with an usb-keyboard plugged in. ;-)
btw. i'm typing this on a wii with an usb-keyboard plugged in. ;-)
bah mario shmario, go play Zack & Wiki ;)
No wii, or I'd love to play it. And my decided she wants a ds instead for xmas. Never mind, it'll still be there when I finally get a wii, and I'll have an added benefit: by the time I play it, it'll be oldschool \o/
Zack & Wiki roxx, btw.
Wow. You're all gamelamers.
Shame on me, I have Zack & Wiki and Metroid Prime 3 at home and I did not even have the time to give them a try :(
Metroid Prime 3 was really awesome
Metroid Prime 3 has a very nice art style and a lot of nice multitexturing effects which I actually like a lot more than ye N dot L * dif + spec and a lot of blooming.
Hey doom... admit it. You like Excite Truck. And Stunt Car Racer. And that silly multiplayer snake game we played at BP.
You're a gamer lamer.
You're a gamer lamer.
(oh, and i'm reeeeeally looking forward to super mario galaxy too).
OMG gamer lamers at BP! :O
xeron: I am, but I try not to be on pouet ;)
Wow. You're all gamelamers.
And, apparently, they're all female about it, too!
Seriously, Mario? PRE-ORDERED????
WTF is the matter with you people?
Show me a scener who never play video games in childhood or never listened to game music at last...
If you don't like mario, there is something wrong with you. And by mario, I don't mean every shitty game nintendo have shoehorned him into, I mean the core mario games like Super Mario Bros I, II and III, Super Mario Land, Super Mario World, Super Mario 64, Super Mario Sunshine*, and judging by the reviews, Super Mario Galaxy. They are simply brilliant, despite the gayness of the characters, the games themselves are absolutely great to play.
*Actually, I'm in the minority in thinking Sunshine was great, apparently. A lot of people didn't like the water spray thing, or criticise the camera, but I thoroughly enjoyed every second of the game from beginning to end.
*Actually, I'm in the minority in thinking Sunshine was great, apparently. A lot of people didn't like the water spray thing, or criticise the camera, but I thoroughly enjoyed every second of the game from beginning to end.
Super Giana Galaxy FTW! \o/
ur mr gay.
all of u.
all of u.
Meh, there were better platformers then and there are better platformers now. But then, I always hated the look and feel of NES and SNES games. Even though Super Mario Galaxy does look flashy. Maybe I'll get a chance to play it some day. Somehow..
I'd rather knock over dominos than ever touch a game that has the word "Mario" in its title!
Some people seem to be deeply afraid of touching something that people might consider a little 'gay'. Come on guys, get over it and come out of that closet. You can join us heterosexuals for a game of mario and start catching up on all that fun you've been missing.
Just had a look at gamerankings and wow, the score is amazing, now I'm even more looking forward to playing it :)