ukscene pubmeet - 27th october
category: general [glöplog]
it's time for another installment of the great scene tradition: a ukscene pubmeet.
time: from 16:30pm, saturday 27th october 2007.
location: the world's end, camden, london. it's very easy to find - go to camden tube station and walk out of the door, and it's the large pub across the road on your right.
so if you're anywhere near london, the uk or indeed northern europe on that date, attendance is mandatory.
see you there!
out of curiosity is the star trek pub still in existence?
out of curiosity, why camden?
sole: it's pretty accessible, a little bit less expensive and a bit more casual than soho/covent garden and also some people wanted to go check out camden market during the afternoon before they go to the pub.
you guys going to make it? :)
you guys going to make it? :)
love to really would, but bit far from poland :-(
count me in - 1 2 3 4! also if anybody wants loiterbuddy for camden market...
Wow i havent been to Camden since i was a wee little michschief maker playing in a heavy metal band! Should be fun heading out that way again, and i had some good times at the Worlds End Pub prior to going to the Camden Underworld, again i think i was underage drinking at this time, bah like they give a f***k in camden though :)
smash: cool idea =), but....It is a li'l too late =/. Not mentionning darn Eurostar which there and back from Paris is about 300euros (£214) *gasp*...
smash: good points!
Although you don't know there's a daily fight two streets down the pub, between beggars and casual beggars, we can hear them from the office. Aaaah, Camden, sweet Camden...
Anyway, yes, I guess we'll probably go :-)
Although you don't know there's a daily fight two streets down the pub, between beggars and casual beggars, we can hear them from the office. Aaaah, Camden, sweet Camden...
Anyway, yes, I guess we'll probably go :-)
let's fight overdressed kids!!
sole: and you can walk down from the highstreet to the dock and play the "how many times can you get offered drugs" game. a mate of mine bought some once when he was wasted and got arrested for it - but they let him go because he only got a bag of oregano. (yep, i used to work in camden too. :))
these, and many more stories of life in camden, will no doubt be told at the pubmeet - all the more reason to show up!
these, and many more stories of life in camden, will no doubt be told at the pubmeet - all the more reason to show up!
but they let him go because he only got a bag of oregano.
That sounds very much like Spaced :)

How about we meet at the Warm Zippy instead?
shane, please show up to the pubmeet! nothing bad will happen to you, i promise. nobody will laugh at you or anything. someone might even play the tiger game with you if you ask nicely.
I'm only coming if Shane comes!
sounds naughty ;)
parapete was the one i had in mind to volunteer to play the tiger game, by the way.
Damn you.
Damn you all.
Damn you all to hell.
Oh noes, a furious doomborg. /o\ The end is nigh.
Will have to be next year for me, Smash. And then it will probably happen too.
i can haz non-alkoholik?