Petition for moderating the oldskool pouë bbs, sign the list
category: general [glöplog]
1. El Topo
2. Fuck you - moderation kills inspiration!
3. [Insert random picture]
4. Fuckings.
Keep 'em coming, we must en this mob rule NOW!
First you want moderation and now you're against it?
5. Profits
I vote for removal of retards from Pouet, but as this is unlikely to happen, I vote for no moderation at all.
I vote for removal of sickos from Pouet, but as this is unlikely to happen, I'll simply go somewhere else.
Moderated bbs ... that would be like SPAAARTAAAA
auto-moderation is enough, moderation kills the free spirit feeling.
i mean self-moderation.
Show me a single message board that works better with moderation in place. There is none.
The amount of posters is reciprocal to the amount of moderation being done.
The fraction of serious posts does not change when moderation is in place. The only thing that changes is the total amount of posts.
The amount of posters is reciprocal to the amount of moderation being done.
The fraction of serious posts does not change when moderation is in place. The only thing that changes is the total amount of posts.
2. uns3en_
One thing I would like for the pouet BBS is an auto thumbnail function, so you do not have to stare at all the stupid trollpictures fullscreen.
and the random image thread should have a script only allowing picture posts. all posts containing text should be silently discarded... that would save a lot of our energy...
I think moderation would be nice, but I don't think it would work and who would be stupid enough to take that job (that implies having the responsibility to wade through all those useless comments and images posted in lame threads and deleting 20% of the accounts within ~a week)?!
I think moderation would be nice, but I don't think it would work and who would be stupid enough to take that job (that implies having the responsibility to wade through all those useless comments and images posted in lame threads and deleting 20% of the accounts within ~a week)?!
Why should people be allowed to comment on pictures?
shouldn't actually.
reverse meaning of previous post!
reverse meaning of previous post!
because people post stupid images and then the flaming goes on for pages and pages - but is of no use. The same thing will happen again 20 pages later. Moderation might be usefull there...
3. dipswitch
(actually i would petition to abolish the fucking bbs alltogether).
(actually i would petition to abolish the fucking bbs alltogether).
4. masterm (I don't mean strict moderation or something like that, mild moderation would be nice).
moderators, please delete this thread.
Hey, we should abolish the BBS and also comments on demos alltogether? I think that would a good idea. Much less drama that way. Instead everybody could just sign up to lifejournal or something.
dipswitch: Just turn the bbs off in your user configuration. No need to look at it anymore.