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Garfield vs. scene

category: residue [glöplog]
Fragment: You should become a comic writer! Great stuff!
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added on the 2007-08-26 10:31:22 by s_tec s_tec
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BTW: Which font did fragment use?
added on the 2007-08-26 11:06:27 by Joghurt Joghurt
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added on the 2007-08-26 11:41:38 by Bobic Bobic
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Couldn't resist doing one more...
added on the 2007-08-26 11:53:36 by s_tec s_tec
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added on the 2007-08-26 13:41:37 by doomdoom doomdoom
Influence Device: whohhahahahaa ;-)
added on the 2007-08-26 13:46:23 by magic magic
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added on the 2007-08-26 13:47:27 by doomdoom doomdoom
LOL @ Influence Device:
Wanna help me edit some comic strips?
added on the 2007-08-26 13:51:15 by s_tec s_tec
LOL, Influence Device
added on the 2007-08-26 13:59:44 by imbusy imbusy
nice one doom :D
added on the 2007-08-26 14:27:54 by Gargaj Gargaj
Doom has dicke Eier :D !!11
added on the 2007-08-26 14:39:49 by d0DgE d0DgE
Influence Device, that ribbon one was brilliant! :D
added on the 2007-08-26 14:42:53 by gr9yfox gr9yfox
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added on the 2007-08-26 16:46:43 by Clarence Clarence
added on the 2007-08-26 17:42:44 by gloom gloom
added on the 2007-08-26 17:48:14 by iks iks
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sorry :P
added on the 2007-08-26 18:17:25 by el mal el mal
Iris sucks but Doom rocks. :D
added on the 2007-08-26 18:18:56 by StingRay StingRay
StingRay: word!
added on the 2007-08-26 18:23:35 by Puryx Puryx
Maali^pouët: you're the man ;)
added on the 2007-08-26 18:27:01 by xernobyl xernobyl
just to show i dont mean that:
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added on the 2007-08-26 18:38:56 by el mal el mal
right, we're off to the motiongraphics scene. hope they let us in.
added on the 2007-08-26 18:52:25 by smash smash
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added on the 2007-08-26 18:53:46 by el mal el mal
I found this in the interwebscene:

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added on the 2007-08-26 21:11:48 by Stelthzje Stelthzje


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