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Garfield vs. scene

category: residue [glöplog]
Excellent, halalilarious guys!
added on the 2007-08-20 16:14:44 by SilkCut SilkCut
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added on the 2007-08-20 16:15:30 by gloom gloom
ahah :D

some texts are prolly more hilarious than the original ones!
added on the 2007-08-20 16:22:20 by Zest Zest
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added on the 2007-08-20 16:22:54 by gloom gloom
this thread alone was a reason to be sad of pouet downtime
added on the 2007-08-20 16:24:46 by jasuy jasuy
haha, laughing my ass off :)))))
added on the 2007-08-20 16:25:29 by iks iks
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added on the 2007-08-20 16:27:24 by gloom gloom
classic XD
added on the 2007-08-20 17:24:02 by d0DgE d0DgE
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added on the 2007-08-20 17:26:25 by gasman gasman
gasman: hahaha ;)
added on the 2007-08-20 17:54:48 by kb_ kb_
jesus shane.. pass me your drugs :D
added on the 2007-08-20 18:17:52 by el mal el mal
gasman :D
added on the 2007-08-20 18:25:51 by leijaa leijaa
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added on the 2007-08-20 18:29:45 by el mal el mal
shane, stop stealing from SA!
added on the 2007-08-20 18:30:19 by okkie okkie
Maali: I'm afraid I can't take credit for that masterpiece.

Okkie: What's SA?
okkie: This whole thread-idea is stolen from 4chan :)
added on the 2007-08-20 18:34:21 by gloom gloom
gloom: wrong :)
added on the 2007-08-20 18:41:29 by okkie okkie
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(just kidding of course, I love MF..Kew... Synesthetics :)
added on the 2007-08-20 18:59:28 by gloom gloom
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added on the 2007-08-20 19:18:51 by snoutmate snoutmate
I'm sure this thread will lead to a bunch of demos with garfield references... :D
kaneel: the same was expected to happen with a certain pig and it didn't happen... a least in quality :D
added on the 2007-08-20 19:23:51 by xernobyl xernobyl
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added on the 2007-08-20 20:20:34 by xernobyl xernobyl
@xernobyl: somehow, I'm expecting it will come rather s o o n.

Pouet is stealing from 4chan! Have you no shame?


In before.. blerch.. american high school kids laugh about this:

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added on the 2007-08-20 21:10:32 by Stelthzje Stelthzje


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