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MAIN demoparty #2 / 2007 november 1 - 4 / Marseille

category: general [glöplog]
Since MRS is only 60 kms from my place, sounds nice to attend there and test french parties ;)
added on the 2007-08-06 19:01:15 by _H2o_ _H2o_
Me too, it's only 30 minutes from my place, maybe I would come :)
(sorry for my english :S)
added on the 2007-08-06 19:47:35 by Anat Anat
Ofan ! you are welcome, register now and you can touch Zidane…
hey, if you have a webcam, try the webshoot-mugshoot module on the site http://www.mainparty.net

Register yourself...
hello there, in case you already have the information, i'd like to know what will be the prize for the first place in demo compo. If not, do you know if there will be any money prizes at all ? (it's not like i am a money whore, but I have something i want to do for the scene and i don't intend to pull the money out of my pocket, so getting it from a compo would be perfect). Thank you.
added on the 2007-08-17 12:30:11 by stil stil
Rouen <-> is not really doing it.
There will be moneyprices for all firstplaces in all compos, and harware etc for the 2nd and 3rd places. The majority of the pricemoney will be handed out in the fastdemo compo. All this will be announced during september! Patience, its vacationtime!
Register... www.mainparty.net

Make a mugshoot/webshoot yourself or your group with your webcam...

We confirm the festival of micromusic with big Surprise at the same time as the MAIN demoparty

BB Image
added on the 2007-08-22 22:43:59 by Zest Zest
yay goto80!
added on the 2007-08-22 23:20:42 by _-_-__ _-_-__
Register... places are limited...
Come on, we want some invit-tro !!!
added on the 2007-08-23 00:36:38 by kohai kohai
a note to anyone in holland: ryanair flies straight to MAIN from Eindhoven and Brussels for only 100 euros (incl taxes). Having had to miss all summer parties, I'm very much considering to go - anyone who feels like tagging along? (1-4 november)

On a sidenote for the UKers: Easyjet has an even better deal from gatwick, check it out.
added on the 2007-09-08 11:52:08 by skrebbel skrebbel
ho noooez... chipmusic :(
oh yesss, the biggest european micromusic festival :-{)
Chiptunes + Pastis + Atari logos everywhere = ca roulaize du polak !!!
added on the 2007-09-10 13:10:02 by tobé tobé
I'll try to be there :)
added on the 2007-09-10 13:15:02 by tobé tobé
You are welcomeu... register, places are limited…
I'm not sure where i'm supposed to be in the beginning of november (yes really :)), when will close the registration ?
added on the 2007-09-10 14:01:07 by tobé tobé
when we have ran out of places. and really cant find any more seats anywhere at the venue.
registration will close may be one week before the demo...
En tout cas, chouette flyer. Ca donnerait presque envie de faire le déplacement.
added on the 2007-09-10 15:29:08 by oxb oxb
sounds pretty hot =) guess i'll be there with some dutch guys!
added on the 2007-09-10 15:50:51 by earx earx


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