Which kind of software you usually buy ?
category: general [glöplog]
This short survey is a consciencious thinking considering the time spent to create and the fact that demos have always be money free.
The operating system and the compiler. For everything else I use free stuff.
Is that another another cheap attempt to spam us with your lkt/blacksmith stuff again? No thanks, the oneliner was enough for me.
SpamSoft ;)
Zut, y en a qui sont plus rapide que moi ;)
Cracks. For everything else I use free stuff.
I just go to other people's houses and steal their pro tools.
I download everything which is not free stuff. Or wait... no... I download free stuff too. ;)
Helping other people is not selling a software. To sell software we provoque alienations. (publicity,etc). Usually there is a part that do contradictory...
barti, when your doctor said 'talk about it' he didn't exactly mean taking nonsense out on the public. =)
Lots of console games
keops: stop that, atleast give the man the benefit of the doubt before starting to smash bottles.
Usually games. But not that many. I use "free" software.
i paid the operating system. everything else is free (or at least still valid shareware)
The last time I paid for software was probably almost a year ago when I bought Tony Hawk for my DS. Then again I am a linux user so what would I buy... ;)
meht: Funny you talk about sharewares, numerous people go throught peer-to-peer file share instead of instances of sharewares... There are good softwares. Recently I've found a really good library use kind of free software for mucic files. A good initiative, I think.
basically... professional music software
because it's the only warez who pay for itself in my case
because it's the only warez who pay for itself in my case
buy....? software?
OpenSource \o/
OpenSource \o/
Let's see...
Little Sound Dj
I think that's all the software I ever payed for... Amazing!
Little Sound Dj
I think that's all the software I ever payed for... Amazing!
Speaking of not paying for software, anyone know a free Mathematica clone for Linux?
Ok, I paid for the OS but it came with the computer. Otherwize I only pay for games because of the artistisc creativity and devotion behind them. I would not pay for, say Photoshop or MS Office, and I don't use it. Why? Because it is the same shit they've sold to us the last 10 years with some extra crapfunctions smacked on top. I use open source for 90% of everything I do with my comp, the other 10% is watching DVD's with PowerDVD.
tribe: no, unfortunately.
Ok, just to be clear: shareware and p2p protocols are apples and angora sweaters. Combining the two causes severe FACEPALM disorder. FACEPALM disorder hurts. STOP IT.
Ok, just to be clear: shareware and p2p protocols are apples and angora sweaters. Combining the two causes severe FACEPALM disorder. FACEPALM disorder hurts. STOP IT.
tribe: they say Maxima is somehow good, but i never tried it...
games and opensource software.