Blockparty 2007
category: general [glöplog]
The line-up of speakers for Blockparty 2007 has been finalized, the official website is available at
Back to acid... :D
Back to acid... :D
Northern Dragons is bringing sexy back, I heard.
Will those seminars be recorded and spreaded online? I would really like to see Trixter's talk about 8088 Corruption.
make the pilgr--oops!
seems like blockparty is gonna be a cool event. now if you only had an active scene to back it with cool releases ;D but sadly we all know legalize singlehandedly both rose and killed the entire panamerican scene. ;)
cool, i dunno, but it's got a good speaker lineup ;) and teaming up with notacon guarantees there will at least be a good-sized crowd of non-gamers. if they can get some live performances out of alpha conspiracy and nullsleep (hint hint radman) *then* it might be a bit cool.
i doubt the compos will be any worse off without legalize around.
i doubt the compos will be any worse off without legalize around.
ps: an american scener won last year Euskal's democompo ;)
If nullsleep plays I want a live stream!!!
And by want I mean DEMAND. Thank you in advance ;)
And by want I mean DEMAND. Thank you in advance ;)
xernobyl: Well, after metapat saw the invite, he said DTV should go to the party. Then I think netpoet said he'd buy him a little cowboy hat. (It could have been the other way around)
It's a long way for them to fly though.
BTW, prod:
It's a long way for them to fly though.
BTW, prod:
Hmm... I know s_tec has mentioned Blockparty in past emails, but this is the first concrete info I've heard. Not that it matters -- I'm pretty sure I'm on the other side of the Pacific on that weekend.
ups to the initiative, and btw i love the party name.
GbND: Metapat also said they were going to use your prize money to book the flight :-)
I have no idea what this topic is about. But I do enjoy clicking random irc links.
Seems like you guys are going to have a good party. Enjoy!!!
ENJOY THE MOST FREE DEMOPARTY EVER! i mean.. look its in usa so its gotta be free coz usa is land of free!
no terrorists, hippies, liberals allowed ? right ?
/slap unssi
uns3en: what a fucking lame comment.
what gargaj said.
If I could afford it, I would go..
On the other hand, Nannys earn too little :(
On the other hand, Nannys earn too little :(
uns3en_: you're so boring sometimes...
and good luck for Blockparty, looking forward to watching non european releases for a change :)
unssi: jokes take two ;)