any sceners going to GDC?
category: general [glöplog]
hoi, any sceners going to gdc 2007 in san fran (march 5-9th)? if so, we should meet up for a beer or something. :)
of course, it's in my backyard! pyromaniac usually holds a demoscener afterparty, so I'm sure he'll do the same this year too. good time to spread the word about blockparty, too.
forget blockparty, it's not in utah :(
radman: wicked, put me on the list. :) havent seen pyro in a few years. :)
Smash: Talk to Hyde. He's living there atm.
oh shit! i wanna go... i'm in Burlington VT
I'm not going to gdc, but I do live nearby SF.
Jekyll used to go to gdc, but he doesn't do games anymore so I don't know this year.
Jekyll used to go to gdc, but he doesn't do games anymore so I don't know this year.
i'd go, if someone wants to pay for the trip for me
@xteraco: shroud yourself in bubblewrap and have someone mail you over!
i think maybe duckers/outracks is going(?) ask him.
mmmmmh bubblewrap!
pop my bubbles me beautiful ^^
Who ARE you people?
And what's with those white coats?
And what's with those white coats?
I try to be there, hope to get confirmation soon (budgets, you know) ..
Smash: I'll be going to GDC. I don't know if I will be trapped in the HP booth for the full conference but going for a beer would be great.
I hear you're meeting up with the more dubious half of Andromeda over there. You should really take care when you're around these guys, you know.
ok, i got confirmation. meeting for a beer would be nice ;-)
I already arrive on saturday. How about gathering at the HP booth during the week and screaming "beer!" aloud?
I already arrive on saturday. How about gathering at the HP booth during the week and screaming "beer!" aloud?
i'll be on the sony booth for about an hour at some point as well.. :) jar, drop me a mail, im collecting mobile numbers. :) (smaash at )
Archmage: Dubious, bah! I just got promoted to Kapitan vtorogo ranga of the second largest ship in our fleet. Arrrr. Arr.
tonight at seven. Union Square.
btw radman (or pyro), get in touch :)
By the way, did you get to see statix :)