apple Iphone
category: general [glöplog]
Well I just saw the apple Iphone keynote.
DAMMM that little thing is COOL !!! I know it's a sales talk, and it's about how good apple is. But that phone is looking very good!!
Scroll to 26.25 min. (that's where the Iphone presentation begins, before 26.25 it's about I-pod, I-tv etc.)
DAMMM that little thing is COOL !!! I know it's a sales talk, and it's about how good apple is. But that phone is looking very good!!
Scroll to 26.25 min. (that's where the Iphone presentation begins, before 26.25 it's about I-pod, I-tv etc.)
yeah, or you could just click "watch the iphone presentation" directly, like the rest of us did days ago.
new demo-platform?
prolly new wanking platform
It doesn't support 3rd party applications.
(then again, that's never stopped anyone before)
(then again, that's never stopped anyone before)
like the rest of us did days ago.
Yeah come on krimble, why can't you be hip and cool like gloom??? He's so cool!
LOL, Yeah i'm just not a cool guy I think.
If I buy the Iphone would I be a cool guy ?
I'm not a programmer (I do 3d graphics) but is it possible to code demo's for the Iphone?
If I buy the Iphone would I be a cool guy ?
I'm not a programmer (I do 3d graphics) but is it possible to code demo's for the Iphone?
Apple representatives said it is a "closed platform", refusing even to identify the specific processor it uses, and there's apparently no developer kit for it, though "developers who want to do applications [for the iPhone] are welcome to contact Apple developer relations."
So no demos unless (before) it gets hacked...
...and we all know it will get hacked pretty soon after release.
Not that I'd be ... ya know... interested in this or anything, but, well, I have to, it's my job.
So. Ya know. It might just. Have to be explored. For security purposes. And such. I mean, I can't have my applications that pay my rent, the ones running on that phone, be less than secure. So, really, I'll HAVE to know everything about it.
And if I have to, while at work, working with that phone, check to be sure it can play programmed music, do 3d and 2d visuals, and, oh, I dunno, other demo related things... ya know, if I _HAVE_ to do that at work...
This message brought to you by the letters F, U, C, K, I, N, G, and S, the number 2, and the letters O, V, E, R, W, O, R, and K.
So. Ya know. It might just. Have to be explored. For security purposes. And such. I mean, I can't have my applications that pay my rent, the ones running on that phone, be less than secure. So, really, I'll HAVE to know everything about it.
And if I have to, while at work, working with that phone, check to be sure it can play programmed music, do 3d and 2d visuals, and, oh, I dunno, other demo related things... ya know, if I _HAVE_ to do that at work...
This message brought to you by the letters F, U, C, K, I, N, G, and S, the number 2, and the letters O, V, E, R, W, O, R, and K.
I thought it was using Mac OS X, but what the hell it can't run your own programs?
I should mention that it's not Jesus.
I read somewhere that iPhone could run Cocoa apps. Can't remember where anymore.
well.. one of the "features" Apple mentions are Cocoa, let's see what they mean by that. Running "normal" OS X programs doesn't seam that likely since most programs use the mouse and a keyboard which this has neither of. A lot of things will ofcourse be possible to do with that Multi-touch scrceen but far from everything. If all software shall run then they also must have a 100% x86 compatible processor in there, I havent found any information about which components they will have in it. Rosetta is atleast not an option :P
Look slick and the UI looks like a real killer app. The multi-touch screen with that resoultion must be really nice to work with. The bad thing is that all that uses a lot of juice which leads to multiple charges each day if you use it for other purposes than making phone calls with it. But that's the problem with all them "smart phones". :)
Look slick and the UI looks like a real killer app. The multi-touch screen with that resoultion must be really nice to work with. The bad thing is that all that uses a lot of juice which leads to multiple charges each day if you use it for other purposes than making phone calls with it. But that's the problem with all them "smart phones". :)
parapete: I'm neither hip nor cool, just really really into Apple-stuff. :)
OS X my anus... it's kinda silly seeing Jobs laughing about Microsoft naming their mobile OS "Windows Mobile" while this has not very much in common with Windows at all and then mislead the public by presenting the phone to run OS X.
The iphone will by nature merely run a crippled and stripped-down version of the original OS X.
The iphone will by nature merely run a crippled and stripped-down version of the original OS X.
They actually have some Samsung processor in iPhone like in iPods, not Intel.
either way it's gonna be interesting to see what it's really like. The thing with Apple is that you really can't be sure about rumors, somehow they almost has no leaks from the inside which is strange for such a large company. When they present the real information the speculation can begin..
But I could almost bet my life on that the battery time will be really bad, really really bad.. :(
But I could almost bet my life on that the battery time will be really bad, really really bad.. :(
teel: I'd be really interested in hearing where you have that information from.
teel: "We here at the Ars Orbiting HQ believe that the culprit is none other than Samsung, who makes a part perfect for the iPhone. After a little digging, we also found that FBR research is also pinpointing a Samsung CPU as the brains of the iPhone. FBR Research believes that the suppliers for the major components in the iPhone will be..."
Well.. just the normal speculations, mixed with some rumors that might be true but nothing is actually verified..
"a spokeswoman for Apple in San Francisco told Reuters by telephone, denying an earlier statement by a spokesman for Apple Germany who had said the processor was Intel's."
They even give us counter information. They want us to belive that we know something when we actually know nothing ;D
Well.. just the normal speculations, mixed with some rumors that might be true but nothing is actually verified..
"a spokeswoman for Apple in San Francisco told Reuters by telephone, denying an earlier statement by a spokesman for Apple Germany who had said the processor was Intel's."
They even give us counter information. They want us to belive that we know something when we actually know nothing ;D
The only thing cool about it for me it's the multitouchscreen.
Yeah, I should've added the word "probably" on that first statement :)

the thing is quite cool BUT the price is insane :(
4GB model = $499
+ 2 year contract
8GB model = $599
4GB model = $499
+ 2 year contract
8GB model = $599