Melon. sucks
category: general [glöplog]
Treat all demoscene stuffs like scientific papers - reference everything.
and in the times of internet where everyone can take a photo from somewhere you will do whatever was done in the past ... even fakes and ripoffs will get accepted.
the minimum would be that the stuff clearly gets classified
during the compo as painting,rendering,photoretouching
(no fake label ala matte"painting" plz...) and some of the steps are get shown.
even than i would doubt that most ppl will read and recognize the difference.
gfxrelated part of the scene was and is going down since years.
fortunatly only at the demoscene.
the minimum would be that the stuff clearly gets classified
during the compo as painting,rendering,photoretouching
(no fake label ala matte"painting" plz...) and some of the steps are get shown.
even than i would doubt that most ppl will read and recognize the difference.
gfxrelated part of the scene was and is going down since years.
fortunatly only at the demoscene.
MadenMann: I understand what you're saying here, but I don't agree with your defeatist way of thinking. I'm all for adaptation, but I don't think the solution for the gfx-compo is turn it into something else than an actual gfx-compo. What you have now is at best a hybrid 2d painting meets photomanipulation-compo which fails to attract the best graphicians in the scene. I don't always agree with xeNusion's manner in the forums, but he is a hell of a graphician and he has clearly stated his negative attitude towards participating in the compos as they are now. I'm sure Acryl isn't too happy about his placing in the farce that was the Evoke gfx compos either.
In the long run, the scene will be better off with actual 2d compos separated from the photomanipulatorcompos. In my personal taste, a compo with five good painted entries from the best artists is far better - and WORTH arranging a compo for - than a compo with fifteen mediocre photomanipulations and two mediocre painted pics. But the latter scenario is where you are heading now.
In the long run, the scene will be better off with actual 2d compos separated from the photomanipulatorcompos. In my personal taste, a compo with five good painted entries from the best artists is far better - and WORTH arranging a compo for - than a compo with fifteen mediocre photomanipulations and two mediocre painted pics. But the latter scenario is where you are heading now.
you can read it at the evoke/breakpoint compo pages.
BREAKING NEWS: Xenusion associates the scene with being like one demoparty. That kinda of thinking reminds me of a certain crack-addled rant about awards :D
And you misread the rules, just like Gizmo pointed out. Go away, scan some more pictures! :)
Having had a good compare of the pic and the original, I reckon it's definitely scanned and converted, with maybe 20% being retouched or altered. If it was really hand-copied, you wouldn't waste time getting every skin cell pixel and every eye-lash totally pixel perfect, you'd just recreate the effect. <- check out some hot oldschool action there ;) GREAT PICTURE TOO BAD ITS COPIED AND PROBABLY OVERPAINTED...
giZmo: ok, so if you take the photo yourself, you're home free? I fail to see that this is any different. At least when there is a separate photo compo.
As for the past years of scene artistry: There is a big difference between using reference material as in looking at photos, other artists' work or the world around you - and copying a photo straight off or manipulating a photo. In fact, if you don't use reference, chances are that you're a pretty lousy artist. But if you copy work, chances are that you're no artist at all. You can get away with anything, though, so it basically comes down to your own integrity. Even so, rules in a gfx compo should really cater for the real gfx-artists rather than giving them a hard time.
As for the past years of scene artistry: There is a big difference between using reference material as in looking at photos, other artists' work or the world around you - and copying a photo straight off or manipulating a photo. In fact, if you don't use reference, chances are that you're a pretty lousy artist. But if you copy work, chances are that you're no artist at all. You can get away with anything, though, so it basically comes down to your own integrity. Even so, rules in a gfx compo should really cater for the real gfx-artists rather than giving them a hard time.
The threat of competing against ripped/scanned pieces might actually force graphicians into focusing on the artistic side of things rather than on doing 99% accurate repaints from magazines and fantasy books, and we wouldn't want that, now would we?
well, one hopes that since we're not all 15 anymore that people arent as desperate to win a compo not many people even hear about these days and just want to make a nice pic for fun. :) (that's probably naive, isnt it)
Hey, something else to bicker about! We needed this after the 'demo size limit' and 'tracker music' discussions!
Smash: Hopefully the fun factor is present in everything that has anything to do with the scene. ;) It's not about winning compos. It's mostly about fair rules and ... *ahem*... demoscene culture (come on, ye fekkin' trolls!). And ofcoz a bit about having something to bicker about.
I wish they would just go back to making stuff.
This thread is stupid. Anyone who would post in this thread is a moron who thinks he owns the scene and can tell others what to do. I hate you all because you understand nothing. And you prove it by not having anything useful to say. All you do is rant about how much other people suck.
It never ends!
It never ends!
Well put dude. You go nail 'em!
Anyway. I think most people agree that anyone who would scan a picture from some not-unknown artist, convert it to grayscale and then call it an original hand-drawn sketch, without the slightest effort to even disguise it a little, deserves some fuckings.
Anyone who would post in this thread is a moron who thinks he owns the scene and can tell others what to do
ho I see, that's why you posted a message :)
We need compos for trolling and pouetization instead of graphics. Everyone is into that more than making prods these days, there would be tons of entries, and nobody would have to copy boris valejo.
Is it so far fetched that 2 artists, one on a computer, and one painting, could come up with an absolutely identical image independently? Come on guys, have an open mind about these things!
2003 - copying Vallejo still happening =((((

haha, it's allowed when it's pretty much unrecognizable :D
Maybe banning copying is the wrong way to go, and is the reason for the decline of scene graphics. If the artists like it so much, let them have a boris vallejo copying compo!
"guys, you've misunderstood the breakpoint comporulez! its NOT allowed to take a picture from somewhere and just retouch it. you may only do so if you made the source yourself. your picture MUST be free of third party rights."
So its ok to retouch photos, i guess its useless to spend 2 months on pixelling a picture then when it will be beaten by 1 week of retouching work pictures :(
So its ok to retouch photos, i guess its useless to spend 2 months on pixelling a picture then when it will be beaten by 1 week of retouching work pictures :(
I just want to add that in a recent fun compo, where people had to copy from vallejo, there were 16 entries. gfx scene isn't dead!
i always wondered in amiga days, how the fuck they could come up with such beautifull pics back then, when i was still trying to get the hang of deluxepaint 3...
10 years later i see that nocopy page and felt like a complete idiot. ..
6 years later i got fooled again and gave my votes to the winning pic of evoke 2006 and ended up being 2nd :)
but nothing beated the look on xenusions face when he asked at the party, 'dude wheres your wacom' and i showed him my MOUSE! -thats whats parties are all about :) and beer ofcourse =)
10 years later i see that nocopy page and felt like a complete idiot. ..
6 years later i got fooled again and gave my votes to the winning pic of evoke 2006 and ended up being 2nd :)
but nothing beated the look on xenusions face when he asked at the party, 'dude wheres your wacom' and i showed him my MOUSE! -thats whats parties are all about :) and beer ofcourse =)
guys, you've misunderstood the breakpoint comporulez! its NOT allowed to take a picture from somewhere and just retouch it. you may only do so if you made the source yourself. your picture MUST be free of third party rights.
Made the source yourself.......
So, if I gave my car an impressive paintjob and took a picture of it, could I enter?