about the Wii ?
category: general [glöplog]
We all knows that some of us are working for dev studio so ?
1- Does anyone knows if the Wii, can be a good demo platform ?
1- Does anyone had put his or her hands on the official devkit and can say us more about the hardware and the software ?
ie. Screen resolutions
speed of the CPU/GPU/Memory/co-processor ?
hope that someone will answer :)
1- Does anyone knows if the Wii, can be a good demo platform ?
1- Does anyone had put his or her hands on the official devkit and can say us more about the hardware and the software ?
ie. Screen resolutions
speed of the CPU/GPU/Memory/co-processor ?
hope that someone will answer :)
1. It could be, it's quite easy to code and it's quite similar to OpenGL for the 3D part.
2. Wii's CPU has basically the horsepower of the Xbox's (it's more or less true for the GPU as well, apart from a few architecture differences).
Wii does not support HD, it uses only 640x480. It has about 100MB of memory, when both PS3 and 360 have more than 500.
3. About the devkit, it's the usual (annoying) Codewarrior/Cygwin stuff, lightyears behind Visual Studio imo.
Basically, Wii is an upgraded Gamecube, with more or less the power of an Xbox, totally compatible with the Gamecube, using the same libraries (such as GX for the the rendering for example).
2. Wii's CPU has basically the horsepower of the Xbox's (it's more or less true for the GPU as well, apart from a few architecture differences).
Wii does not support HD, it uses only 640x480. It has about 100MB of memory, when both PS3 and 360 have more than 500.
3. About the devkit, it's the usual (annoying) Codewarrior/Cygwin stuff, lightyears behind Visual Studio imo.
Basically, Wii is an upgraded Gamecube, with more or less the power of an Xbox, totally compatible with the Gamecube, using the same libraries (such as GX for the the rendering for example).
does it support pixel shaders?
No shaders, only fixed pipeline. At least Xbox had basic shaders capabilities :/
sounds like a perfect platform for me :D
I guess Wii's best "innovations" are in the user interaction department, which isn't exactly that much of use for demos...

This is not a Wii.
The processor runs at 729MHz aparently, and has about 96 mb of total memory.
From what I've read.
That no shaders thing is weird :|
It can be a good demoplatform if someone get's a way to run something in it. It's simple to code, and not that powerfull (better to see who is good :D).
From what I've read.
That no shaders thing is weird :|
It can be a good demoplatform if someone get's a way to run something in it. It's simple to code, and not that powerfull (better to see who is good :D).

The road here looks a bit like parallax mapping, but the screen is a little blury.
teel, maybe so maybe not, but fancy controls are quite interesting for live visuals.
Live Visuals would be cool for the thingy.
BTW isn't Wii's max resolution 720x480?
BTW isn't Wii's max resolution 720x480?
funny shadows in that screenshot btw...
That's the output.
Lol! Only MC Hammer has a shadow :D
Lol! Only MC Hammer has a shadow :D
Lol! Only MC Hammer has a shadow :D
Thats because he can move faster than his own shadow! So if they dont have a shadow on it it will be impossible to play it. Only reason why you can see him in this image is because its a screenshoot.
is that other dude pissing, or getting ready to take a crap?
as for demos on the wii: why not? No shaders? right, like it's required to have shaders to be creative.
as for demos on the wii: why not? No shaders? right, like it's required to have shaders to be creative.
keep the wiimote, dump the rest :p
This console is all about fun (as a console should be), ain't it?
So this will make a good demo platform over those rubbish PSx and such.
I love Wii. I want one.
So this will make a good demo platform over those rubbish PSx and such.
I love Wii. I want one.
Here in Italy seems that is impossible to find the controller alone, it's always bundled with a disc of games and costs about the double of its supposed base price wich should be 25€.
there is no way to start homebrew in wii mode yet, there is only a trick how to start gamecube homebrew on the wii...
Broderick: here in fr the wiimote alone is 40 euros while wiimote + wii play is 50...
I think we should use the controllers and the interface of the Wii to make the user interact with future demos. Make them choose their destiny in the demo, let them control and rotate the effects with the controler. Find the hidden part when four people does the YMCA.
... what you can still do on a PC.