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chunky to planar

category: code [glöplog]
Loonies Mekka 2001 demo "Hotstyle Takeover" runs at 50fps on 060 and has c2p-effects.

My understanding was that it managed that by avoiding C2P (or at least inlining it into the effects code). Anyone?
They meshed the C2P with the rendering code to take advantage of the idle time imposed by superslow chipmem. At least that's what they say.

They also chopped off a couple of bitplanes. But hey, who can tell. ;)

Other tricks included moving a layer in front of the effect, I think using sprites, and then only performing the C2P on a small area visible through the sprites.
added on the 2006-09-14 21:21:37 by doomdoom doomdoom
Commodore really should have added a chunky mode to the A1200. But they'd didn't. So boo to them.
added on the 2006-09-14 21:26:47 by xeron xeron
Nah. C2P is fun!

0 <- 01101010
0 -> food

It's the semicircle of life. Embrace it!
added on the 2006-09-14 21:29:26 by doomdoom doomdoom
Advanced Graphics Architecture
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Advanced Graphics Architecture (AGA) was the name used for the improved graphics chipset of the third generation Amiga computers at the beginning of the 1990s (Second generation had ECS). In the United States AGA was originally called AA for Advanced Architecture, whereas in Europe the name was changed to AGA to reflect that it largely improved the graphical subsystem (opposed to the architecture in its entirety), and to avoid trademark issues. [1]

AGA is able to do 8-bit pixels, which gives 256 colors in normal display mode and 262144 colors in HAM-8 (Hold-And-Modify) mode (18-bit color, 6 bits per RGB channel). Palette for AGA chipset is 256 entries from 16777216 colors (24-bit). The original Amiga chipset (OCS) had 4096 colors (12-bit, 4 bits per RGB channel), of which 32 could be displayed unless in half-bright (which provided an additional 32 colors fixed at half the brightness of the first 32) or HAM mode. Other features added to AGA over ECS were superhires smooth scrolling and 32-bit fast page memory fetches to supply the graphics data bandwidth for 8 bitplane graphics modes and wider sprites.

The AGA chipset was a basic evolutionary upgrade, lacking many features that would have made it competitive with PC graphic chipsets of its time. Apart from the graphics data fetches the chipset still operates on 16-bit data only, meaning that a lot of bandwidth is wasted during register accesses and copper and blitter operations. Also the lack of a chunky graphics mode was a speed impediment to graphics operations not tailored for planar modes. Missed opportunities in the AGA upgrade may have contributed to the Amiga ultimately losing technical leadership in the multimedia area.

AGA was included in the CD32, Amiga 1200 and Amiga 4000.
added on the 2006-09-14 21:33:38 by Stelthzje Stelthzje
Scotch egg
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A Scotch egg is a snack food of Scottish origin consisting of a cold, hard-boiled egg removed from its shell, wrapped in a sausage meat mixture, coated in breadcrumbs, and deep-fried. It is eaten cold, typically with salad and pickles.

Scotch eggs were traditionally a Scottish breakfast or picnic food, designed to be eaten fresh. However, in the UK at least, they have acquired an unfashionable, downmarket reputation due to the preponderance of pre-packed, plastic-wrapped Scotch eggs sold at convenience stores and service stations. These are generally made with very cheap meat and eggs.

Similar to the Scotch egg is the gala pie — a usually loaf-shaped pie with a shortcrust case. Unlike the Scotch egg, the meat is not sausagemeat, but rather a meat filling like that in a traditional pork pie. Classically, these have several whole eggs embedded in the pie, although cheap convenience versions can use a long cylindrical core that resembles a single extremely elongated egg, made from the processed components of several real eggs [1].

Miniature versions of scotch eggs are also widely available in British supermarkets and are sold under the name 'savoury egg bites', 'picnic eggs', or similar. Due to their size, these contain a chopped, rather than whole, egg filling, sometimes combined with mayonnaise.

In West Africa, some fast-food restaurants offer scotch eggs alongside their other menu items. In Nigeria, Tantalizers and Mr. Biggs both prominently feature scotch eggs.
added on the 2006-09-14 21:46:43 by xeron xeron
Well, the CD32 has a C2P chip called Akiko, it does also CD access. Too sad the CD32 is limited by a 020 cpu with 14Mhz, you could add a 030' Cpu with 50 Mhz, but nothing above. and theres only a very few software that uses the Akiko since most games were A1200 conversions. A Mpeg player for amiga uses the akiko, but well..Mpegs on a 030....
added on the 2006-09-14 22:02:44 by Exin Exin
Blitter-based c2p has been used for ham modes, in fact most anyone from pouet has at least once seen tint from tbl, which having been done when 030/28 was pretty common, gained speed by c2p-ing half screen with c2p and half with blitter... it got better in fact: they timed how much took each part and adjusted the split point, so on slower computer more was done with blitter and on faster ones more is done with cpu. (essence' rom 5 or 6 contains some intervied with offa&equalizer which talks about it)

One good trick to speed up c2p is to never write the chunky to ram, but just combine the drawing routine with the c2p with the write to chipmem... I recall doing this one to achieve dual-4bpl-rotozoomers on synthesis, and later confirmed with peskanov/capsule that he did similar things on phase one. But doing draw+c2p+chipwrite for a poly mapper is sure very funky code...

At last, akiko... the problem with akiko is that it's also on the chipmem bus, and nowdays c2p routines run in copyspeed already so nothing would be won by using it.
added on the 2006-09-14 23:05:27 by winden winden
just for information, the Ataris work exactly the same way, but with only 4bitplanes for STf/STe.

ST have a little bit different bitplanes organization than Amiga: bitplanes in ST are interleaved.
added on the 2006-09-15 02:35:03 by calimero calimero
just for information, the Ataris work exactly the same way, but with only 4bitplanes for STf/STe.

ST have a little bit different bitplanes organization than Amiga: bitplanes in ST are interleaved.

And that gives the STs a nice side effect: for C2P the movep instuction can be used which is cool :)
added on the 2006-09-15 09:38:53 by --- ---
it seems to me that ryg wanted some hardcore technical information.

the inner loop is this:


and the outer loop is this:


please remember that the amiga usually has paging disabled, so you don't need to worry about anything but cachelines.

beyond that are all kinds of modetricks and blittertricks. you can go fullscreen in 50hz only if you somehow reduce the size of the screen (lower resolution, borders, black pixels, less than 8 bit, ham-tricks, motion blur fakes, ...) but the ultimate limit is the chipmem bandwidth, even with blitter tricks.

in any case, modern amiga demos spend most of a frame emulating PC mode 13. how cool is that? on the other hand, the 68060 platform allows comparing coding skills over multiple generations of coders, like on the c64.
added on the 2006-09-15 11:20:00 by chaos chaos
Presumably you could set up interleaved bitplanes on the amiga using modulos.. IE set up each bitplane pointer to 40 bytes past the previous one, and the modulo to 40*planes. Then you can do movep c2p.
added on the 2006-09-15 11:32:10 by xeron xeron
i didn't want any hardcore technical information - i started this thread 5 fucking years ago after lapsuus was released on asm01 :)

there were quite some discussions about the blockiness and type of c2p used on the oneliner, several people didn't know what c2p was, so i wrote a short explanation (at the top :)

i never did any amiga style C2Ps myself, but i did some textmode effects (about 10 years ago... whew) where i had pixel-based stuff in a small rectangular area on the screen. i rendered the stuff in 1bpp, but 1 byte/pixel, then needed to do a similar bitwise transpose operation to get that into charset format, so i do have *some* experience :) (though my code wasn't nearly as advanced as actual amiga c2ps and used a lot of tables).
added on the 2006-09-15 11:35:48 by ryg ryg
chaos: The Cyberstom 060s can do full-screen 8-bit C2P in well under a frame, just not really leaving any CPU time for rendering. And yes, we work very hard to emulate 13h. 13h is a good number. We call it $13 though. FWIW I have invented a new approach to C2P that will be significantly faster than copyspeed without dropping resolution or depth. It's complicated though.

xeron: I think the Ataris have two bits per pixel in each bitplane. Not like interleaving scanlines.

ryg: Just because the thread is five years old doesn't mean you shouldn't be held accountable.
added on the 2006-09-15 11:52:33 by doomdoom doomdoom
Doom: Oh. Bum.
added on the 2006-09-15 11:55:58 by xeron xeron
FWIW I have invented a new approach to C2P that will be significantly faster than copyspeed without dropping resolution or depth. It's complicated though.

I smell a lot of awful cheating here. :D Complicated cheating rocks tho ;P
added on the 2006-09-15 12:20:07 by StingRay StingRay
doom, being held accountable for what? i just find it strange that 5-year-old threads get resurrected for no reason :)
added on the 2006-09-15 12:48:54 by ryg ryg
perhaps no newer thread had some _really_ interesting content ;)
added on the 2006-09-15 12:53:53 by d0DgE d0DgE
Atari C2P - http://alive.atari.org/alive8/c2p.php

@doom Atari have first 16pixels in first word (first bitplane), next word is same pixels in secound bitplane...

I think somebody mention wolfenstein 3d at Amiga1200, well ergh... there is wolfenstein 3d for plain ST:


btw latest news from atari scene is quake for Atari Falcon CT63: it have 14FPS vs 15FPS on Amiga (with same clocked 68060 CPU - "chip ram" limit :().
added on the 2006-09-15 13:53:01 by calimero calimero
xeron: Boob.

stingray: ADMIT THAT YOU ARE AFRAID OF MY FTCSC2P! And anyway, what's "cheating" mean anyway? All coding is faking. But not all faking is coding. The rest is cheating. It took my army of monkeys 800 years to come up with that, and it still needs some work.

ryg: I'm an accountant. So it's my job. \o/ I also liked the thread because it was funny watching PC sceners bouncing theories about Amiga code back and forth, no offense of course.

calimero: So now I know. Thanx.
added on the 2006-09-15 14:38:23 by doomdoom doomdoom
...it was funny watching PC sceners bouncing theories about Amiga code back and forth, no offense of course.

I'm a pc coder too (or was. whatever). And i wrote a c2p rutine once. For amiga. Fo' real :) It was ppc though, not 68k... ppc has some quite funky instructions for doing this kind of stuff :)
added on the 2006-09-15 14:58:48 by blala blala
FWIW I have invented a new approach to C2P that will be significantly faster than copyspeed without dropping resolution or depth. It's complicated though.

Don't say things like that! Now I will get no rest until I have guessed your secret trick. ;-)

Anyway, I have chosen not to worry much about copyspeed. There is usually plenty of things you can do to fill the time while copying. And the c2p itself (if you do it from fastmem to fastmem) is so quick it is barely worth mentioning. :)
added on the 2006-09-15 15:22:40 by Blueberry Blueberry

I concur with blueberry, hearing about new c2p tricks... hell how will I manage now to get any sleep when this gauntlet has been thrown now???

Dr.Doom, can you tell any remarkable specs for this new technique?

Blueberry, I once toyed on 030 with doing straight fast-to-chip copy and using the shadow of the chipwrite to do the vector rotations and perspectives... always wondered if it could gain speed, and also about using the fpu at the same time for even more things (not tested due to no 060 at the time)...
added on the 2006-09-15 16:02:35 by winden winden
Atari ST Rotozoomers by Defjam.

Its crazy. No friggin custom chipset needed.

Full framerate.
added on the 2006-09-15 17:32:27 by moredhel moredhel
3 frames != full framerate

(still amazing rotozoomers though)
added on the 2006-09-15 17:43:03 by keops keops


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