Any scener ever been a part of the eurovision song contest in any way?
category: offtopic [glöplog]
since when is having a good laugh at a boatload of TEH FAIL defining your sexual preferences? faggots!
Indeed; not gay at all!

Hm, I remember meeting a lot of demoscene guys on IRC #eurovision last year, to my surprise. :)
Well, looks like demoscene isnt free of prejustice either, hm? ;)
lets all gay it up tonight on #eurovision
moldavia, GO
i heard there once was a demoparty there
and not just that, also an invitro!
and not just that, also an invitro!
molvania, GO
and the winner is...
the band floppy/pwp plays in, Chorale, was trying to go to the eurovision song contest this year but they didnt manage to get through the finnish preselection
shouldnt they rename it to ussrvision song contest, given the countries that have won the last couple of years?
What's the similarity between Eurovision song contest and Nintendo? :P
The finnish guys, obviously ;)

I did the audio post production on some stuff for the dutch delegation last year. Sineke's journey to Oslo and all the way up to the stage.

the Serbian entry could have been done in 4k

...hmm this could be the "missing link". Since the demoscene is a rather european phenomenon ... OMG ze scene, she is teH j00rowvishun-demo-contest /o\
Rename Revision to Grand Prix Eurovision de la demoscene. And have phonevoting, those wardialers need something to do.
I could write something serious about the topic here. Then again this is pouet, so never mind :)
Grand Prix Eurovision de la demoscene
Marvelous! And think of of the drunken sceners calling in via Skype from each country shouting "Amiiiigaaa" before the give their points and the chart board with binary scores.
Farbrausch: 111011010101 pts
Razor 11101110111: 111011010101 pts
BITS: 000000000001 pts
Not to forget Sir handing the prices in a short black skirt with... I need to drink less...
Obviously, the winner's trophy would be a currywurst made of frosted glass.
(Feel free to apply your Photoshop skills now.)
(Feel free to apply your Photoshop skills now.)
Keep your filthy hands away from my glasses!
Ak / Mandarine made the album's front cover for Les Fatals Picards (France) a few years ago.