What is the most wicked error message you have ever encountered?
category: general [glöplog]
1) Since days, I am joking among friends for an error message that seems quite funny engrish to me (Though I find on google that this thing exists normally as a term, but who cares). I had a Crypto TV tuner card and the XP drivers from the original CD don't work in XP(!). And the message I get is "Catastrophic Failure" =)))
2) A friend was coding some stuff and there was a crash. The debuger said that an error has occured at the address BAAD F00D. That was rather funny the first time we encountered it!
3) I also have encountered this one few times

Guru Meditation
Three and a half bombs
Error 404
It's quite fun that the "catastrophic error" is an official microsoft error message, atleast i've been getting it from the win32 api via getlasterror/formatmessage.
Could not set pixel format: the operation completed successfully. ATI GL drivers :)
Regarding BAADF00D (under Win32):
Keyboard not present. Press F1 to continue.
When I had a crappy video card the demo would not even initialize, I got this error that said "Your Computer Sucks"
"Something went odd in the piping system", courtesy of windows version of carmageddon.

I've always loved the "Click OK to crash" in Buzz.
BSOD on my PSP running pspSnes. Lovely little comment: I regret to inform you your psp has just crashed.
Shit Happens... :(

Shit Happens... :(

...and it happens a lot. ~_~
name of document censored for shame of the writer :)

An error occured, caused by the following reason :
no error.
That was in the windows 3.1 era, from some scanner driver software, I think.
no error.
That was in the windows 3.1 era, from some scanner driver software, I think.
alltime favourite is probably the famous "Keyboard not present. Press F1...", but recently i met the following:
"/bin/sh : bad command interpreter" (or something like that, quoted from heart)
while trying to run a perfectly normal shell script starting with the line "#!/bin/sh"
"/bin/sh : bad command interpreter" (or something like that, quoted from heart)
while trying to run a perfectly normal shell script starting with the line "#!/bin/sh"
A friend told me that Win95 at one time while booting produced a blue screen with the text:
Press any key to continue
Makes you wonder where would you see this
Press any key to continue
Makes you wonder where would you see this
the `impossible' happened
I once had my app crash the whole IDE, with this funny little message:

Teel: I was more taken with the "Thank you for using Buzz" line that preceded it :)
"SQL error... sorry ! ^^; I'm on it !"
stuff.cpp(13) : warning C4390: ';' : empty controlled statement found; is this the intent?
and also who could forget "d3dcaps is for lamers" or fvs32's "we're proud to present you the following error:".
and also who could forget "d3dcaps is for lamers" or fvs32's "we're proud to present you the following error:".