infinitive metaballs demo by Odd
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popularity : 63% |
alltime top: #48253 |
added on the 2003-05-30 19:44:14 by tr0ndersODD ![]() |
popularity helper
just in case you didn't think 640 metaballs was enough
rulez added on the 2003-05-30 19:44:57 by tr0ndersODD 

die you retard .no's
awful music
The only good thing is the "serpent" text. Bad ODD :)
well... umm... whatever...
Ha ha! The last three demos from Odd have all given me a "failed to initialize Direct3D9" error message. Seeing as I tend to have better-than-average luck at getting Windows productions to run on my computer, one has to conclude that Odd suck!
Whats this? A release without a party?
t'was quite funny (this norwegian rap artist should be a superstart or smthn)...
grib rules, but the demo sucks. still a "rulez" for the music, though.
thom: install dx9. if your computer is unable to create a window and initialize d3d9 it's your problem, not mine.
Failed to init bla bla
"thom: install dx9. if your computer is unable to create a window and initialize d3d9 it's your problem, not mine."
wtf? how come other dx9 demos work then?
"thom: install dx9. if your computer is unable to create a window and initialize d3d9 it's your problem, not mine."
wtf? how come other dx9 demos work then?
i just installed dx9 aswell, it aint working still.
I haven't watched this demo, because I don't have dx9, but i put a rulez because some people vote bad. (it looks like somebody have a computer with only linux installed and thumbs down all the windows prods... Am i right ? )
Failed to initialize d3d9 :( (and I have dx9 installed)
and please upload a screenshot !
Blank screen and norwegian idiot rapping. Yes I have DX9.
I put a virtual "sucks" because this prod seems to be bugged a lot.
and another virtual "sucks" because, 640 metaballs or 2.000.000 metaballs don't make a demo.
works not
I can't see it. I can watch the.popular.demo but not this one, and both are directx9.
I'm having the same problem with the 4k Mojo Dreams... possibly related?
I'm having the same problem with the 4k Mojo Dreams... possibly related?
only cocksuckers code balls!
hey, this is not only pathetic as hell, it also sucks major ass!
tr0ndersODD: Sorry, but Microsoft won't let me install DirectX9.0 overtop DirectX 9.0a.
work, it doesnt....
Who gives a damn about metaballs anyway?
well at least they could've been more detailed :)
Where can i buy Trønder-sodd?
it's cool because it's short
sokoban: just like your penis!
oh, btw. this demo won the democompetition @ HytteLAN 2,1
oh yey
does not work. ah, yes, there is dx9 installed, on all 4 machines.
Some people just don't have a sense of humour... :) I still hate you (and, naturally, eph) ever so slightly for robbing us of our 5th consecutive win at tg, but you are - indeed - amusing people. Fyllesjuk, nå.
Well, having a sense of humour only applies to things that are actually funny.
Well, having a sense of humour only applies to things that are actually funny.
tr0ndersODD is indeed right, this demo won the democompetition.
although, the name of the party should be hyttelan3.0 and not 2.1.
and it ruled there :)
although, the name of the party should be hyttelan3.0 and not 2.1.
and it ruled there :)
why doing metaballs when you can't even init dx properly :)) - fixed exe with more accurate error-output. Just so I can find out what the problem is. Init-errors haven't occured at any of the 5 or so setups I have tested. (all nvidia, though)
dx9 init failed? dudes...
The new exe says: "no suiting videomode found" (GF2mx/43.45)
another sucking odd prod... sorry...
what is this language? it's cool anyway...
Awful music.
one scene? in a demo?
welll... no
obvious technological feat
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