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z80pi (spigot) by Serzhsoft
screenshot added by diver on 2015-11-03 15:21:31
platform :
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release date : november 2015
  • 12
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  • 2
popularity : 59%
  • 0.56
alltime top: #10581
added on the 2015-11-03 15:21:31 by diver diver

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i lol'd
rulez added on the 2015-11-03 15:53:00 by g0blinish g0blinish
i didn't
sucks added on the 2015-11-03 17:12:19 by elkmoose elkmoose
nice coderpron
iDon'tCare, take a look here: Pi, you probably just don't know a shit about what Pi number is.
rulez added on the 2015-11-03 17:38:45 by sq sq
Somewhere within the digits of pi is an encoding of the world's greatest Spectrum 4K intro. So all we need to do now is find out where it is, and store its offset along with this program.

rulez added on the 2015-11-03 21:33:49 by gasman gasman
I don't get it.
added on the 2015-11-04 12:29:52 by aki aki
it's ok, Factor6 :) This time I'm just havin' fun with this small piece of science and z80, not some visual party-prod, Gasman sees the root ;)
added on the 2015-11-05 04:44:04 by SerzhSoft SerzhSoft
Somewhere within the digits of pi is an encoding of the world's greatest Spectrum 4K intro. So all we need to do now is find out where it is, and store its offset along with this program.

If Gasman's conjecture is true, I'm afraid that speccy intro would have the longest precalcing time ever! :D
rulez added on the 2015-11-05 14:05:20 by ham ham
Somewhere within the digits of pi is an encoding of the world's greatest Spectrum 4K intro. So all we need to do now is find out where it is, and store its offset along with this program.


well, that could hold true for other platforms as well, just at a different offset (most probably ;-)
rulez added on the 2015-11-05 16:47:49 by hooverphonique hooverphonique
rulez added on the 2015-11-05 17:14:22 by MC68k MC68k
rulez added on the 2015-11-05 19:09:39 by ded^RMDA ded^RMDA
Ужасно, когда кодеры стареют. перестают делать нормальные эффекты и занимаются полнейшей хуетой. Сказать что Король голый никто у на сне может, только я - Великий ААА говорю - НЕТ таким кодам. ЭТО ГОВНО! ЭТО ПЛОХО. Эта программа не несет никакого душевного спокойствия и удовлетворения и не имеет никакого отношения к демо. ЭТО ГОВНО, то чем срет гоблин, унбеливер. Пологал бы необходимым всех растрелять!
sucks added on the 2015-11-06 14:16:33 by Medikoment Medikoment
Астралкин, тебе давно на сайте не срали? ща устроим
added on the 2015-11-06 14:23:33 by g0blinish g0blinish
π itself is harmony :3
added on the 2015-11-06 14:46:38 by MC68k MC68k
It's ok, AAA :) I know your opinion, it's not a bad thing to have own vision to scene, I know, you like demos as full compose of fx, gfx, mfx, not pure background clear code work... I like your extreme visions, when you flood cool fantasies and life features ;) Go make zapil for crazy coders, they kicks your hopes and skip scenemaking sometimes, forgive us )))
added on the 2015-11-06 16:48:20 by SerzhSoft SerzhSoft
Почему в россии все хуево? потому что мы можем делать пиздато (Pixel megademo), но делаем все хуево! Оттого Ивамото уехал в канаду!
This is just one step removed from just calculating the digits, but not printing them. Would it be a demoscene release then? Is it now?

This was an interesting read in BYTE magazine, June 1981, and then it actually had a potential use for some narrow applications in Science.

It just seems it's a neutral computer program dissociated from the demoscene. "128b" suggests "128b intro", so... maybe a category for things like this if we are to have it here, like we have for slideshows, etc?
added on the 2015-11-06 21:55:28 by Photon Photon
Почему в россии все хуево? потому что мы можем делать пиздато (Pixel megademo), но делаем все хуево! Оттого Ивамото уехал в канаду!

because you rip gifs ;)
added on the 2015-11-07 03:18:31 by g0blinish g0blinish
dl replaced with 119b version
added on the 2015-11-07 12:54:49 by diver diver
hello, Photon :) I think - it's cool to count big Pi and show it at old 8-bit: zx, atari, c64... in 128b ;) If you have another vision, it's ok.
added on the 2015-11-07 19:24:57 by SerzhSoft SerzhSoft
Знаешь Сержь, я бы сделал это гораздо меньшим объёмом памяти.

Print "3,6467367366476 итп "
Под бейсик... Моя дема заняла бы 2 byte, a no 128 byte))
Too bad you could'nt reach the Feynman point. In fact reaching that point around decimal 762-768 requires 17 bits arithmetics with the spigot algorithm.

I've done a version for the 6809 which can reach that point, but it is not as small as yours. However, it is quite fast because it uses non-naive multiplication an 17-bits division.
rulez added on the 2015-11-12 01:02:29 by __sam__ __sam__
hi, Sam :) Feynman happy, we can do it ;) I ask Diver to upload new release: 128b / fullscreen 768 digits / 17bits for you :)
added on the 2015-11-12 10:32:28 by SerzhSoft SerzhSoft
Great! Right now the download link only shows your version of 112b. I guess we'll have to wait a bit.

On http://www.logicielsmoto.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?p=4471#p4471, I've provided a c code which allows studying how the algorithm behaves. It appears that it requiries 1 extra bit each time then nùmber of digits is doubled. The biggest expression in bit-size is "x=tab[j]*10+q*j" which do not need to be stored for a long time. Therefore using the carry register is usually fine to serve as a 17th bit.

With 17 bits you can count upto ~1050 digits. The 16bit table can allow you to get up to ~9830 digits, but this requires 18 bits for the internal "tab[j]*10+q*j" expression. Multiplication on 18 bits is not supported by the ROM and will take lots of code-space, excluding it from the intro-section. In fact, the spigot algorithm is not the best with respect to number sizes. I guesss that Machin's formula are likely to cope better with 16bits arithmetics but it will require more space (therze are always tradeoffs).

I wonder: is naive division slow of fast for the numbers involved in the spigot algorithm? I use a classical division in my version for the 6809 which takes quite some code-space.
added on the 2015-11-12 18:51:11 by __sam__ __sam__
Answering to myself: naive multiplciation is much slower. But, after benchmarking, it appears that on the 6809 this 17bit naive-division is faster than the standard one using shift/substract when running the spigot algorithm. The cause is in the size of the involved number.

This is likely to be the same for the Z80.
added on the 2015-11-13 02:05:55 by __sam__ __sam__
I think that the concept is not really interesting (it is very old and here it seems likely to be a reaction to a long-winded discussion on a certain forum). But the discussion and subsequent modifications to the prod are definitely cool.
rulez added on the 2015-11-13 02:09:10 by introspec introspec
128b-768d version included into dl
added on the 2015-11-13 03:21:20 by diver diver
Thanks, Diver! ... Sam, great to see you start digging for size-optimized pi-prog on your cool'n'rare computer :) ...then maybe somebody from c64/atari will hack any version too and we'll know all platforms possibilities much more ))
added on the 2015-11-13 05:36:11 by SerzhSoft SerzhSoft

Looking at your code, it seems you and I devised the very same 17bits division algorithm :) 6809 opcodes generally took 2 bytes, so the total size is 143bytes.. still above 128 :-( In addition the naive-multiplication is really much much slower. The program takes ages to finish (it used to take half an hour with a longer but faster division using the "mul" opcode).
added on the 2015-11-13 08:53:36 by __sam__ __sam__
[EDIT] 141 bytes, but I must check if all the produce digits are ok yet.
added on the 2015-11-13 09:06:45 by __sam__ __sam__
digits ok and [128 bytes version :)

I've noticed that your division doesn't do a final "ADC HL,DE" to compensate for the fact that when the carry is raied, one have subtracted one time too much. Is that compensated elsewhere in the code ?
added on the 2015-11-13 17:16:22 by __sam__ __sam__
Ok. I've found you add "ADD HL,DE" twice in the code right after calling L_A073. This is probably a size-optimization becasue factorizing these into the end of L_A073 will prevent you to use this compact call-twice structure.
added on the 2015-11-13 17:19:24 by __sam__ __sam__
yea, 128b category reached, congrats! :)
added on the 2015-11-14 04:55:20 by SerzhSoft SerzhSoft
Заметьте, после Дихальта.... И СС 2015 мы всем скопом не сделали ни одной демы! НИ ОДНОЙ!

Зато всякой поеботины (для англичан женщину грязную ебут поочереди) мы сделали три штуки. Сегодня еще Ширу говнище выустил, итого гоблин, серж и ширу три говна.

Когда ААА увидит Сатисфактион мегадемо 2?
any new demo, AAA, needs researching work before (look like this); and tons of eated food by demomaker and family :) keep hope and your dreams come true ;)
added on the 2015-11-15 03:56:20 by SerzhSoft SerzhSoft
AAA, к несчастью потоки говна производишь только ты
added on the 2015-11-15 06:03:14 by g0blinish g0blinish
AAA уже произвел все возможные шедевры к которым пока что никто близко не приблизился. Мои продукты выше всего этого. Они являются исскуством настоящим демо. Гоблин же перещел в разряд сборщиков пальцев в свой анус.

Нравится когда тебе пиндосина палец вверх вставляет. ААА на уровень выше, там где боги горшки обжигают. Мое демо смотреть хочется. Твое, увы нет. Ты уныл гоблин!
для драмы
rulez added on the 2015-11-15 08:30:29 by 1in10 1in10
ААА, ты такой дурачок, что стыдно читать твои посты. тем более демы.
added on the 2015-11-15 08:44:27 by g0blinish g0blinish
Мои демы красивые, в них играет музыка, летают спрайты. Все выверено и точно. А ты гоблин действительно дурачок, у тебя даже есть соответсвующая медицинская справка с диагнозом - шизофриния. Я то без справки!

Демо ААА бузупречно!
Это Великий ААА:


Что не демо, шедевр!


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Демо должно приносить эстетическое наслаждение!

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Только у ААА демо разогревает Z80 на полную катушку!

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Из интервью газеты forbs

AAA, как Вам удается?
Мне удается.
somebody kick this idiot out
added on the 2015-11-15 15:25:39 by g0blinish g0blinish
пока Гоблин пишет код, ААА спрайтами меняет ландшафт!

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и разгоняет облака сумрака кодера


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Дети, любят ААА, а гоблина - нет!


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Почему ААА БОГ?

Всё просто дети, те эффекты, которые в ваших местах, ААА делает за сутки:

Крым Наш:

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Кто сделает в коде? и отберет крым?
Alona Go Homa

14 fps in Z80 timing!!!

Nain 3D Axelerator (-350 Euro)
Naid 3D FX (- 100 Baks)

ONLY pentagon 128AY


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Made me discover https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/On-Line_Encyclopedia_of_Integer_Sequences, which is about touching balls, and has tags for sequences that look or sound interesting. How dare you pretend this is not a sceneprod?
rulez added on the 2015-11-15 16:21:45 by PulkoMandy PulkoMandy
yea, 128b category reached, congrats! :)

I've made a new pouet entry for this: http://www.pouet.net/prod_nfo.php?which=66603 :D

Beware, the 128bytes version is EXTREMELY slow... this is possibly the slowest implemented version ever of the SPIGOT algorithm :P
added on the 2015-11-15 16:43:29 by __sam__ __sam__
+how to save some byte




added on the 2015-11-20 21:19:43 by SerzhSoft SerzhSoft
added on the 2015-11-20 21:25:30 by SerzhSoft SerzhSoft
size thumb
rulez added on the 2016-02-22 03:21:10 by T$ T$

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