Darwinism by Archee [web]
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popularity : 72% |
alltime top: #400 |
added on the 2010-04-04 02:21:26 by archee ![]() |
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Nice one, but hard concurrence this time !
rulez added on the 2010-04-04 02:21:56 by _H2o_ 

So cool, original and overall neat :)
I think this was my favourite from the compo :D great direction and story, and physics!
Very impressive!
Technically and visually.
Technically and visually.
Usual Archee physics wizardry, and as amazing as ever ;)
It's very interesting how you incorporated the genetic algorithm. It was quite cute how the creature "chased" the butterfly with its clumsy movements. If anything I would've made it a bit shorter, but it's very good in it's current form already.
It's very interesting how you incorporated the genetic algorithm. It was quite cute how the creature "chased" the butterfly with its clumsy movements. If anything I would've made it a bit shorter, but it's very good in it's current form already.
A incredible feeling of life here... would have been pretty awesome with a better synth and a nicer color scheme!
yeah, it was very funny :)
sound was not so good, but the rest is ace!
just cute
love the name and the story line :) + what gloom said
JESUS CHRIST! is it still 4K?!
great physics
cool and funny :)
Watched this on the stream and the demo itself. Impressive.
Most original concept.
Also, funny.
And interesting.
Also, funny.
And interesting.
nice one
Fresh, excellent.
Ok this was absolutely lovely. =) Funny, cute, nice music, nice colours... this intro has it all.
Ultra-cute clumsy polygon bear of doom, go catch that butterfly, you can do it!
so cute :) physics+genetic algorithm+4k=

extremely awesome!
What @lx said.
music is not the best but the rest.. oh yeah.. awesomness :D
Karl Sims didn't die in vain \o/
(yes, I travelled back in time to write that comment)
wow this is sick !
Loove it! :) Very nice results, and oddly cute creature!
Pure awesome !
Incredible coding in 4k. I didnt like the result - sorry archee cos your stuff rox. Nontheless, incredible coding - thumb.
the legged creature is very cute indeed :) Great tech intro as usual. If I had a complain, that would be the camera movements.
I've seen this before but not as a 4k. great work.
cool physics stuff that was unfortunately ugly, but at least pretty fun to watch
cute, entertaining!
kudos for the technical achievement.
a bit wobbly perhaps but very entertaining
a bit wobbly perhaps but very entertaining
YouTube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9XOrZUbmGvI
Technically a very nice idea.
I liked it very much, it was cute and as everyone said brilliant coding in 4k.
Very impressive but the movement of the camera could be better.
And thanks to your randomizer.exe we all get even more to see.
And thanks to your randomizer.exe we all get even more to see.
That just rules! I assume that fitness function is the distance to the butterfly and you're showing every n-th generation right?
not very pleasing as a demo releases. it was a nice display of technical skills though.
Cute, interesting tech, short and to the point.
It really remind me this. In a time where most 4ks are the same raytracing demos, we see something sooo original and funny (I could hear the different shouts of people during the streaming when the creature catched the butterfly or epically failed, lol). This was a great surprise for a 4k that I never expected to see.
I've just realized I voted for this yesterday :)
somehow the main character inside this 4k acts sad ?
great 4k anyway!
great 4k anyway!
The rendering is quite nice as well, soft shadows etc...
A really great idea! :D
I didn't know you could make look genetic algorithms pretty, but you did! :D
I didn't know you could make look genetic algorithms pretty, but you did! :D
Golem, arise! ;)
Nice concept
Hehe, brilliant concept! :)
Humpf. Pig.
i dont like it
Good code as always, but a bit too repetetive and dragged out for my liking.
I find it funny
absolutely dunno how this could fit in 4k!! ;)
this is nice
When i saw this i thought: Framsticks!
Neat idea, polished rendering, cool result.
great algos and visuals
this is a great puppet theater show again, but is also kinda boring and contains horrible music. Not Archee's best 4k.
i moved the same like that thing last night, after of bottle of vodka
thumbs up for the idea, a nice reprieve from the standard eye-candy
A nice evolution of sumotori concept.
A game soon? :)
A game soon? :)
Nicest thing from this cathegory.
adorable style!
I was first like, woot.. but then I was like.. lolz
phys 4k test
fuzzy fuzzy cute cute <3
source code !
thanks for the tech details... impressive !
smart idea
Didn`t do it for me as a 4k intro.
Ace o/
Hahahahahaha look how cute :}
Funny stuff :D
It crash ..
Cute in a weird way.
what they said
Adorable :)
I cannot watch this without bursting into uncontrollable laughter ;D. The movements of that digital beast simply look too damn spastic and hilariously flailing ;D. Awesome! And I actually feel like the beast is mimicing the behaviour of a dog. Kinda. So that's pretty cute :D.
... Oh, and the fact that the guy's squeezed in physics and genetic programming and algorithmic music and stuff in 4k is also mindblowing :D.
... Oh, and the fact that the guy's squeezed in physics and genetic programming and algorithmic music and stuff in 4k is also mindblowing :D.
what wade said
Go for it, bear-slug thing! Get that butterfly!
Great idea! A very original 4k.
bounce bounce
good rendering but annoying and repetitive
Go for it, bear-slug thing! Get that butterfly!
Well put *LOL* ;D.
Not exactly my favourite from the compo, but really nice tech intro. And it is indeed very cute
fun and cute
Cool, but wish the "evolution" was more understandable. Apparently the creature tries to grab the butterfly? Anyway it rulez!
A tad silly, but I dig that AO.
iLike. Originality rulez.
too repetitive
this is a cutest 4k i've ever seen.
Fun it was and technically impressive, but nothing more. Thumbs for the silly animation, made me laugh.
So sweet and original :D
:) nice
made me laugh - cute one
that's one damn evil butterfly
really nice :)
phys test...
Sweet stuff!
Omg, it's Evoluutioturvat! Brilliant.
The talent for making mundane mathematics look adorable you always show is just awesome. And all this in 4k with that simple but very nice and effective rendering style. Me likes. :)
I don't really like it in a demo, but thumbs up for the technical aspects.
Hm, no sound here. SoundMAX HD Audio (integrated on an Asus P5B). What should I be looking for?
Having a look at some comments overall at pouet, I come to the conclusion that the evolutionary algorythm can not be that complex, that it wont fit into 4k.
Nice idea - but sorry. The music is horrible. :)
Nice idea - but sorry. The music is horrible. :)
The first epic FAIL of a cliff jump did it for me. Splendid!
guess I didn't get the coderporn part of this with the genetic algoritm and all, so didn't die over it - cute though :)
not acceptable.
what pOWL said.
what pOWL said.
porrasturvat on crack !
i dislike the music and the camera-alignment to the shaky-bear ! makes me dizzy !
the shadows dropped the framerate a lot here ! ( or is it the physics ? )
conceptwise this is a killer !
but shouldnt have won, sorry !
i dislike the music and the camera-alignment to the shaky-bear ! makes me dizzy !
the shadows dropped the framerate a lot here ! ( or is it the physics ? )
conceptwise this is a killer !
but shouldnt have won, sorry !
Well.. originality, physics, algorithm are for good but eh.. shouldn't have won.
Very funny to watch, i like the movement
amazing amazing amazing
sorry but i didn't like it at all... boring physical visuals... physics on the very high level but where is the intro itself? i think this stuff must placed in the wild
+ Impressive (though unoriginal) evolution code
- Boring intro
- Boring intro
This is becoming a bit trivial now, also midi music in a 4k in 2010 is kinda 'meh'. Piggy.
hmm, dont understand why this was first, but anyway quiet good...
funny :)
technically extremely awesome, graphics are ok-ish (those shadows rock nevertheless), sound sucks. Overall : thumbup :)
okay, this was funny again (and not too long).
Absolutely perfect. Original, refreshing, style, subtle, music, homogeneous...
for tecdemo quite cool, but extremly sucky sound and only a "rulez" if i would be drugged or 3 years old..
Beautiful idea.
Cute delivery, clever concept, visually unappealing though. I'd steer away from midi in future though. piggie for the rest :)
Fun and amazing. All at once.
Golem Arise's lil' bro! :D
cute and great but I dont really like this kind of prod
i'd complain about the presentation - but there isn't any.
As a intro it is very boring (would be good as wild). It's just another sumotori. I don't think this should win an intro category.
It freezes under Windows 7 :(
Correction: Others work, but the randomizer freezes after some working seconds....
nice one. looks very funny!
cute but a bit disturbing :3
omg - i forgot to vote! :)
Wiggle-Bear! Wiggle-Bear! I love you so! :((
Ok, a worm inexplicably grows legs, and learns to walk (?) out of hunger. The title is very appropriate!
Scary 8/
Now join forces with mfx and make a proper heart-stopping Golem.
Now join forces with mfx and make a proper heart-stopping Golem.
"Hello, you have less than 5 seconds to eat or else you will die. GO!"
watched it again, i find it cool but so sad
4k magic!
aww poor little fella
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