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write me please by f0x
screenshot added by bitl on 2009-08-30 18:41:59
platform :
type :
release date : august 2009
release party : Chaos Constructions 2009
compo : combined 64k
ranked : 1st
  • 45
  • 20
  • 4
popularity : 64%
  • 0.59
alltime top: #2905
added on the 2009-08-30 18:37:25 by bitl bitl

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Super. I like the rail scene.
rulez added on the 2009-08-30 18:44:24 by Manwe Manwe
nice one) i'm experiencing some troubles with invisible geometry cut-off though. in fact some visible geometry was cutted off near the bottom angles of the screen...
rulez added on the 2009-08-30 18:47:00 by RRROAR RRROAR
<facepalm> Have. To. Make. A. Demo. </facepalm>
rulez added on the 2009-08-30 18:50:40 by Vedem Vedem
Better use official screenshot from the release:

BB Image
added on the 2009-08-30 18:53:57 by Manwe Manwe
rulez added on the 2009-08-30 18:58:18 by pommak pommak
This would be quite cool if it wouldn't suffer from the usual f0xitis disease: full of bugs and polygon glitches, weird colors and wtf-shaders. (sometimes even smiley-icons popped in from my desktop making the whole experience even more weird :)
added on the 2009-08-30 18:58:40 by zoom zoom
it was nice but what zoom said
added on the 2009-08-30 19:04:12 by el mal el mal
zoom, there are just no shaders at all :)
added on the 2009-08-30 19:07:36 by Manwe Manwe
Manwe, official screenshot doesn't fit pouet rules of 64kb per shot (f0x forgot about size limit). It is only possible to use something like that:
BB Image
added on the 2009-08-30 19:16:07 by diver diver
lol, 64k limit sucks in the days when some demos tooks 60 mb :)
added on the 2009-08-30 19:25:29 by Manwe Manwe
manwe: ok, then wtf-blending :D
added on the 2009-08-30 19:26:10 by zoom zoom
Exactly what Zoom said, experienced all the same bugs. Every single prod done in plasticator turns out to be a choppy, buggy, glitchy mess. I'm sorry, content-wise this would be surefire thumb up, but it was just really unpleasant to watch...
added on the 2009-08-30 19:39:50 by Stebo Stebo
Is ok.
added on the 2009-08-30 19:55:47 by Claw Claw
Thumb up for f0xitis disease :)
rulez added on the 2009-08-30 20:07:42 by Optimus Optimus
This is quite cool! In fact, it rocks! :)
rulez added on the 2009-08-30 20:15:59 by StingRay StingRay
Weird design and some heavy clipping. But I like it.
rulez added on the 2009-08-30 21:14:32 by Salinga Salinga
Not bad at all, but I still don't dig your style. Aliasing and some rendering bugs kind of ruin it. But who gives a shit anyways, just keep on doing the stuff!
rulez added on the 2009-08-30 22:53:37 by kraviz kraviz
i like it
rulez added on the 2009-08-30 22:58:51 by quickyman quickyman
Had to check the YouTube-version to see if my computer was rendering this wrong. It wasn't.
added on the 2009-08-30 23:16:45 by gloom gloom
what gloom said...
added on the 2009-08-30 23:19:20 by noby noby
added on the 2009-08-30 23:59:28 by raer raer
well ... i liked the atmosphere within it BUT it needs more work still u get my thumb
rulez added on the 2009-08-31 01:02:09 by panic panic
i really cant watch this
added on the 2009-08-31 01:03:34 by superplek superplek
I got no smileys! I want my money back!
added on the 2009-08-31 01:23:39 by Exin Exin
it was an ok flyby with some nice content, but those rendering bugs are just too blatant for a thumb up
rulez added on the 2009-08-31 01:29:49 by Alpha C Alpha C
oh well, looks like you got one anyway :P
added on the 2009-08-31 01:30:37 by Alpha C Alpha C
I enjoyed this very much. It's cool to hear gritty, sample-based soundtracks in intros now that most intros you see features softsynths :). I felt like this was really nice oldskool style without being blatantly retro.
rulez added on the 2009-08-31 04:55:30 by elfan elfan
Gotichno ) Nice intro
rulez added on the 2009-08-31 07:43:58 by bitl bitl
Some nice scenes.
rulez added on the 2009-08-31 09:00:55 by Cj Cj
great!!!! ^^
rulez added on the 2009-08-31 09:26:31 by Silent Silent
Awful overlaping/cliping in the youtube video.

Waiting for a final version or a less buggy HD video.
added on the 2009-08-31 09:44:41 by xernobyl xernobyl
i totally like it, exactly the way it is: it's dark, dirty, gritty, glitch which creates a uniqe athmosphere.
keep it up, please.
rulez added on the 2009-08-31 10:03:16 by v3nom v3nom
exactly what v3nomsoup/rs said.
really a great intro
rulez added on the 2009-08-31 12:54:46 by relias abardon relias abardon
rulez added on the 2009-08-31 16:03:23 by mad mad
i like the athmosphere in this :)
rulez added on the 2009-08-31 16:40:08 by src src
How on EARTH did you manage to create these bugs?!
added on the 2009-08-31 16:49:44 by kusma kusma
rulez added on the 2009-08-31 20:02:22 by Buckethead Buckethead
Pretty nice. Buggy bugs.
added on the 2009-08-31 20:13:42 by Emod Emod
hmm. i find the style extremely ugly. not an annoying prod though. so it's a pig
added on the 2009-08-31 20:29:54 by vibrator vibrator
Absolutely hideous design and the transitions are painful, but there is some potential beneath it all.
sucks added on the 2009-08-31 21:47:10 by Wade Wade
Had to check the YouTube-version to see if my computer was rendering this wrong. It wasn't.

added on the 2009-08-31 21:48:05 by Wade Wade
I'm downgrading it now, having seen it again. Dear lord this is awful.
sucks added on the 2009-08-31 22:01:59 by gloom gloom
i totally like it, exactly the way it is: it's dark, dirty, gritty, glitch which creates a uniqe athmosphere.
keep it up, please.

so it turns out that the disappearing sphere, the near clipping plane issues, the jumping polygons, the "missing" textures, the polygon glitches and the overflowed colors are intended? wow, interesting. then.. "well done"
added on the 2009-08-31 22:03:44 by iq iq
There was potential there, but it turned out bad
added on the 2009-08-31 23:09:55 by reality3D reality3D
the potential is there, but it is butt ugly
liked the music though
added on the 2009-08-31 23:36:09 by blala blala
I like it. Very great.
rulez added on the 2009-09-01 00:09:35 by Chainsaw Chainsaw
пластикатор непобедим!
rulez added on the 2009-09-01 01:12:47 by ton ton
excellent stuff!
rulez added on the 2009-09-01 02:44:59 by Bobic Bobic
some nice scenes inside.
added on the 2009-09-01 04:01:00 by comankh comankh
modern scene is almost suxx:)
rulez added on the 2009-09-01 05:23:03 by f0x f0x
Awesome 64k
rulez added on the 2009-09-01 22:12:17 by Queen_Luna Queen_Luna
very cool
rulez added on the 2009-09-01 22:15:27 by blackpawn blackpawn
f0xy, selfvoting suxx
sucks added on the 2009-09-02 20:45:35 by Raynoa Raynoa
nice one f0x
rulez added on the 2009-09-03 06:17:41 by CybeREX CybeREX
Raynoa, my dear friend, who voting? voting about what? what reason? change .51 to .52? LOL:)
added on the 2009-09-03 08:41:18 by f0x f0x
time and time again im amazed by how these guys manage to take some potentially great ideas and content and then completely ruin them by bizarre rendering bugs and post processing.
honestly, id love to know the reason.
added on the 2009-09-03 10:07:15 by smash smash
f0x: did you just up-thumb your own prod?
added on the 2009-09-03 11:03:16 by gloom gloom
lacks of design/direction
added on the 2009-09-04 00:55:18 by Frozzy Frozzy
Even with all the glitches it still works for me.
rulez added on the 2009-09-04 01:44:41 by snoutmate snoutmate
smash, its simple: i'am a coder. Try find designer in Siberia! It's absolutly impossible... And, i have no time for code when i designing intros.
added on the 2009-09-04 06:28:48 by f0x f0x
p.s. bugfix in progress...
added on the 2009-09-04 06:29:24 by f0x f0x
gloom: see above.
added on the 2009-09-04 06:30:33 by f0x f0x
f0x: I did. Your post did not make any sense at all.
added on the 2009-09-04 07:38:03 by gloom gloom
> smash, its simple: i'am a coder. Try find designer in Siberia! It's
> absolutly impossible...

In Siberia there live only bears, and among them f0x, the coder brought up by bears =)
added on the 2009-09-04 14:10:49 by bitl bitl
f0x, pick any designer from Moscow, St. Peterburg, Samara, Krasnodar (I mention just a few "design-based" russian cities).
added on the 2009-09-04 16:59:55 by Manwe Manwe
Wow, I see that 124 kb screenshot breaks 64 kb pouet limit! Overpass the limits - this is what I call DEMOSCENE! :)
added on the 2009-09-04 19:41:56 by Manwe Manwe
is ok
rulez added on the 2009-09-06 05:53:49 by aha aha
Excellent 64k!
rulez added on the 2009-09-07 12:31:43 by Paranoid Paranoid
"пешите дэмасцены"
это пиздец. или это у вас "юмор" такой?
sucks added on the 2009-09-08 08:23:25 by apricot apricot
time and time again im amazed by how these guys manage to take some potentially great ideas and content and then completely ruin them by bizarre rendering bugs and post processing.
honestly, id love to know the reason.

that's Russia for you mate, innit :D
added on the 2009-09-08 08:24:32 by apricot apricot
apricot, это мем ру-сцены, если не в теме, нахер задаваться?
added on the 2009-09-08 08:42:32 by bitl bitl
apritcot, that's Russia? а пошел бы ты нахуй...
added on the 2009-09-08 09:44:32 by f0x f0x
понятно, у нас быкосцена. удачи.
added on the 2009-09-09 10:49:27 by apricot apricot
apricot, да, мы ещё и поебалу можем настучать. Непопадайся.
added on the 2009-09-09 21:30:17 by bitl bitl
rulez added on the 2009-09-12 18:13:51 by rbz rbz
FUCK! it's really impressive.
first of all - extremely beautiful environment modelling, like it a lot: the grass/forest, sky, city, etc. - it looks very simply but quite REAL in same time, thats amazing! second - the music, strong and atmospheric. don't like the ending with boring 3d models, but overall this intro rocks.
rulez added on the 2009-09-13 08:59:05 by diver diver
rulez added on the 2009-09-13 21:03:38 by s7ing_ATZ s7ing_ATZ
Some really great ideas in this demo, such as the greetings part at the end, I love the mood of the environments, some of the models were strange, all in all though it's just the sort of gritty stylish thing that I love to see from f0x.
rulez added on the 2009-09-15 12:22:09 by Shockwave Shockwave
rulez added on the 2009-09-15 14:10:30 by puppeh puppeh
rulez added on the 2009-10-14 20:38:40 by Saga Musix Saga Musix
nice rendering
rulez added on the 2009-10-20 02:57:41 by T$ T$
some great stuff here
rendering artifacts as usual =)
rulez added on the 2009-11-10 22:25:31 by unc unc
good job
added on the 2010-02-28 02:24:32 by blackpawn blackpawn
added on the 2010-05-10 10:12:29 by provod provod
I am with Smash here. Also f0x, the issues mentioned are far from being that of design but more like that of code; polygon clipping, z-fighting, etc… These have nothing to do with design.

On the other hand, if you are looking for a designer as you can post here I assume you have access to an Internet connection. How about finding someone outside Siberia? Internet does wonders nowadays.

For a real life example: I am in Finland whilst Ferris is in the United States. We seem to be getting along pretty well even though our time-zones are fucked in the ass. There are many more, heck, countless examples of this in the scene…
added on the 2010-05-10 10:40:16 by decipher decipher
sick as always :)
rulez added on the 2010-05-10 17:57:17 by seρρjο seρρjο
what T$ said.
rulez added on the 2010-11-10 13:23:19 by gentleman gentleman
Nice. Has some music and rendering issues.
rulez added on the 2010-11-10 13:29:16 by raer raer
Please bring more bugs.
rulez added on the 2011-07-12 23:36:25 by rutra80 rutra80
i loved many scenes and didn't like some. the former were a majority.
rulez added on the 2012-08-21 01:00:51 by msqrt msqrt
added on the 2012-08-21 01:24:37 by las las
rulez added on the 2012-08-21 03:03:28 by rudi rudi
rulez added on the 2017-05-18 08:26:51 by golem golem

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