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fr-044: Patient Zero by Farbrausch [web]
screenshot added by melw on 2005-06-12 19:08:50
platform :
type :
release date : june 2005
release party : Simulaatio 2005
compo : combined 64k
ranked : 1st
  • 84
  • 30
  • 2
popularity : 74%
  • 0.71
alltime top: #637
  • ryg ryg [Code (anaglyphic 3d magic and tool development)]
  • kb_ kb_ [Code (v2 sound engineer)]
  • chaos chaos [Code (werkkzeug)]
  • Visualice Visualice [Graphics (3D), Other (direction)]
  • melw melw [Music]
  • el-bee el-bee [Music (audio producing)]
added on the 2005-06-12 19:08:49 by melw melw

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awesome experience with 3d glasses on the big screen
rulez added on the 2005-06-12 19:10:13 by dodke dodke
It didn't do much to me, perhaps I need 3D glasses. I loved the music though.
added on the 2005-06-12 19:17:22 by front243 front243
video plz ;D i have red/blue glasses
added on the 2005-06-12 19:20:40 by uns3en_ uns3en_
same disclaimer as with dopplerdefekt, watching anaglyph intros without 3d glasses is like watching them without sound. you get less than half the experience.
added on the 2005-06-12 19:22:54 by ryg ryg
If it was 2D I'd probably dislike it for being just another flyby.. But JESUS this looked good on the big screen! My pants almost turned into laundry.
rulez added on the 2005-06-12 19:23:40 by break break
Perhaps the coolest thing I have seen during this year so far.
rulez added on the 2005-06-12 19:43:25 by dairos dairos
Dunno... I prefer Dopplerdefekt simply because there's more stuff trying to poke your eyeballs out. In this intro most of the 3d is simply flying out to the sides of one's peripheral vision.

It' sort of neat because demos requiring 3d glasses are rare, but this was tedious to watch and listen. I wanted to have my eyes poked out with a pointed stick!
now lemme dig up my glasses.
added on the 2005-06-12 19:57:36 by Gargaj Gargaj
Without the glasses, this propably wouldn't have been much, but damn this rocked on the bigscreen. It seemed like it was coming all over me. Cool music too :)
rulez added on the 2005-06-12 20:03:58 by teel teel
awesome on the big screen, still looks good at home. great.
rulez added on the 2005-06-12 20:05:02 by ld0d ld0d
Great experience with the glasses, worth a thumb up. Nevertheless, it wouldn't be so special without the feeling of stuff hitting your forehead. Extra points for the spacey tune.
rulez added on the 2005-06-12 20:18:23 by dixan dixan
What dix said.
rulez added on the 2005-06-12 20:20:49 by zoom zoom
Unfortunately I don't have anaglyphic 3d glasses, but this is pretty atmospheric even without. I especially loved the music. I so wish I'd seen it on the screen...
rulez added on the 2005-06-12 20:29:37 by Preacher Preacher
nice ride, excellent tune
rulez added on the 2005-06-12 20:37:57 by shadez shadez
Very nice end parts, I must try it with 3d glasses.
rulez added on the 2005-06-12 20:42:20 by Buckethead Buckethead

nothing special without glasses, gotta find 'em and get back to it

added on the 2005-06-12 20:43:24 by raver raver
supermusic!!! the rest is ok
added on the 2005-06-12 20:52:43 by zeebr zeebr
Looked nice with glasses, but not anything special.
added on the 2005-06-12 20:55:31 by glaze glaze
yeh.. visuals may be anaglyphic, but they are actually quite boring for farbrausch-standards. soundtrack is nice tho. so a piggie.
added on the 2005-06-12 21:00:53 by el mal el mal
is there a way to make 3d glasses?
added on the 2005-06-12 21:00:56 by imbusy imbusy
Maybe I should have watched it with proper anaglyph glasses. Without them is definitely NOT a good intro, and is worth a thumb down (compared to FR standards).
Music saves it.
added on the 2005-06-12 21:09:40 by pan pan
when watched with 3d-glasses and on the bigscreen this is the most impressive intro i have seen in many years.
big big BIG respect.

don't even try to watch it without the 3d-glasses.

rulez added on the 2005-06-12 21:17:26 by nosfe nosfe
Nice intro, but I didn't like the music, and it was a bit too low-poly for me. Good 3D exprecience though.
added on the 2005-06-12 21:39:53 by jimmi jimmi
now someone please show visualice how to increase object tesselation mkay

and if it wasnt for "anaglyphic rendering" and you didnt know it's by fr, what would your group of guess be, honestly ?
added on the 2005-06-12 21:52:03 by apricot apricot
the future crew?
added on the 2005-06-12 21:56:51 by el mal el mal
rulez added on the 2005-06-12 22:00:26 by waffle waffle
this was truly one of the highlits at simulaatio. mindblowing.

and yet again, don't watch it without glasses.
rulez added on the 2005-06-12 22:11:10 by megamies megamies
Fucking A-Mazing without 3d glasses.

Farbraush days are not over I knew they'd be back with a first place.
added on the 2005-06-12 22:43:43 by Mike 3D Mike 3D
without glasses extremly _boring_ and quite sucky objects
added on the 2005-06-12 23:01:48 by las las
This one really worked with 3d-glasses. This really worked on big screen and best 3d-experience at party.
rulez added on the 2005-06-12 23:06:46 by blueflame blueflame
finally demos for anaglyph. I am always searching for demos that work in anaglyph also (nVidia's stereo switch of its drivers makes it mostly possible - unfortunatly not with FR engines).
rulez added on the 2005-06-12 23:26:36 by Salinga Salinga
Then don't bother ranting. Go get the glasses NOW!
rulez added on the 2005-06-12 23:37:45 by stonda stonda
I watched it with my shutter glasses (ELSA Revelator + nVidia 3D drivers) and i must say that other farbrausch demos (e.g. poem to a horse or especially theta) look even nicer in 3D imho. But for people who are not used to 3D this one must be quite amazing :)
Small hint: The nVidia 3D drivers have an analglyph mode where you can even define the colors of your glasses. therfore everybody with an nVidia card can watch many 'normal' demos in 3D.
added on the 2005-06-12 23:53:57 by beavis77 beavis77
Watched it with glasses here at home and it didn't do it for me at least. We've all seen anaglyphic 3D before, heck even farb-rausch have done it before, and better. So relying on that alone doesn't make a good production. As several people stated above, this is nothing special without the 3D glasses and it's nothing special with them either. Piggie.
added on the 2005-06-13 00:02:41 by a_lee_n a_lee_n
Hey, what are those credits doing above my keyboard? :-)

Those damn glasses always give me a headache, but it was worth it. Don't watch it without 'm. And I love the music.
rulez added on the 2005-06-13 00:25:38 by sparcus sparcus
I watched now this on home and I must say that 3d-illusion does not work very good on monitor. In big screen it worked much much better.
added on the 2005-06-13 00:41:18 by blueflame blueflame
I have no glasses :( but i really like it!
rulez added on the 2005-06-13 01:26:03 by Spewk Spewk
Works perfect on my monitor, nice intro.
rulez added on the 2005-06-13 01:52:30 by [self-ban] [self-ban]
I like the beginning and the end, but the rest is just average....relying on analglyph to carry interest instead of content or FX. Don't get me wrong, I love analglyph demos, but I'm still waiting for a great demo that also happens to offer a 3D glasses option.

Actually, this is possible now. A couple years ago I downgraded to the nVidia drivers KAi mentioned that include analglyph support in the registry. I could only get one demo to run in that mode: Poem to a Horse. Now that is an experience. If I ever get that mode working again, I'll have to capture it.
added on the 2005-06-13 04:35:58 by Jerware Jerware
"relying on anaglyph to carry interest" ..

how about some of you guys noticing what party this was meant for, and also what the main point of that party was?

the intro itself has a lot of empty scenes that stay too long on screen, but the music kicks ass, and the 3d has been done well enough for me to thumb it up.

but stop watching it without the glasses damnit :)
rulez added on the 2005-06-13 06:48:23 by leijaa leijaa
bwahaha... this thread is great. Another nice example of how ignorant and fat the scene became.

Nice intro btw. My only criticism would be the low poly count of many scenes.
rulez added on the 2005-06-13 07:19:28 by Stelthzje Stelthzje
Fuckings to myself for accidentally leaving my glasses at the party place.

Was great with bigscreen+glasses anyway.
rulez added on the 2005-06-13 07:24:53 by jobe jobe
pretty average. i'm sure it's nice with 3d glasses, but since i haven't got any the gimmick is void with me. the music was nice, but the rest reminded me of 1998 low-poly 3dfx-demos.
added on the 2005-06-13 07:44:50 by gloom gloom
Leia: Looks like we need to go thumb down all the entries from all other parties for not using 3d.

Course it might also help if the party name showed as '3d' not '2005' (:

Anyway. On the bigscreen there were times when I wanted to stand up and move to another part of the room to see what it looked like from there. At one point, there was a dark spot just above my head that prevented me from seeing above it. My mouth was open from about 3 seconds into this demo until the end. Absolutely what the party was meant to have - demos that used 3d. Not the best 3d demo ever, that'll come in future, but the one that caused people at the party to go 'fucking hell yes, that's what I came for.'
added on the 2005-06-13 10:20:47 by Cj Cj
rulez added on the 2005-06-13 10:22:57 by Cj Cj
rulez added on the 2005-06-13 10:37:32 by blackpawn blackpawn
the 3d was ultrahybercool
rulez added on the 2005-06-13 12:12:04 by hhhhhhh hhhhhhh
One of the jawdroppers at the party! Clearly a lot of thought and design has been put in it and it shows. <3

"Relying on analglyph to carry interest instead of content or FX"
It IS an effect.. and one hell of an effect I might add :)

I'll say it here once and for all for all the Simulaatio 3D entries:
You can't judge them until you've seen them on a BIG screen with red/cyan glasses on (the effect works a lot better on a big screen than on a monitor). It's like juding a demo after only seeing a low-res MPEG of it.
rulez added on the 2005-06-13 12:31:03 by noid noid
hmm... okay-ish without 3d glasses, gotta see it again when i got myself some. music is nice, though
added on the 2005-06-13 14:31:30 by red red
great music!
and good visual!
some scene was smooth.
however, it was not best in fr-prods.
I want to see again with 3d glass.:)
added on the 2005-06-13 15:00:22 by got got
Good, looking forward to watch it with the glasses. Nice credits effect.
rulez added on the 2005-06-13 15:00:34 by Navis Navis
grrrr, after directx9, now it's directx9c wich is required (btw that means dx9 was not good, coz is there is a 9c version now :D)
I haven't really liked any FR prods for several years now, but this one was really good, even if mostly due to the great use of anaglyphic 3D. I highly recommend acquiring (or even building) a pair of red-blue glasses somehow.
rulez added on the 2005-06-13 15:35:27 by DiamonDie DiamonDie
watched with the old "dopplerdefekt glasses" its great, even i like dopplerdefekt more.
rulez added on the 2005-06-13 15:39:38 by NuKem NuKem
Didnt yet find my old Fr dopperdefekt tum2k2 glasses[tm] but I liked the intro anyway. Typical Visualice stuff. As a general scene production it's pretty great and I like the distinct choosing of colors but I know that Visualice can do better.
rulez added on the 2005-06-13 16:18:04 by Paralax Paralax
nice 3D-effect, but the intro itself is pretty boring i think..
added on the 2005-06-13 16:26:50 by toxie toxie
ok, dx9C installed (i don't know why, effects looks simple)
it's not the 1st anaglyph demo (look prod 3128), and there is nothing new here except the newschool style
music is cool, not enought for a tup
Good. This time FB even made color part :)
rulez added on the 2005-06-13 18:15:15 by Manwe Manwe
it´s okay
added on the 2005-06-13 19:49:55 by RA RA
zone, what about third dimension?

not sure whether this one is the first either, but it's definitely 11 years earlier than that digital dynamite demo :)
added on the 2005-06-13 21:20:30 by ryg ryg
Oh well, another use found for my 15 year old Freak Brothers 3d Glasses :)
added on the 2005-06-14 02:34:51 by Shifter Shifter
Oh, yeah... this is how you use anaglyphic glasses.
rulez added on the 2005-06-14 08:22:37 by deathy deathy
the music!
rulez added on the 2005-06-14 09:47:32 by ekoli ekoli
rulez added on the 2005-06-14 10:31:48 by Zest Zest
FR did it again with Dopplerdefekt, then I found some glasses in a friend but I couldn't say anything, perhaps I wasn't looking too focused and I was also doing it in a hurry because my friend could possibly not want to put demos in his computer or he wanted the glasses or we were on holidays so I had no time to test it with my own pace, now I have to find where can I buy such glasses and test it with my own pace in my room. Perhaps I will see something really cool now..

There was a demo with simple 3d star scroll blue/red once in Hornet, I think I have found that, but still no glasses back then. But that would possibly not show much..

Not what I'd expect from FR (last good enjoyfull prods for the masses must be their both BP03 releases and perhaps later the BP04 invitation (I still remember the tune and brings me tears because I was there too =)),. then I have seen hardly something that I liked as much as their last good things.

But there is one thing I like in this demo and it is the music. Makes an atmosphere with visualice's demo style and those smooth paced distorted camera trips ;)

It still gets a rules for using the 3D glasses trick once again (but I have to buy the glasses to enjoy this!) and definitelly the lovely music..
rulez added on the 2005-06-14 13:24:03 by Optimus Optimus
Where to get 3D glasses?
added on the 2005-06-14 13:28:41 by Adok Adok
I've found something...
added on the 2005-06-14 13:31:33 by Adok Adok
nice music, nice tunnel, nice colors, nice atmosphere, simply nice all around.
rulez added on the 2005-06-14 16:06:02 by px px
ryg : cryptoburners made probably the 1st demo using this technik, but without mapped textures ;)

in fact, i was disappointed by this farbrausch demo because i had hope to see coloured textures, i think it is possible to have colours instead of grey/blue/red stuff
BB Image
BB Image


I could swear i've seen a demo using such process on amiga before, maybe made by topswap or some other group.
added on the 2005-06-14 17:10:56 by hitchhikr hitchhikr
makes good use of the glasses (i had a pair from some lame imax ridefilm at home XD) otherwise, nothing special
rulez added on the 2005-06-14 23:31:34 by root root
music is good if not very good.
visuals are.. visualiceish :)
but as far as it's not the first 3d intro from fr, nor is it an original concept itself, i'll judge by overall feeling of visuals ( still much respect to all the coders behind wz, v2 etc).
comparing to average of disribution of other fr releases quality, this sucks. it could have done it as minus-release imo ( not for the music ).
so a thumb down, as far as personally i am pretty disappointed :(
sucks added on the 2005-06-16 12:58:37 by apricot apricot
Making your own red-blue glasses ain't too hard, it just requires ordinary red and blur transparent plastic sheets (should be available from any stationery-shop nearby), and if you don't want to hold them in front of your eyes by hand, you need some thicker paper and some glue or a stapler, but seriously, it's not THAT complicated.
added on the 2005-06-16 13:31:51 by Gargaj Gargaj
i really like beginning and final credits scene with 3d-glasses. nice feeling
rulez added on the 2005-06-19 07:13:52 by zeebr zeebr
ok so i have the glasses and this is still ugly and the 3D effect doesn't save anything... sorry guys :/
added on the 2005-06-19 19:13:43 by Gargaj Gargaj
I didn't like geometry and texturing. Lil' bit boring
sucks added on the 2005-06-19 23:38:24 by b52 b52
i dont know why, but I feel that it shows a new concept of art. well done!
rulez added on the 2005-06-20 01:53:40 by Lord Ciriuz Lord Ciriuz
I like it without that stupid glasses too...
rulez added on the 2005-06-20 17:21:10 by AbcuG! AbcuG!
oh and i forgot to thumb up solely because of the music which is genious on its own.
rulez added on the 2005-06-21 02:49:37 by Gargaj Gargaj
rulez added on the 2005-06-21 22:39:08 by mrdoob mrdoob
tho, I have to agree with Gargaj.. the visuals are ugly!
added on the 2005-06-21 22:39:56 by mrdoob mrdoob
Really cool. Yet again though, a bit boring. I hope to see more of the style in a different; perhaps more exciting context.
rulez added on the 2005-06-24 06:52:55 by Rubicante Rubicante
<3 <3 <3 damn great use of anal-glyphic 3d <3 <3 <3
rulez added on the 2005-06-24 12:10:18 by kusma kusma
It rulez definitely! Excellent music - haven't got a pair of 3d glasses though, but anyway - perfect!
rulez added on the 2005-06-25 19:44:44 by d3pth d3pth
nice idea with the glasses... but the scenes don't exploit them... next time more peaked objects flying into the camera please... =)
added on the 2005-06-26 23:46:22 by 0x$$ 0x$$
Cool to watch if you have the glasses, should go to specsavers if you haven't.

The music alone is worth a thumb up.
rulez added on the 2005-06-27 01:09:21 by Shockwave Shockwave
atmospheric and relaxing to watch, but not outstanding (the quality one would expect from fr)
it's only for the music i thumb it up, sorry guys :\
rulez added on the 2005-06-30 22:40:13 by tsw tsw
Great music and cool atmosphere, but some of the visuals are a bit ugly
rulez added on the 2005-07-07 14:54:28 by reality3D reality3D
demos as I like them. The gfx are not so outstanding and the music is pretty boring but there's a little sincerity in all of this and I like it even without anal-laxagic glasses ;)
rulez added on the 2005-07-10 01:15:48 by oxb oxb
i finally bought 3d glasses and watched it properly... and this is the best intro ever released!!!
great music and visuals!!
rulez added on the 2005-07-11 19:52:38 by kimi kardashian kimi kardashian
you really have to watch this with the glasses... without i thought .. ok/ugly.. but the effect with the glasses.. uebercool
rulez added on the 2005-07-19 01:18:00 by v3nom v3nom
3d is cool, but the real heart-stopper for me was the music
rulez added on the 2005-08-23 12:03:48 by EarlGrey EarlGrey
you realy need to watch this with glasses.. like it with glasses :D but it can be better..
yayyy welcome back guys
rulez added on the 2005-10-24 13:29:19 by Gaia Gaia
rulez added on the 2005-11-13 14:29:11 by Midfit Midfit
i love you.
rulez added on the 2005-12-02 22:15:29 by kelsey kelsey
rulez added on the 2005-12-07 02:29:13 by ALiEN^bf ALiEN^bf
shit my thumb is missing here
great music and really nice with glasses
rulez added on the 2005-12-08 13:11:08 by EviL EviL
whoa, finally a Farbrausch production again that I really dig. Great idea, well executed. And yep, nice music indeed.
rulez added on the 2005-12-13 15:18:40 by Axel Axel
rulez added on the 2005-12-19 19:29:40 by wie8 wie8
Without 3d Glasses it is not so easy to vote about it - Interesting Visuals and really great Music :)
rulez added on the 2006-01-28 14:58:57 by Sapphire Sapphire
super cool
added on the 2006-02-13 01:59:22 by blackpawn blackpawn
great soundtrack. cool prod.
rulez added on the 2006-03-15 13:09:18 by flexi flexi
I've seen it with glasses for the first time! FUCKING GREAT!
rulez added on the 2006-05-23 19:05:24 by xernobyl xernobyl
rulez added on the 2006-08-17 11:19:09 by hardi hardi
different. experience.
rulez added on the 2006-09-26 22:17:21 by gentleman gentleman
what hardi said (muahuaha)
rulez added on the 2006-10-25 11:41:00 by las las
Way behind dopperdefekt, me believes.
added on the 2006-10-29 19:14:53 by eye eye
rulez added on the 2007-02-24 15:56:06 by decipher decipher
rulez added on the 2007-04-28 10:15:45 by puNky puNky
little boring
added on the 2007-10-02 22:16:59 by koen koen
rulez added on the 2007-10-02 23:08:26 by substrate substrate

oh and i forgot to thumb up solely because of the music which is genious on its own.

yup, the tune carries 90 percent of this whole production...entered my personal "heavy rotation"
BB Image to Bitchard & Melwyn
added on the 2007-10-22 17:12:38 by d0DgE d0DgE
rulez added on the 2008-03-26 20:58:44 by Ized Ized
Frankly, this prod is the best distillate of the unique farbrausch awesomeness that I have ever seen.
rulez added on the 2008-04-29 00:30:28 by Hiacynt Hiacynt
nice flow
rulez added on the 2008-09-14 00:38:53 by SiR SiR
great soundtrack. cool prod.
rulez added on the 2008-10-18 13:44:39 by 0rel 0rel
rulez added on the 2008-10-31 23:48:51 by zefyros zefyros
Great music, nice mood and of course, 3d.
rulez added on the 2008-10-31 23:56:52 by wrthlss wrthlss
Wonderful music, but kinda low-poly :D
rulez added on the 2009-01-25 20:54:57 by Saga Musix Saga Musix
i'm not in general a fan of the melwyn&visualice farbrausch productions, but somehow i really like the ambience, camera movements and the music in this one!
rulez added on the 2009-11-30 15:38:13 by blala blala
music&visuals <3
rulez added on the 2011-09-04 12:54:00 by chromag chromag
The music is really really nice - the flybys look quite nice in anaglyph mode too :)
Made 2 Videorips for this nice demo:

fr-044: Patient Zero - farbrausch [anaglyph] (1080p)

fr-044: Patient Zero - farbrausch (1080p)

rulez added on the 2011-09-27 11:46:52 by anni anni
Thumb up for sure.
rulez added on the 2011-09-27 12:30:28 by jack-3d jack-3d
rulez added on the 2012-01-10 20:59:08 by Frequent Frequent
This intro goes nowhere.

...thumb for the well-tuned anaglyph effect, though!
rulez added on the 2014-01-10 23:15:35 by T$ T$
It was decent. I can't see 3D so...
added on the 2014-12-13 17:11:38 by AntDude AntDude
64k so thumbs up for that
rulez added on the 2015-03-24 21:13:15 by sensenstahl sensenstahl
I like most of the demos with LB's soundtrack . Other than that , it's still nice .
rulez added on the 2016-05-28 09:39:56 by golem golem

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