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68k Inside Announcement by Dekadence [web]
screenshot added by ricky martin on 2023-01-08 11:46:46
platform :
type :
release date : january 2023
release party : JML Färjan 2023
compo : combined demo/intro
ranked : 5th
invitation for : 68k Inside 2023
  • 8
  • 2
  • 1
popularity : 54%
  • 0.64
alltime top: #21089
added on the 2023-01-08 11:46:46 by ricky martin ricky martin

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platform: neo geo. youtube
ok i will be there!
added on the 2023-01-08 16:03:54 by nosfe nosfe
Motorola forever!
rulez added on the 2023-01-08 17:08:31 by ham ham
Platform (and DKD logo) thumb.

from the .nfo:
The .zip ROM may work with GnGeo or it may not. I've yet to figure out a good way to provide a version that reliably works on emulators.

I've managed to get this running on MAME with the included zip ROM, with the following notes:

MAME seems to choke on the '-' in the original filename, so the included ROM zip should be renamed to "dkd68kng.zip" and put in the "roms" directory.

The neogeo.xml file in the "hash" directory needs to be edited. Add the following to the bottom of the file, just before the closing </softwarelist>:
Code:<software name="dkd68kng"> <description>68k Inside Announcement</description> <year>2023</year> <publisher>Dekadence</publisher> <sharedfeat name="release" value="AES" /> <sharedfeat name="compatibility" value="MVS,AES" /> <part name="cart" interface="neo_cart"> <dataarea name="maincpu" width="16" endianness="big" size="0x100000"> <rom loadflag="load16_word_swap" name="202-p1.bin" offset="0x000000" size="0x080000" crc="b10d2cb6" sha1="6a63f5424e3b5ae3e97fbf0e1841b8cdfd5740f2" /> </dataarea> <dataarea name="fixed" size="0x040000"> <rom offset="0x000000" size="0x020000" name="202-s1.bin" crc="2e4238d1" sha1="f556cd9afcf53c3a1128cdaa639d49fb3abfa3ed" /> </dataarea> <dataarea name="audiocpu" size="0x010000"> <rom offset="0x000000" size="0x010000" name="202-m1.bin" crc="de1963da" sha1="f133785dfe437a2a1235f39521c6a64949cf4823" /> </dataarea> <dataarea name="ymsnd:adpcma" size="0x100000"> <rom name="202-v1.bin" offset="0x000000" size="0x100000" crc="d1b3294e" sha1="1aa1cf1951b8848a5e5a58b155656101dc51298e" /> </dataarea> <dataarea name="sprites" size="0x200000"> <rom loadflag="load16_byte" name="202-c1.bin" offset="0x000000" size="0x100000" crc="d1d755d8" sha1="7d892886db756cae59474f619a814c97d4041154" /> <rom loadflag="load16_byte" name="202-c2.bin" offset="0x000001" size="0x100000" crc="4d751816" sha1="276d13a5a91e5f86f07d2cf644f898386846c435" /> </dataarea> </part> </software>

The demo can then be run using "mame neogeo dkd68kng" (to run on MVS/arcade), or "mame aes dkd68kng" (to run on AES/home)
rulez added on the 2023-01-09 02:59:02 by freem freem
freem: awesome, thanks so much for the instructions!
nice music and logo. besides that nothing special since there is nothing really happening. still worth a nëö gëö thümbs :)
rulez added on the 2023-01-09 08:45:36 by sensenstahl sensenstahl
Thumbs up for ricky martin finally getting something done on the Neo Geo :)
rulez added on the 2023-01-10 09:36:35 by britelite britelite
Nice! I can only hope this was a quick test run and that we can expect something bigger in the future. Given how barren the Neo Geo demoscene landscape is at the moment, I'll take ANYTHING. Haha. Will I give it a thumb op? Of course!

Oh, and here's a video of it running in real hardware inside of an actual arcade cabinet. The only thing that seems wrong is the disclaimer text popping up on top of the logo.

rulez added on the 2023-01-16 00:04:37 by Morden Morden
platform thumbs
rulez added on the 2023-01-30 16:00:13 by v3nom v3nom
Very nice. How about PC-98, Fm Towns or X68000 port?
rulez added on the 2023-01-30 18:39:48 by mr_sebe mr_sebe
Obviously the platform, the effort and the 68000 of course ;-)
rulez added on the 2023-02-04 07:39:39 by AlienTech AlienTech
"This production may NOT be distributed in video form without
our explicit permission.
Contact us at dekadencedemo@gmail.com BEFORE making
your video capture public, or we will issue a takedown."

dafuq is this crap.

dude, you're stealing classic tracks and selling it on vinyl
"the music is a combination of village people - sex over the phone and steve poindexter - work that mutha fucka"

damn hypocrites.
sucks added on the 2023-02-13 03:18:01 by kimi kardashian kimi kardashian
Dekadence (or rather me) doesn't want shitty captures of our demos spread. What our members decide to do with their personal projects has nothing to do with this.
added on the 2023-02-13 08:26:02 by britelite britelite

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