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68k Inside Announcement by Dekadence [web]

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                            68k Inside Announcement
                               Demo for Neo Geo

                        ricky martin       code, music
                        bracket                    gfx

       Our first on Neo Geo! A really quick one too.
       Released at Jumalauta Winterfärjan 2023.
       Developed using ngdevkit by Damien Ciabrini.

       Music converted and played with NGFX Sound Builder by Blastar.

       Thanks to all involved for such great tools!

       Greets also to everyone involved with the Neo Geo Development Wiki,
       it helped me solve many problems.

       Don't forget to come to 68k Inside! https://68k-inside.party

       The .neo ROM has been tested on a real Neo Geo AES using a NeoSD
       flash cart. The .zip ROM may work with GnGeo or it may not. I've
       yet to figure out a good way to provide a version that reliably works
       on emulators.

       This production can be distibuted freely in it's unmodified
       binary form, with all the following files included:
       - dkd-68kng.zip
       - dkd-68kng.neo
       - dkd-68kng.nfo
       - file_id.diz

       This production may NOT be distributed in video form without
       our explicit permission. 
       Contact us at dekadencedemo@gmail.com BEFORE making 
       your video capture public, or we will issue a takedown.

       A video will also be available on our Youtube channel:
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