Friday at Eight by Polka Brothers [web] | ||||||||||||||
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popularity : 72% |
alltime top: #480 |
added on the 2000-10-19 18:45:41 by Wavemaker ![]() |
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yaaahh ! i found it ! very original, perfect synchro, very amazing demo from da wonderful polka bros ! check it absolutely !!
As anything coming from polka brothers, synching is the name of the game. It's one of my all time fave prods, it's flawless.
nice fast effects :)
Crazy professional job. Intense, fast and the synchro is indeed perfect: all polka brothers productions set a very high standard of quality =)
Nice, fastforward demo with lots of blablabla and more of blibliblib but all in traditional Polka Bros style.
Nice, fastforward demo with lots of blablabla and more of blibliblib but all in traditional Polka Bros style.
Polka brothers really kicked the demoscene off with this and other wonderfull productions. setting the standard from day one should have been their slogan.
Inventors and masters of the so called "blink-blink-demostyle". My favourite ECS demo.
Agreeing with all comments above. Fantastic stuff from Polka Brothers. Fast in yer face.
an all-time favorite. simply brillant.
I second that.
I clearly remember that one, yes. Rocked my miggy years ago.
I think this is an AGA-prod, but who cares as long as it's superdupercool!
rulez! rulez! rulez!
move ur ass and put it in the top 10 prods ;p
move ur ass and put it in the top 10 prods ;p
polka bros for ever.
Blah Blah Blah Blah
Polka Bros at their best. Great style, and damn fine music, as always.
this one definitely !RULEZ!
Second that !
Yeah! Polka rocked the halls!
Yeah! Polka rocked the halls!
My #1 classic demo.
Great synch, great polka!
thumb up to polka brothers arse :D
one of my all time favorites
Very entertaining :)
airwalk, we all miss you
Rocking Shit!
Shitting Rock!
my little polka icecream! :) ... will be a fantastic production ever!
This demo continues to age like fine wine (instead of losing its sparkle like an old bottle of champagne), and proves that even a demo that's nearly 10 years old can still look damn good in spite of the productions coming out today. The mid-90's were a great time for demos... not only technically, but in spirit. This demo in particular is a classic... thumb's up all the way.
Impressive first part.
When I see again demos like this I remember how much I liked this group. No one could beat their style.
Hands up!
When I see again demos like this I remember how much I liked this group. No one could beat their style.
Hands up!
Wow, cuberotation with fading. \o/
so awesome
Music and synch
Impressive v_v
rulez for a life-time
Even better than Chirpat's Delight!!!
Pure genius. Great "design".
lovin' it!!
The demo even Spengler likes :)
Unimpressive as ever.
WTF? I don't get any music and a guru after 2 minutes....
Quite probably my favourite AGA demo!! It was the first one I've seen and it really was something completely different back then. Original in every aspect, it is an absolute all-time classic for me!
I watched it so many times ...
Simply great.
Nice one!
oh yeeeeeeeee! a real kickass
This one is fantastic, very well synchronised and all... Thumb up! :)
i like it:) nostalgia...
blah blah blah blah !!!
best polka bros. prod. i see 1994 and jesterday at my god old 1200er.
Simply perfect timing!!!! this one rewls!
a bit of a trip, some cool sync
what bLa said
I miss the Polka-style.
anarchistic sound, minimalistic design, generally uptempo = pleasure in watching.
kickass soundtrack! modern design! "sync"! progressive! clean nice effect!
gotta love it! whats not to like? okay I didnt like the endtrack ;)
gotta love it! whats not to like? okay I didnt like the endtrack ;)
just YEZZZZ-!!!! :))
CDC #2 goes here forever.!!!
CDC #2 goes here forever.!!!
some really pleasant effects and great style, timing... feels all so good :)
Just a part of the oral phase.
Fast and Nice =)
pure demo.
Great stuff! Cool syncing and cool music.
Oh yes.
Crazy! There are so many good effects. :-)
A horde of delicious oneframe effects. I especially like the line tunnel. It was originally the plan to have a remake of that effect in Planet Loonies, but sadly it had to be discarded due to lack of space.
indeed one of the demos I still remember
awesome and still fresh!
essential cool
polka for helve!
yeah. You know - sometimes demos that actually run on a stock Amiga 1200 are just so much more lovable than the 060 debarkle of new PSU's and stupendous amounts of additional RAM and so much copying of data. Maybe I'm just drunk, but tonight, this demo was 020 easy bliss :-) And regardless, it's a rocking demo. PB respect.
if you think about they started it fridays at eight at the partyplace this is even more awesome :)
i just ♥ this one ! ( there it is: 2nd CDC ! haha )
i just ♥ this one ! ( there it is: 2nd CDC ! haha )
So dynamic, so great. One of my favourite ECS demos.
Here is my thumb :)
massive thumb of course!
very ossom indeed :)
ligesom at som dwarf sagde!
nice sync but thats it. never liked very much
Polka bros... I was a big fan of that team ! Always great ambiance, cool fx, and strong sync ! Perfect demo ! I think this one was coded by Merge (ex-Laxity IIRC), but I'm not sure...
I just see it again at and it is not Merge that coded it, it's Airwalk.
But well I think this demo was coded by ex-Laxity. (I hope I do not get it wrong again, else sorry to Merge, Airwalk and Laxity ^^!)
But well I think this demo was coded by ex-Laxity. (I hope I do not get it wrong again, else sorry to Merge, Airwalk and Laxity ^^!)
HQ video:
Still Love it so much
Mal was anderes ... ;)
Another youtube is notified in BBS ... Enjoy it!
Another youtube is notified in BBS ... Enjoy it!
for sure needs more glops :] still one of my amiga favs
Good music and synchro
great demo! one of my favourites in the 90's.
Yep this is great, both music and design especially are exceptionally sophisticated for their time. Every effect flows perfectly to another.
good one
Love dynamic demos on A500!
Cool :)
best polka demo !
a500 style effects on a1200 = more lines, more dots, more polygons, more everything. not that excited as the guys above, but still a very enjoyable demo.
one of polka bros best demos, still rocking!
A Reference!
Great demo!
Very very cool!
Sehr sehr gut.
Fast, hard, loud, AMIGAAAAAAH!
obvious thumb
Rocks hard!
Classic, but not top of the top.
nice stuff
Kefrens/Melon attempt with yesteryear's effects... in 1994... on AGA...?
Probably worked on the bigscreen (c), but the screens are just too seen before 100 times for me to get any enjoyment out of it. The music gets better near the end. GFX... well. The font is OK. And Melony. So it's not a total thumbs down. But. It's just going out of its way to not be interesting.
Probably worked on the bigscreen (c), but the screens are just too seen before 100 times for me to get any enjoyment out of it. The music gets better near the end. GFX... well. The font is OK. And Melony. So it's not a total thumbs down. But. It's just going out of its way to not be interesting.
One of the best demos ever made, the sync is tighter than can of sardines and the music is awesome! :)
Unbelievable flow for 1994, in an era when everyone except Spaceballs still felt the need to either constantly announce what was happening on the screen or oversaturate the runtime with stills, twisters, rotozoomers, plasmas, raster bars, and other classic (boring) effects. Less is more.
1994 is when AGA effects actually rocked. Great music (especially the first one), interesting effect with plasma-rotating(?) cube, "transparent" lines and so on.
Yes, it is good. The flow, the sync...
Didnt do much for me.
A must-see! One of the first well-synced demos that showed how to entertain using simple effects. Rhythm and flow makes everything in this prod.
Technically it is not the best AGA demo, but in terms of design and flow it was a great reference.
an unbeatable pinnacle of oldskool AGA times, long unmatched for its butter smooth flow and tight sync. discovered it just a while ago but felt instantly in love :)
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