Connoisseur by Madpakke
![]() |
popularity : 65% |
alltime top: #25508 |
added on the 2014-04-22 12:40:03 by maytz ![]() |
popularity helper
Please tell me that this is more than just an RLE-ed picture ripped from DeviantArt?
added on the 2014-04-22 12:49:23 by tomaes 

Technically nice, I guess.
It's redrawn in AI, converted to a 3d (2d) polygon model og rendered in openGL.
ffs! - it was meant as a compofiller, but due to lack of proper quality and originality in the compo, this won :(
ffs! - it was meant as a compofiller, but due to lack of proper quality and originality in the compo, this won :(
You people have silly standards.
omg, technically perhaps not bad, but so sexist :(
This prod is kinda pathetic. But the real cancer with the scene is that this submission was accepted, that no one or not enough people stood up and complained, and that enough people voted (anonymously) for this to win.
It's a shame it's been traced, but the picture is still pretty great. It's not straight-up porn or nudity, and it gave me a good little chuckle
And uh... can someone tell me how cunnilingus is sexist? Last time I checked, oral isn't devaluing someone's gender.
And uh... can someone tell me how cunnilingus is sexist? Last time I checked, oral isn't devaluing someone's gender.
What Knoeki said.
that no one or not enough people stood up and complained
Overreact much?
also knoeki hits the spot on this one
Reading some comments, It seems that some people don't have a taste for humor.
Urgh, there's no tech and the content is done by someone else, so there's really nothing for me to appreciate here.
@knoeki: well, the picture is a rip you know...
Gargaj: But.. but, "redrawn in AI" and all that. ;)
The ripped part sucks the most. Also, cannibalism is no laughing matter.
The ripped part sucks the most. Also, cannibalism is no laughing matter.
I'm with knoeki on this one, but still just a piggy.
how could this win?
BURP...! (sorry) Should have won. oh wait, it actually won ! well done. OK it is a rip-off, but it is confessed in the readme so i forgive it.
What knoeki said, word for word. Although obviously the originality (or lack thereof) is a problem. Piggie then.
Looks like mixing women and sex is sexist, I see. If instead of a guy cleaning his mouth there was a gal, the comments would be exactly the same, I'm sure :-)
Next time do your homework and no compofiller will get the money that's itching you now.
Oh, and by the way... Who said the legs were from a woman?
Next time do your homework and no compofiller will get the money that's itching you now.
Oh, and by the way... Who said the legs were from a woman?
I see from a previous comment it was intended to be filler. Regardless of that and the content, which I found a bit tasteless, it just seemed like a packed vector image: that is no real tech involved just drawing pre-defined shapes of sorts. Also as said before, the NFO reveals the image isn't even original. Okay, so you cited it, but have some creativity. 2nd place did.
(I would find it tasteless regardless of genders and such; though considering the placement I can see it definitely catered to the majority :-/ )
What Knoeki said. I find this quite refreshing as opposed to the usual boring shader-Pimmelfechten
Knoeki, as everyone will perfectly agree, there is nothing wrong with cunnilingus per se. It’s great. A lot of people do it and enjoy it, and absolutely no one said that cunnilingus was sexist.
It’s not the image that is sexist; it’s its use in a specific situation. What several persons object to is the perpetuation of an unnecessarily sexualised environment by people who do not understand, or do not care, how it can make other people uncomfortable. An environment that can negatively target a population (women) that it has historically had so much trouble including is not an environment that I can be proud to be a part of.
It’s great that you do not feel threatened or singled out or ashamed by that kind of atmosphere. I’m however saddened that people now use “what Knoeki said” as a way to dismiss all objections from people who do. Well, I for one disagree with a lot of “what Knoeki said”.
For some information on how some people are affected by what I described:
It’s not the image that is sexist; it’s its use in a specific situation. What several persons object to is the perpetuation of an unnecessarily sexualised environment by people who do not understand, or do not care, how it can make other people uncomfortable. An environment that can negatively target a population (women) that it has historically had so much trouble including is not an environment that I can be proud to be a part of.
It’s great that you do not feel threatened or singled out or ashamed by that kind of atmosphere. I’m however saddened that people now use “what Knoeki said” as a way to dismiss all objections from people who do. Well, I for one disagree with a lot of “what Knoeki said”.
For some information on how some people are affected by what I described:
Well this truly is a "PC scene" nowadays, jesus christ. What Knoeki said, but also what others said of ripping. Result: meh.
Technically nice but what sam said
What break said.
Guys, and Girls - I'm very sorry if this has offended anyone in any way, which is surely the case.
That said, I think it's interesting that some think of this a sexist-ish, especially when the original author is a bi-sexual girl.
I hope those of you that feel offended will accept my apology.
I choose zero shaders and to move on :)
That said, I think it's interesting that some think of this a sexist-ish, especially when the original author is a bi-sexual girl.
I hope those of you that feel offended will accept my apology.
I choose zero shaders and to move on :)
What Gargaj said. And still, it won. Which highlights one aspect of the otherwise great demoscene I really despise.
lol, that's the spirit of the scene. first making this bullshit the winner at the party, and complaining here afterwards. nice one!
I'm surprised that nobody pointed the only sin that this prod committed...
It could be done in 1K!
It could be done in 1K!
technically nice but a bit tasteless (pun intended)
Zero technical achievement, not original, and vulgar.
what sam said.
I’m however saddened that people now use “what Knoeki said” as a way to dismiss all objections from people who do. Well, I for one disagree with a lot of “what Knoeki said”.
I'm pretty sure people use "what Knoeki said" instead of writing the words he used in verbatim all over again.
And me having an opinion isn't "dismissing objections", it is having an opinion that differs from what other people have. Considering that this is a matter of subjective opinion, neither you, I or anyone else can claim the right to an objective truth - as the various responses to this particular production illustrates quite well.
I let this enter the 4k gfx competition. I think there are no problems at all regarding the competition rules.
If you want to - you can interpret sexism into almost anything.
Ever thought about freedom of art?
If you want to - you can interpret sexism into almost anything.
Ever thought about freedom of art?
Not on compo screen if one day ppl bring their children to parties.
i approve
Baudsurfer: there already are a handful of children at Revision. I think none were traumatized due to this entry.
Anyways, mixed feelings about this. On the one hand it's technically not very interesting, on the other hand the content is polarizing over the fact that it won. People would still scream "sexism" if the gender roles had been swapped - in fact, it would probably considered even more vulgar. I personally don't blame the author for submitting this, although I wish something else had won.
But instead of complaining, we could always, you know, go make a 4k gfx about it, so compofiller-entries like these don't win.
Anyways, mixed feelings about this. On the one hand it's technically not very interesting, on the other hand the content is polarizing over the fact that it won. People would still scream "sexism" if the gender roles had been swapped - in fact, it would probably considered even more vulgar. I personally don't blame the author for submitting this, although I wish something else had won.
But instead of complaining, we could always, you know, go make a 4k gfx about it, so compofiller-entries like these don't win.
Red : I agree it is vulgar indeed, but I'm not the bad-taste police ;).
More importantly, it is sexist since the woman is portrayed as a still-life passive "thing" and compared to say a turkey (table setup and napkin).
Does showing such sexual content (explicit or not) to say a 8-year old girl affect the latter say 10 years from now ?
Does seeing adults (and your own parents) around you cheering at the screen and behaving as if this was a normal way of public conduct affect the latter say 10 years from now ?
Of course a neuropediatric's view would bear more weight here than your views or mine, wouldn't you agree ?
Lastly, is the eccentricity of this prod which reflects less "freedom of art" than "sexual fustration" really necessary ? If the woman was replaced by a meal, would the technicity of the prod have been less noted ?
More importantly, it is sexist since the woman is portrayed as a still-life passive "thing" and compared to say a turkey (table setup and napkin).
There already are a handful of children at Revision. I think none were traumatized due to this entry.
Does showing such sexual content (explicit or not) to say a 8-year old girl affect the latter say 10 years from now ?
Does seeing adults (and your own parents) around you cheering at the screen and behaving as if this was a normal way of public conduct affect the latter say 10 years from now ?
Of course a neuropediatric's view would bear more weight here than your views or mine, wouldn't you agree ?
Lastly, is the eccentricity of this prod which reflects less "freedom of art" than "sexual fustration" really necessary ? If the woman was replaced by a meal, would the technicity of the prod have been less noted ?
Does showing such sexual content (explicit or not) to say a 8-year old girl affect the latter say 10 years from now ?
That's actually hard to say. I like to think that children don't see the world overly sexualized like grown-ups do (see the dolphin illusion), but as you already noticed, we're no neuropediatrics and I'm just speculating. But compared to this image, you can find way more explicit sexual content in today's TV.
Anyways, as I already stated, I don't even find this production technically interesting. If the woman was replaced by an ordinary meal, there'd be nothing to discuss about :(
Not very classy, not exactly what is expected from a 4k graphics compo... Made me laugh anyway
Baudsurfer: Personally I find it completely tasteless and lack of judgement that people bring their children to these parties. I never would. However, to make your nonsense argumentation make sense, you must think that a jury should dictate what content is suitable for children and what is not? Ok, I'm sure that would work in some regimes
The fuck, this won?
... don't really wanna argue about whether it's appropriate or not, piggie. That it won is the only thing that sucks.
... don't really wanna argue about whether it's appropriate or not, piggie. That it won is the only thing that sucks.
What maytz said... ;)
The discussion here reminds me of the one for an earlier procedural graphics entry. I wonder if it will go on for just as long. :)
@Optima :
I am not argumenting anything to the best of my knowldege and surely can't relate to any dictatorship regime you allude to, whilst solely trying to raise, albeit unskilfully I reckon, awareness of a simple dilemma amidst the "it's all fun - fart - penis - poop - pussy - vomit" trolling fest unravelling here daily before my bleeding eyes :
-the scene died, or is dying because ...Blabbla ;
-the scene is made of 80% of white aging males ;
-the only two pools left to maintain survival are : women and children.
That is the only reason I am interested in discussing this issue here and now : not "freedom of art", not "female equality", not "children protection", not to get noticed and stick my neck out or be some flagship, not to hurt your feelings and not to try to dictate anybody's conduct, or act as a moral fag. I actually dislike this role but the everly celebrated wisdom of silence could also be interpreted as blatant cowardness when in urgency.
Of course teenagers will always be teenagers and there are a handful of sadly mentally ill scene-related trolls, but is it simply feasible for the rest of us to take into account in a disciplined and calm fashion that women and children could be more attracted to participate to the demoscene at some point if we were just slightly more respectful of their views ? Not through rules or guidelines or censorship but simply by using our heads and agreeing it's probably very much needed.
For the record, I like the 1910 Art-Deco movement style of this picture, which I studied in art school. I find it mildly funny even. The technic seems if not spectacular OK. I never piggy and very rarely downthumb prods but did not want to send wrong signal. I don't blame Maytz at all which seems a nice person on top of all.
your nonsense argumentation [...] dictate what content [...] some regimes
I am not argumenting anything to the best of my knowldege and surely can't relate to any dictatorship regime you allude to, whilst solely trying to raise, albeit unskilfully I reckon, awareness of a simple dilemma amidst the "it's all fun - fart - penis - poop - pussy - vomit" trolling fest unravelling here daily before my bleeding eyes :
-the scene died, or is dying because ...Blabbla ;
-the scene is made of 80% of white aging males ;
-the only two pools left to maintain survival are : women and children.
That is the only reason I am interested in discussing this issue here and now : not "freedom of art", not "female equality", not "children protection", not to get noticed and stick my neck out or be some flagship, not to hurt your feelings and not to try to dictate anybody's conduct, or act as a moral fag. I actually dislike this role but the everly celebrated wisdom of silence could also be interpreted as blatant cowardness when in urgency.
Of course teenagers will always be teenagers and there are a handful of sadly mentally ill scene-related trolls, but is it simply feasible for the rest of us to take into account in a disciplined and calm fashion that women and children could be more attracted to participate to the demoscene at some point if we were just slightly more respectful of their views ? Not through rules or guidelines or censorship but simply by using our heads and agreeing it's probably very much needed.
For the record, I like the 1910 Art-Deco movement style of this picture, which I studied in art school. I find it mildly funny even. The technic seems if not spectacular OK. I never piggy and very rarely downthumb prods but did not want to send wrong signal. I don't blame Maytz at all which seems a nice person on top of all.
Everything sam and Baudsurfer said.
Just like radiantx, I agree with everything that was said by Baudsurfer and sam.
compensatory drama thumb: no technical achievement, no original content
compensatory drama thumb: no technical achievement, no original content
technically uninteresting
Drama thumb here too
Sexists rule \o/
Sexist ? Dude just finished eating a woman's "honeycomb", I'll bet she's somewhere on cloud nine right now.
Anyone even tried to assume that this is from the women's perspective ;)
Anyone even tried to assume that this is from the women's perspective ;)
can anybody think of all the children?
you know revision is not a easter family fest but a party for adults. if they bring their childred they are surely allowed to but they do it at their own risk.
with it being lound and stuff it's probably not the best place for children anyways..
you know revision is not a easter family fest but a party for adults. if they bring their childred they are surely allowed to but they do it at their own risk.
That kind of ageist comment is another reason why the scene is dying. I went to my first copy/demo/coding gathering at the age of 11 or 12 and boy am I glad there was no old paternalist schmuck telling me it was a “party for adults”.
And then there's a lot of real sceners with own children who might reconsider visiting demoparties again.
Not sure if it's technically that interesting... 4k is a lot for an image, eg the one below is 3554 bytes with standard gif packing. exo7 rules!

even if idea is citated, i enjoyed this more than rest of the 4k gfx compo entries.
@baah: And only 2.8kb with PNG.
But then again, you only have the encoded data.
I'd like to see you include any gif or png decoder in 4k together with any interesting picture data :)
But then again, you only have the encoded data.
I'd like to see you include any gif or png decoder in 4k together with any interesting picture data :)
what d0DgE said. plus drama thumb.
Well it seems the people who go to demo parties are not the ones who think this is sexist, otherwise it wouldn't have one. Technically it's not great but someone did something fun and different in a compo, maybe thats why it won. So my thumb is for going left of the field!
@maytz: a crazy Frenchie has made a png decoder that is about 5k unpacked in 68000, so it's not THAT impossible ;)
That kind of ageist comment is another reason why the scene is dying. I went to my first copy/demo/coding gathering at the age of 11 or 12 and boy am I glad there was no old paternalist schmuck telling me it was a “party for adults”.
I was 11 or 12 when I just wanted to play a new game on my Amiga. And then I had to watch this.
12 years later I was in the Demoscene! :-))
Hahaha, why did I know 100% which intro novel posted before I even clicked the link? :D
As for the picture, well, I don't really understand the drama hence thumb. :D
As for the picture, well, I don't really understand the drama hence thumb. :D
Well... the only important question is: Copied with permission or not?
Apart from that: Uncrunching png/gif/jpeg is merely a function call on todays OSes.
Line/vector art FTW =)
Apart from that: Uncrunching png/gif/jpeg is merely a function call on todays OSes.
Line/vector art FTW =)
T$: It's not with permission.
Actually the picture was found by searching google for "like a sir", which you will find in a other madpakke 4k gfx.
Try searching the original picture, and see how many different results google will give you - quite a lot. It was only recently - as in after revision! - I actually managed to find the original author.
Actually the picture was found by searching google for "like a sir", which you will find in a other madpakke 4k gfx.
Try searching the original picture, and see how many different results google will give you - quite a lot. It was only recently - as in after revision! - I actually managed to find the original author.
I fail to see how oral sex is sexist.
I fail to see how oral sex is sexist.
The exact same off-topic comment was already made, and it was already answered. I fail to see how you’re being relevant.
Jebus crick.. lighten up people. If this could win, and that offends you - then man the fuck up and do something better! :D
ripping sucks
refinement, delicacy, awesome coding

Unpleasant, uninteresting.
waste of time
rez: "sexist"? you gotta be kidding me, what is sexist in this picture?
for the sake of it:
for the sake of it:
Nice one - with thumb reversal due to ripped artwork.
what sam said

Disgusting (ring on man's hand).
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